1.0.1 The Specifications are specially established with a view to adapting to the demand of construction of drainage engineering for airfield area of civil airports in China, strengthening the construction management and safety production, improving construction technique level and ensuring engineering quality, economy and rationality, materials conservation and economic benefit promotion.
1.0.2 The Specifications are applicable to the quality standard, inspection frequency and method for construction of drainage engineering for airfield area of newly-built, extended and rebuilt civil airports (including the civil parts of civil and military airports). General airports and heliports may be implemented by reference to the Specifications.
1.0.3 Corresponding technical measures shall be taken for the construction of drainage engineering for airfield area of airports according to design document in combination with local climate, hydrology, geology, tools, equipment etc. so as to ensure engineering quality and construction safety.
1.0.4 New technique, technology, material and equipment which are mature and approved by competent departments shall be actively popularized during construction of drainage engineering.
1.0.5 Quality requirements in the Specifications are established according to practical experience in civil airport construction over the years by reference to the current relevant national standards. The construction of drainage engineering for airfield area of airports shall not only meet the requirements stipulated in the Specifications, but also comply with those specified in relevant current national standards and specifications.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms 3 Construction Preparation and Construction Measurement 3.1 Construction Preparation 3.2 Construction Measurement 4 Trenching 4.1 General Requirements 4.2 Trenching Section 4.3 Earth Excavation and Mounding 4.4 Quality Standards for Trenching 4.5 Support 5 Unsurfaced Subgrade at Trench Bottom 6 Bed Course 6.1 General Requirements 6.2 Quality Standards 7 Template and Steel Bar 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Fabrication and Installation of Template 7.3 Quality Standards 7.4 Template dismantlement 7.5 Steel Bar 8 Concrete Construction 9 Cover Plate Trench 9.1 Reinforced Concrete Cover Plate Trench 9.2 Brick and Stone Cover Plate Trench 9.3 Precast Cover Plate 10 Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert 11 Pipeline 11.1 Pipe 11.2 Pipe Base and Pipe Seat 11.3 Pipe Section Installation 11.4 Pipe Interface 11.5 Pipe Strengthening 11.6 Pipe-jacking 11.7 Pipe Seepage Test 12 Inspection Well, Connector Well, Collector Well and Water Inlet and Outlet 12.1 Inspection Well, Connector Well and Collector Well 12.2 Water Inlet and Outlet 12.3 Quality Standard 13 Backfilled Soil 14 Open Trench 14.1 General Requirements 14.2 Soil Open Trench 14.3 Brick and Stone Revetment Open Trench 14.4 Cement Concrete Revetment Open Trench 15 Joint 16 Water Seepage System 16.1 General Requirements 16.2 Pipe-type Water Seepage System 16.3 Pipeless Water Seepage System 16.4 Quality Standard Appendix A Rigid Interface Appendix B Flexible Interface Appendix C Seepage Test Explanation of Wording in the Specifications