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Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 The Rules are prepared in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the country with a view to protecting lawful rights and interests of parties to automobile freight/goods transportation, defining the rights, obligations and responsibilities of carrier, shipper, consignee and other parties concerned and maintaining normal order of road freight transportation. Article 2 The activities, including commercial automobile freight transportation, related freight handling and loading, automobile freight transportation service, undertaken within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall comply with the Rules. Unless otherwise specified in law or regulation, the Rules apply to combined transport by motor vehicle and other modes. Freight transportation by tractors and other motor/non-motor vehicles may comply with the Rules by reference. Article 3 The terms in the Rules have the following meanings: (1) Carrier refers to an operator who undertakes freight transportation by automobile and enters into a contract of freight transportation with a shipper. (2) Shipper refers to an entity or individual who enters into a contract of freight transportation with a carrier. (3) Consignee refers to an entity or individual who is appointed in the freight transport contract by the shipper to take delivery of the freight. (4) Freight transportation agent (hereinafter referred to as agent) refers to an operator who contracts freight in his/her own name and respectively signs freight transportation contract with the shipper and the carrier. (5) Station yard operator refers to an operator who undertakes business including goods/freight storage, stockpiling, packaging, handling and loading, at a station or yard. (6) Transport period refers to the specific time of goods starting shipment and arrivingat the destination that is jointly agreed by the carrier and the shipper. Where the transport period is not specified, per 200 km is deemed to be one-day transport distance from the date of shipment start, and the transport period is calculated by dividing the transport mileage by the one-day transport distance. (7) Carrier's period of responsibility refers to the total time that the goods is under the carrier's control from the carrier's reception of the freight to the delivery to the consignee (including the time that the freight is transferred to relevant department in accordance with the relevant requirements of the country). This article won't affect the agreement on the assumed responsibilities agreed by the carrier and the shipper prior to loading and after unloading. (8) Handling and loading refers to operations of goods loading to and unloading from vehicles with human force or by machinery, and handling to certain position at the beginning and end of freight transportation. The distance of handling with human force is not larger than 200m, and that of handling bymachinery is not larger than 400m (except freight handling within station and yard operating zones). Chapter 