1.0.1 This standard is formulated with a view to testing the basic engineering properties of soil, unifying the test methods, and providing reliable calculation index and parameter for the highway engineering and construction.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to basic engineering properties tests of foundation soil, subgrade soil and other road using soil in highway engineering.
1.0.3 For engineering of all kinds, the reasonable testing program is prepared, the representative samples are selected, the accurate data are gotten and the correct analysis and arrangement of data is conducted. The soil indexes to reflect the actual situation are provided for engineering and construction.
1.0.4 The analysis and arrangement for soil test material are conducted according to Annex A, and the overall (soil mass unit) characteristics and change regularity are estimated by the research on the samples (data gotten in the test).
1.0.5 For soils of different type and gradation, the soil test reports shall state basic particle gradation, liquid limit and plastic limit indexes of soils; for special soil, it shall also provide test indexes in indicate the essential characteristic of special soil.
1.0.6 The highway soil tests shall meet the requirements of relevant current national and professional standards, besides this standard.
Contents 1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Classification of Soil 3.1 General Requirements 3.2 Classification of giant particle soil 3.3 Classification of Coarse particle soil 3.4 Classification of fine particle soil 3.5 Classification of special soil 3.6 Simple discrimination, classification and description of soils 4 Soil Sample Acquisition and Preparation T 0101-2007 acquisition, transportation and storage of soil sample T 0102-2007Soil sample and sample preparation 5 Soil Water Content Test T 0103-1993 Drying method T 0104-1993 alcohol combustion method T 0105-1993 hydrometer method 6 Soil Density Test T 0107-1993 core cutter method T 0108 - 1993 The method of power-driven soil sample barrel T 0109 - 1993 Wax sealing method T 0110 - 1993 water replacement method T 0110 - 1993 sand replacement method 7 Specific Gravity Test of Soil T 0112-1993 Pyknometer Method T 0169-2007 Buoyancy Method T 0113-1993 Suspending Weigh Method T 0114-1993 Siphon Cylinder Method 8 Grain Size Analysis Test T 0115-1993 Sieve Method T 0116-2007 hydrometer method T 0117-1993 Pipette Method 9 Limit Water Content Test T 0118 - 2007 Liquid limit and plastic limit combined method T 0170-2007 liquid limit disc apparatus method T 0119-1993 plastic limit rolling method T 0120-1993 shrinkage limit test 10 Soil Shrinkage Test T0121-1993 Shrinkage Test 11 Test on Natural Consistency of Soil T0122-2007 Natural Consistency Test 12 Test on the Relative Density of Sand T 0123—1993 Test on the Relative Density of Sand 13 Soil Humidification Test T0171-2007 Humidification Test 14 Test on Rising Height of Capillary Water in Soil T0128-1993 Test on Rising Height of Capillary Water 15 Permeability Test T 0129-1993 Constant Head Permeability Test T 0130-2007 Variable Head Permeability Test 16 Compaction Test of Soil T0131-2007 Compaction Test 17 Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test of Soil T 0134-1993 Califonia Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test 18 Resilience Modulus Test of Soil T0135-1993 Loading Plate Test Method T0136-1993 Intensity Instrument Test Method 19 Soil Mass Consolidation Test T 0137-1993 Single axle consolidometer method T0138-1993 Accelerated Test Method 20 Test on Water Content of Standard Absorption for Soil T 0172-2007 Test on Water Content of Standard Absorption 21 Test of Loess Settlement by Soaking 21 Test of Loess Settlement by Soaking T0139-2007 Test of relative-settlement Coefficient T 0173 - 2007 Test on Coefficient of Deadweight Settlement by Soaking T 0174-2007 Test of Lixiviation Deformation Coefficient T 0174-2007 Test of Lixiviation Deformation Coefficient T 0175-2007 Test on Initial Pressure of Soaking Settlement T 0175-2007 Test on Initial Pressure of Soaking Settlement 22 Direct Shear Test of Soil T 0140-1993 Drained Shear Test of Clay Soil T0141-1993 Consolidated Quick Shear Test of Clay Soil T0142-1993 Quick Shear Test of Clay Soil T0143-1993 Direct Shear Test of Sandy Soil T 0176-2007 Drainage Repeating Direct Shear Test 23 Triaxial Compression Test of Soil T0144-1993 Unconsolidated Undrained Test T 0145-1993 Consolidated-undrained Test T0146-1993 Consolidated Drained Test T 0177—2007 One Sample and Multi-grade Loading Test 24 Unconfined Compression Strength Test of Soil T0148-1993 Unconfined Compression Strength Test of Fine Particle Soil 25 The Test on Maximum Dry Density of Coarse Particle Soil and Giant Particle Soil T 0133 - 1993 surface vibration compacting apparatus method T 0132-1993 shaking table method 26 Direct shear test o coarse particle soil T 0178-2007 direct shear test of coarse particle soil 27 Coarse particle soil triaxial compression test T 0147-1993 coarse particle soil triaxial compression test 28 Soil Expansibility Test T 0124-1993 Free Expansion Ratio Test T 0125-1993 No-load Expansion Ratio Test T 0126-1993 Load Expansion Ratio Test T 0127-1893 Expansive Force Test 29 Frozen Soil Test T 0179-2007 Suspending Weigh Method Test for Frozen Soil Density T 0180-2407 Buoyancy Method Test for Frozen Soil Density T 0181-2007 Combined Determination Method Test for Frozen Soil Density T 0182-2007 Core Cutter Method Test for Frozen Soil Density T 0183-2007 Sand-filling Method Test for Frozen Soil Density T 0184-2007 Freezing Temperature Test T 0185-2007 Thermal Conductivity Test for Frozen Soil T 0186-2007 Unfrozen-water Content Test T 0187-2007 Frozen-heave Factor Test T 0188-2007 Frozen Soil Thawing Compression Test 30 Soil Chemical Composition Test T 0149-1993 Acidity and Alkalinity Test T 0150-1993 Ignition Loss Test T 0151-1993 Organic Content Test T 0152-1993 Preparation of to-be-measured Solution for Soluble Salt Test T 0153-1993 Determination of Total Amount of Soluble Salt-Mass Method T 0154-1993 Determination of Carbonate and Bicarbonate in Soluble Salt T 0155-1993 Determination of Chlorine Iron in Soluble Salt - Silver Nitrate Titration Method T 0156-1993 Determination of Chlorine Iron in Soluble Salt - Mercuric Nitrate Titration Method T 0157-1993 Determination of Calcium and Magnesium Ion in Soluble Salt - EDTA Complexometric Titration T 0158-1993 Determination of Sulfate Radical in Soluble Salt - Mass Method T 0159-1993 Determination of Sulfate Radical in Soluble Salt - EDTA Indirect Complexometry T 0l60-1993 Determination of Sodium and Potassium Ion in Soluble Salt- Flame Photometry T 0161-1993 Determination of Gypsum in Medium Soluble Salt - Hydrochloric Acid Extraction Barium Sulfate Mass Method T 0162-1993 Determination of Calcium Carbonate in Insoluble Salt - Gasometry T 0163-1993 Cation Exchange Capacity Test- EDTA- Ammonium Salt Rapid Method T 0164-1993 Cation Exchange Capacity Test- Ammonium Oxalate- Ammonium Chloride Method 31 Soil Mineral Composition Test T 0165-1993 Determination of Silicon T 0166-1993 Determination of Sesquioxide (R2o3) Content T 0167-1993 Determination of Iron and Aluminum T 0168-1993 Determination of Calcium and Magnesium Annex A Analysis and Re-arrangement Method for Test Results Annex B Carbon Dioxide Density Sheet