1.0.1 This method is formulated with a view to adapting the demand of China highway construction, guaranteeing the quality of materials stabilized with inorganic binders for highway engineering, and specifying the test methods of various materials stabilized with inorganic binders.
1.0.2 This method is applicable to physical and mechanical tests of industrial waste residues such as cement, lime and fly ash and their composite stabilized materials, and to the tests of raw materials such as lime, cement and fly ash.
1.0.3 Instruments and equipment used in this method shall be subjected to qualified periodic verification by the corresponding metrological service or testing organization and shall meet the corresponding measuring range and accuracy requirements.
1.0.4 This method adopts the national legal standard measurement unit system.
1.0.5 The tests of materials stabilized with inorganic binders for highway engineering shall not only comply with, but also the current relevant national and professional standards and codes.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Tests of Raw Materials T 0801-2009 Test Method of Water Content (Drying Method) T 0802-1994 Test Method of Water Content (Sand Bath Method) T 0803-1994 Test Method of Water Content (Ethanol Method) T 0809-2009 Determination Method of Cement or Lime Dose in Cement or Lime-stabilized Material (EDTA Titrimetry) T 0810-2009 Determination Method of Lime Dose in Lime-stabilized Material (Readable Calcium Tester Method) T 0811-1994 Determination Method of Effective Calcium Oxide in Lime T 0812-1994 Determination Method of Magnesium Oxide in Lime T 0813-1994 Simple Determination Method of Effective Calcium Oxide and Magnesium Oxide in Lime T 0814-2009 Test Method of Lime Fineness T 0815-2009 Determination Method of Undigested Lime Residue Content T 0816-2009 Determination Method of Silicon Dioxide, Iron Oxide and Aluminum Oxide Content in Fly Ash T 0817-2009 Determination Method of Ignition Loss of Fly Ash T 0818-2009 Test Method of Fly Ash Fineness T 0819-2009 Determination Method of Density of Lime and Fly Ash T 0820-2009 Determination Method of Specific Surface Area of Fly Ash (Blaine Method) 4 Sampling, Forming and Curing Tests of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0841-2009 Sampling Method of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0804-1994 Test Method of Compaction of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0842-2009 Test Method of Vibration Compaction of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0843-2009 Fabrication Method of Specimens of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders (Cylindrical) T 0844-2009 Fabrication Method of Specimen of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders (Beam Type) T 0845-2009 Test method of Curing for Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders 5 Physical and Mechanical Tests of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0805-1994 Test Method of Unconfined Comperssion Strength of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0806-1994 Test Method of Indirect Tension Strength of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders (Splitting test) T 0851-2009 Test Method of Flexural-tensile Strength of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0808-1994 Test Method of Indoor Compression Modulus of Resilience of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders (Top Surface Method) T 0807-1994 Test Method of Indoor Compression Modulus of Resilience of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders (Loading Plate Method) T 0852-2009 Test Method of Splitting Modulus for Resilience of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0853-2009 Test Method of Flexural-tensile Modulus for Resilience of Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0854-2009 Test Method of Drying Shrinkage for Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0855-2009 Test Method of Temperature Shrinkage for Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0856-2009 Test Method of Fatigue for Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0857-2009 Test Method of Indoor Dynamic Compression Modulus of Resilience for Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0858-2009 Test Method of Freezing and Thawing for Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0859-2009 Test Method of Water Penetration Test for Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders T 0860-2009 Test Method of Antiscour for Materials Stabilized with Inorganic Binders Appendix A Judgement and Treatment Method of Exceptional Value of Normal Sample Appendix B Unitary Linear Regression Analysis