2 Basic Conditions of Transportation Section 1 Carrier, Shipper and Transport Vehicle Article 4 Carrier, shipper and transport agent shall sign and perform automobile freight transportation contract inaccordance with the laws of the country, relevant transportation regulations and administrative regulations. Article 5 According to the demands of the goods, the carrier shall, by different characteristics of the goods, provide economical and applicable vehicles with good technical condition that satisfythe requirements ofthe carried goods mass. Vehicles and containers to be used shall be of neater appearance, and vehicle body and container shall be clean and free of contaminant and residue inside. Article 6 Vehicle or container vehicle carrying special goods shall be equipped with special apparatus or dedicated equipment that meets the transportation requirements. Section 2 Transportation Category Article 7 Single freight consignment with a charged weight of 3t or less by the shipper refers to less-than-truckload (LTL) transport. Article 8 Single freight consignment with a charged weight of over 3t or less than 3t by the shipper, however, requiring an automobile to carry because of its property, volume and shape, refers to lot goods transport. Article 9 The transportation requiring large-scale or special purpose vehicle to carry because of volume and weight refers to special large-scale heavy transport. Article 10 The transportation with freight container by automobile refers to automobile container transport. Article 11 The transportation that the goods is shipped to the destination in the specified distance within the specified time refers to express transport; immediate transportation upon consignment, as required by the shipper, refers to special express transport. Article 12 The transportation for dangerous goods, including flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and radioactive, listed in List of Dangerous Goods, as well as new products that have dangerous goods property but have not been listed in List of Dangerous Goods, refers to dangerous goods automobile transport. Article 13 Transportation by small-scale van with leasing mark, for freighter's temporary employment, charged by time, mileage and prescribed rate, refers to leasing van transport. Article 14 The transportation and handling/loading service for individual or entity's relocation charged by prescribed rate refers to move transport. Section 3 Type of Goods Article 15 Goods that has no special requirement in transportation, handling and keeping refers to ordinary goods. Ordinary goods is classified into three classes. Article 16 Goods that requires special measures in transportation, handling and keeping refers to special goods. Special goods is classified to four classes. Article 17 Goods whose weight per cubic meter volume is less than 333kg refers to light goods. Its volume should be computed with the highest, longest and widest sizes of the goods external profile (according to package if have). Section 4 Insurance on Goods and Insured Transport Article 18 Freight transportation may be insured by two manners - insurance on goods and insured transport, chosen at the shipper's sole discretion, in the principle of "voluntary insurance". Article 19 Insurance on goods may be assured on the insurance company by the shipper, or entrusted to the carrier. Article 20 Insured transport refers to the freight transportation that acceptance and consignment procedures are handled according to insured goods and the goods is indemnified at the rate declared by the shipper and according to the goods damage intensity in case of any goods indemnity. For the goods that is consigned with a waybill by the shipper, value-insured or non-value-insured may be chosen. Article 21 If the shipper chooses insured transport, the value of goods declared shall not exceed the actual value hereof; insured transport shall be value-insured in the whole distance. Article 22 If a transportation is undertaken in several distances or by multiple carriers, the insurance fee should be agreed by the first carrier (transport agent) with successive carriers, and indicated in the transportation contract. Where no agreement relevant is agreed by the carriers, the transportation is deemed as insured transport and the parties shall assume respective responsibilities. Article 23 For the goods subject to insured transport, the transportation contract shall be stamped with "INSURED TRANSPORT". The insurance fee shall be charged not more than 7‰ of the insured value of the goods. Chapter 3 Conclusion, Performance, Alteration and Rescission of Transportation Contract Section 1 Conclusion of Contract Article 24 Automobile freight transport contract shall be in writing, oral or other forms. Contracts in writing are divided into regular transport contract, one-off transport contract and road waybill (hereinafter referred to as "waybill"). Automobile freight transport contract shall be signed by the carrier or the shipper under the principle of equality, voluntary participation, fairness, honesty and trustworthiness. Article 25 Regular automobile freight transport contract shall include the basic contents as below: (1) The names, addresses, telephones and post codes of shipper, consignee and carrier; (2) The category, name and property of the goods; (3) The weight, quantity or monthly, quarterly or annual lot size of the goods; (4) The origin and destination of the transportation; (5) The transport mass; (6) The effective period of the contract; (7) The handling responsibility; (8) The value of the goods, whether value-insured or insured; (9) The method of payment for transport charges; (10) The liabilities for breach of contract; and (11) The methods to settle disputes. Article 26 One-off transport contract and waybill shall include the basic contents as below: (1) The names, addresses, telephones and post codes of shipper, consignee and carrier; (2) The name, property, weight, quantity and volume of the goods; (3) Place of loading, place of unloading, transport distance; (4) The manner of packing for the goods; (5) Date accepted and freight transit period; (6) The transport mass; (7) The handling responsibility; (8) The value of the goods, whether value-insured or insured; (9) The method of payment for transport charges; (10) The liabilities for breach of contract; and (11) The methods to settle disputes. Article 27 Regular transport contract is applicable to lot freight transportation completed in the period agreed by the carrier, shipper and transport agent. One-off transport contract is applicable to each freight transportation. When the carrier, shipper and transport agent sign regular transport contract or one-off transport contract, the waybill shall be deemed as an evidence of the freight transport contract concluded. In freight transportation by each vehicle-time or multiple short-distance vehicle-times in a day, the waybill shall be deemed as a contract. Article 28 Automobile freight transport contract shall come into force from the date of its signing and sealing. Where the parties conclude a contract in letter, telegraph text and other forms, the letter of confirmation may be signed and the contract comes to force from the date of signing the letter of confirmation. Section 2 Consignment of Goods Article 29 Where no regular transport contract or one-off transport contract is signed, the waybill shall be filled in according the following requirements: (1) Clearly indicate the names, addresses, telephones and post codes of the shipper, consignee and carrier; (2) Clearly indicate the name, property, number of packages, weight, volume and manner of packing of the goods; (3) Clearly indicate other issues concerned in the waybill; (4) The goods consigned with a waybill must be the same shipper/consignee; (5) Dangerous goods and ordinary goods, or goods with incompatible property, shall not be recorded in the same waybill; (6) Where the shipper requires unloading the goods by himself/herself, it shall be indicated in the waybill upon the carrier's confirmation. (7) Contracts and waybills shall be filled in with clear writing and accurate content by fountain pen or ball pen; in case that it is amended, the part amended must be signed and sealed. Article 30 Where regular transport contract or one-off transport contract has been signed, the waybill shall be filled in by the carrier as required in Article 29, but the contract number shall be filled in on the position of the shipper's signature and sealing on the waybill. Article 31 Where a waybill cannot contain all the type of the goods consigned, the "detailed list of goods" shall be filled in. Article 32 The name, property, number of packages, quality, volume, manner of packing of the goods consigned shall be consistent with the details recorded in the waybill. Article 33 Where the procedures like permission transport certification, approval and testing need be conducted in accordance with the requirements specified by the relevant departments, the shipper shall provide the carrier the permission transport certificate or approval documentation and go along with the goods when the shipper consigns the goods. Where the shipper entrusts the carrier to hand over relevant documents to the consignee on his/her behalf, the names and numbers of the documents shall be indicated in the waybill. Article 34 The goods consigned shall not carry dangerous goods, valuable goods, fresh and live goods, other perishable goods, goods vulnerable to pollution, currency, valuable securities, or goods prohibited or limited by the government, etc. Article 35 Consigned goods shall be packaged as agreed by the carrier and the shipper. Where the manner of packing is not specified or non-clearly agreed, it may be supplemented by concluding a new agreement; if an agreement is not made, the goods are packaged in the general manner; if there is no general manner, the goods shall be packaged in the principle of ensuring safety and completeness of goods in transportation, handling and loading. Where the packaging shall comply with the special packaging standard, it shall be in accordance with the standard. Article 36 The shipper shall, by goods property and transport requirement, properly use transport mark and pictorial marking for packaging / handling of goods in accordance with the requirements of the country. If second hand packing is used, the shipper shall remove irrelevant transport mark and pictorial marking for packaging / handling completely, and make new marks. Article 37 For special goods, the shipper shall indicate the transportation conditions and the special remarks in the waybill according to the following requirements: (1) For the goods that needs to be refrigerated or heat-insulated, the shipper shall proposethe requirements for the refrigerating temperature and the maintained temperature within a certain period; and (2) For fresh and live goods, the longest transport period and the instruction sheet on underway management and attendance shall be provided. The longest permissible transport period of the goods shall be longer than the period that the automobile transportation can achieve; (3) The consignment of the dangerous goods shall comply with "Rules of Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Automobile" issued by the Ministry of Communications; (4) The consignment of the freight container goodsshall comply with Rules of Transportation of Goods by Container Automobile issued by the Ministry of Communications; (5) For consignment of special large-scale heavy objects, the instruction sheet on goods property, weight, overall dimensions and transportation requirements shall be provided; the carrier and the shipper shall check the site conditions of the goods and transportation before acceptance of consignment; in case of need of troubleshooting, the shipper shall be in charge or entrust the carrier; the transportation procedure shall be conducted after agreeing the transportation scheme. Article 38 For lot goods transport, goods laden in bulk, unpackaged or non-integrated shall be consigned according to weight; where packaged and integrated goods can be counted and accepted by pieces, it may be consigned by pieces, and the internal quantity in a piece is neglected. 汽车货物运输规则(交通部令1999年第5号) 中华人民共和国交通部令 1999年第5号 2000年01月01日 第一章 总 则 第一条 为保护汽车货物运输当事人的合法权益,明确承运人、托运人、收货人以及其他有关方的权利、义务和责任,维护正常的道路货物运输秩序,依据国家有关法律、法规,制定本规则。 第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事营业性汽车货物运输及相关的货物搬运装卸、汽车货物运输服务等活动,应遵守本规则。 除法律、法规另有规定外,汽车运输与其他运输方式实行货物联运的适用本规则。拖拉机及其他机动车、非机动车辆从事货物运输的,可参照本规则执行。 第三条 本规则下列用语的含义: (一)承运人,是指使用汽车从事货物运输并与托运人订立货物运输合同的经营者。 (二)托运人,是指与承运人订立货物运输合同的单位和个人。 (三)收货人,是指货物运输合同中托运人指定提取货物的单位和个人。 (四)货物运输代办人(以下简称货运代办人),是指以自己的名义承揽货物并分别与托运人、承运人订立货物运输合同的经营者。 (五)站场经营人,是指在站、场范围内从事货物仓储、堆存、包装、搬运装卸等业务的经营者。 (六)运输期限,是由承托双方共同约定的货物起运、到达目的地的具体时间。末约定运输期限的,从起运日起,按200千米为1日运距,用运输里程除每日运距,计算运输期限。 (七)承运责任期间,是指承运人自接受货物起至将货物交付收货人(包括按照国家有关规定移交给有关部门)止,货物处于承运人掌管之下的全部时间。本条规定不影响承运人与托运人就货物在装车前和卸车后对承担的责任达成的协议。 (八)搬运装卸,是指货物运输起讫两端利用人力或机械将货物装上、卸下车辆,并搬运到一定位置的作业。人力搬运距离不超过200米,机械搬运不超过400米(站、场作业区内货物搬运除外)。 第二章 运输基本条件 第一节 承运人、托运人与运输车辆 第四条 承运人、托运人、货运代办人在签订和履行汽车货物运输合同时,应遵守国家法律和有关的运输法规、行政规章。 第五条 承运人应根据承运货物的需要,按货物的不同特性,提供技术状况良好、经济适用的车辆,并能满足所运货物重量的要求。使用的车辆、容器应做到外观整洁,车体、容器内干净无污染物、残留物。 第六条 承运特种货物的车辆和集装箱运输车辆,需配备符合运输要求的特殊装置或专用设备。 第二节 运输类别 第七条 托运人一次托运货物计费重量3吨及以下的,为零担货物运输。 第八条 托运人一次托运货物计费重量3吨以上或不足3吨,但其性质、体积、形状需要一辆汽车运输的,为整批货物运输。 第九条 因货物的体积、重量的要求,需要大型或专用汽车运输的,为大型特型笨重物件运输。 第十条 采用集装箱为容器,使用汽车运输的,为集装箱汽车运输。 第十一条 在规定的距离和时间内将货物运达目的地的,为快件货物运输;应托运人要求,采取即托即运的,为特快件货物运输。 第十二条 承运《危险货物品名表》列名的易燃、易爆、有毒、有腐蚀性、有放射性等危险货物和虽未列入《危险货物品名表》但具有危险货物性质的新产品,为危险货物汽车运输。 第十三条 采用装有出租营业标志的小型货运汽车,供货主临时雇用,并按时间、里程和规定费率收取运输费用的,为出租汽车货运。 第十四条 为个人或单位搬迁提供运输和搬运装卸服务,并按规定收取费用的,为搬家货物运输。 第三节 货物种类 第十五条 货物在运输、装卸、保管中无特殊要求的,为普通货物。普通货物分为三等。 第十六条 货物在运输、装卸、保管中需采取特殊措施的,为特种货物。特种货物分为四类。 第十七条 货物每立方米体积重量不足333千克的,为轻泡货物。其体积按货物(有包装的按货物包装)外廓最高、最长、最宽部位尺寸计算。 第四节 货物保险与货物保价运输 第十八条 货物运输有货物保险和货物保价运输两种投保方式,采取自愿投保的原则,由托运人自行确定。 第十九条 货物保险由托运人向保险公司投保,也可以委托承运人代办。 第二十条 货物保价运输是按保价货物办理承托运手续,在发生货物赔偿时,按托运人声明价格及货物损坏程度予以赔偿的货物运输。托运人一张运单托运的货物只能选择保价或不保价。 第二十一条 托运人选择货物保价运输时,申报的货物价值不得超过货物本身的实际价值;保价运输为全程保价。 第二十二条 分程运输或多个承运人承担运输,保价费由第一程承运人(货运代办人)与后程承运人协商,并在运输合同中注明。承运人之间没有协议的按无保价运输办理,各自承担责任。 第二十三条 办理保价运输的货物,应在运输合同上加盖“保价运输”戳记。保价费按不超过货物保价金额的7‰收取。 第三章 运输合同的订立、履行、变更和解除 第一节 合同的订立 第二十四条 汽车货物运输合同采用书面形式、口头形式和其他形式。书面形式合同种类分为定期运输合同、一次性运输合同、道路货物运单(以下简称运单)。汽车货物运输合同由承运人或托运人本着平等、自愿、公平、诚实、信用的原则签订。 第二十五条 定期汽车货物运输合同应包含下列基本内容: (一)托运人、收货人和承运人的名称(姓名)、地址(住所)、电话、邮政编码; (二)货物的种类、名称、性质; (三)货物重量、数量或月、季、年度货物批量; (四)起运地、到达地; (五)运输质量; (六)合同期限; (七)装卸责任; (八)货物价值,是否保价、保险; (九)运输费用的结算方式; (十)违约责任; (十一)解决争议的方法。 第二十六条 一次性运输合同、运单应包含以下基本内容: (一)托运人;收货人和承运人的名称(姓名)、地址(住所)、电话、邮政编码; (二)货物名称、性质、重量、数量、体积; (三)装货地点、卸货地点、运距; (四)货物的包装方式; (五)承运日期和运到期限; (六)运输质量; (七)装卸责任; (八)货物价值,是否保价、保险; (九)运输费用的结算方式; (十)违约责任; (十一)解决争议的方法。 第二十七条 定期运输合同适用于承运人、托运人、货运代办人之间商定的时期内的批量货物运输。 一次性运输合同适用于每次货物运输。 承运人、托运人和货运代办人签订定期运输合同、一次性运输合同时,运单视为货物运输合同成立的凭证。 在每车次或短途每日多次货物运输中,运单视为合同。 第二十八条 汽车货物运输合同自双方当事人签字或盖章时成立。当事人采用信件、数据电文等形式订立合同的,可以要求签订确认书,签订确认书时合同成立。 第二节 货物托运 第二十九条 未签订定期运输合同或一次性运输合同的,托运人应按以下要求填写运单: (一)准确表明托运人和收货人的名称(姓名)和地址(住所)、电话、邮政编码; (二)准确表明货物的名称、性质、件数、重量、体积以及包装方式; (三)准确表明运单中的其他有关事项; (四)一张运单托运的货物,必须是同一托运人、收货人; (五)危险货物与普通货物以及性质相互抵触的货物不能用一张运单; (六)托运人要求自行装卸的货物,经承运人确认后,在运单内注明; (七)应使用钢笔或圆珠笔填写,字迹清楚,内容准确,需要更改时,必须在更改处签字盖章。 第三十条 已签订定期运输合同或一次性运输合同的,运单由承运人按第二十九条的规定填写,但运单托运人签字盖章处填写合同序号。 第三十一条 托运的货物品种不能在一张运单内逐一填写的,应填写“货物清单”。 第三十二条 托运货物的名称、性质、件数、质量、体积、包装方式等,应与运单记载的内容相符。 第三十三条 按照国家有关部门规定需办理准运或审批、检验等手续的货物,托运人托运时应将准运证或审批文件提交承运人,并随货同行。托运人委托承运人向收货人代递有关文件时,应在运单中注明文件名称和份数。 第三十四条 托运的货物中,不得夹带危险货物、贵重货物、鲜活货物和其他易腐货物、易污染货物、货币、有价证券以及政府禁止或限制运输的货物等。 第三十五条 托运货物的包装,应当按照承托双方约定的方式包装。对包装方式没有约定或者约定不明确的,可以协议补充;不能达成补充协议的,按照通用的方式包装,没有通用方式的,应在足以保证运输、搬运装卸作业安全和货物完好的原则下进行包装。 依法应当执行特殊包装标准的,按照规定执行。 第三十六条 托运人应根据货物性质和运输要求,按照国家规定,正确使用运输标志和包装储运图示标志。 使用旧包装运输货物,托运人应将包装上与本批货物无关的运输标志、包装储运图示标志清除干净,并重新标明制作标志。 第三十七条 托运特种货物,托运人应按以下要求,在运单中注明运输条件和特约事项: (一)托运需冷藏保温的货物,托运人应提出货物的冷藏温度和在一定时间内的保持温度要求; (二)托运鲜活货物,应提供最长运输期限及途中管理、照料事宜的说明书。货物允许的最长运输期限应大于汽车运输能够达到的期限; (三)托运危险货物,按交通部《汽车危险货物运输规则》办理; (四)托运采用集装箱运输的货物,按交通部《集装箱汽车运输规则》办理; (五)托运大型特型笨重物件,应提供货物性质、重量、外廓尺寸及对运输要求的说明书;承运前承托双方应先查看货物和运输现场条件,需排障时由托运人负责或委托承运人办理;运输方案商定后办理运输手续。 第三十八条 整批货物运输时,散装、无包装和不成件的货物按重量托运;有包装、成件的货物,托运人能按件点交的,可按件托运,不计件内细数。 第三十九条 运输途中需要饲养、照料的有生物、植物,尖端精密产品、稀有珍贵物品、文物、军械弹药、有价证券、重要票证和货币等,托运人必须派人押运。 大型特型笨重物件、危险货物、贵重和个人搬家物品,是否派人押运,由承托双方根据实际情况约定。 除上述规定的货物外,托运人要求押运时,需经承运人同意。 第四十条 需派人押运的货物,托运人在办理货物托运手续时,应在运单上注明押运人员姓名及必要的情况。 第四十一条 押运人员每车一人,托运人需增派押运人员,在符合安全规定的前提下,征得承运人的同意,可适当增加。押运人员须遵守运输和安全规定。 押运人员在运输过程中负责货物的照料、保管和交接;如发现货物出现异常情况,应及时作出处理并告知车辆驾驶人员。 第三节 货物受理 第四十二条 承运人受理凭证运输或需有关审批、检验证明文件的货物后,应当在有关文件上注明已托运货物的数量、运输日期,加盖承运章,并随货同行,以备查验。 第四十三条 承运人受理整批或零担货物时,应根据运单记载货物名称、数量、包装方式等,核对无误,方可办理交接手续。发现与运单填写不符或可能危及运输安全的,不得办理交接手续。 第四十四条 承运人应当根据受理货物的情况,合理安排运输车辆,货物装载重量以车辆额定吨位为限,轻泡货物以折算重量装载,不得超过车辆额定吨位和有关长、宽、高的装载规定。 第四十五条 承运人应与托运人约定运输路线。起运前运输路线发生变化必须通知托运人,并按最后确定的路线运输。承运人未按约定的路线运输增加的运输费用,托运人或收货人可以拒绝支付增加部分的运输费用。 第四十六条 货物运输中,在与承运人非隶属关系的货运站场进行货物仓储、装卸作业,承运人应与站场经营人签订作业合同。 第四十七条 运输期限由承托双方共同约定后应在运单上注明。承运人应在约定的时间内将货物运达。零担货物按批准的班期时限运达,快件货物按规定的期限运达。 第四十八条 整批货物运抵前,承运人应当及时通知收货人做好接货准备;零担货物运达目的地后,应在24小时内向收货人发出到货通知或按托运人的指示及时将货物交给收货人。 第四十九条 车辆装载有毒、易污染的货物卸载后,承运人应对车辆进行清洗和消毒。因货物自身的性质,应托运人要求,需对车辆进行特殊清洗和消毒的,由托运人负责。 第四节 合同的变更和解除 第五十条 在承运人末将货物交付收货人之前,托运人可以要求承运人中止运输、返还货物、变更到达地或者将货物交付给其他收货人,但应当赔偿承运人因此受到的损失。 第五十一条 凡发生下列情况之一者,允许变更和解除: (一)由于不可抗力使运输合同无法履行; (二)由于合同当事人一方的原因,在合同约定的期限内确实无法履行运输合同; (三)合同当事人违约,使合同的履行成为不可能或不必要; (四)经合同当事人双方协商同意解除或变更,但承运人提出解除运输合同的,应退还已收的运费。 第五十二条 货物运输过程中,因不可抗力造成道路阻塞导致运输阻滞,承运人应及时与托运人联系,协商处理,发生货物装卸、接运和保管费用按以下规定处理: (一)接运时,货物装卸、接运费用由托运人负担,承运人收取已完成运输里程的运费,退回末完成运输里程的运费。 (二)回运时,收取已完成运输里程的运费,回程运费免收。 (三)托运人要求绕道行驶或改变到达地点时,收取实际运输里程的运费。 (四)货物在受阻处存放,保管费用由托运人负担。 第四章 搬运装卸与交接 第五十三条 货物搬运装卸由承运人或托运人承担,可在货物运输合同中约定。 承运人或托运人承担货物搬运装卸后,委托站场经营人、搬运装卸经营者进行货物搬运装卸作业的,应签订货物搬运装卸合同。 第五十四条 搬运装卸人员应对车厢进行清扫,发现车辆、容器、设备不适合装货要求,应立即通知承运人或托运人。 第五十五条 搬运装卸作业应当轻装轻卸,堆码整齐;清点数量;防止混杂、撤漏、破损;严禁有毒、易污染物品与食品混装,危险货物与普通货物混装。 第五十六条 对性质不相抵触的货物,可以拼装、分卸。 第五十七条 搬运装卸过程中,发现货物包装破损,搬运装卸人员应及时通知托运人或承运人,并做好记录。 第五十八条 搬运装卸危险货物,按交通部《汽车危险货物运输、装卸作业规程》进行作业。 第五十九条 搬运装卸作业完成后,货物需绑扎苫盖篷布的,搬运装卸人员必须将篷布苫盖严密并绑扎牢固;由承、托运人或委托站场经营人、搬运装卸人员编制有关清单,做好交接记录;并按有关规定施加封志和外贴有关标志。 第六十条 承、托双方应履行交接手续,包装货物采取件交件收;集装箱重箱及其他施封的货物凭封志交接;散装货物原则上要磅交磅收或采用承托双方协商的交接方式交接。交接后双方应在有关单证上签字。 第六十一条 货物在搬运装卸中,承运人应当认真核对装车的货物名称、重量、件数是否与运单上记载相符,包装是否完好。包装轻度破损,托运人坚持要装车起运的,应征得承运人的同意,承托双方需做好记录并签章后,方可运输,由此而产生的损失由托运人负责。 第六十二条 货物运达承、托双方约定的地点后,收货人应凭有效单证提(收)货物,无故拒提(收)货物,应赔偿承运人因此造成的损失。 第六十三条 货物交付时,承运人与收货人应当做好交接工作,发现货损货差,由承运人与收货人共同编制货运事故记录,交接双方在货运事故记录上,签字确认。 第六十四条 货物交接时,承托双方对货物的重量和内容有质疑,均可提出查验与复磅,查验和复磅的费用由责任方负担。 第六十五条 货物运达目的地后,承运人知道收货人的,应及时通知收货人,收货人应当及时提(收)货物,收货人逾期提(收)货物的,应当向承运人支付保管费等费用。收货人不明或者收货人无正当理由拒绝受领货物的,依照《中华人民共和国合同法》第一百零一条的规定,承运人可以提存货物。 第五章 运输责任的划分 第六十六条 承运人末按约定的期限将货物运达,应负违约责任;因承运人责任将货物错送或错交,应将货物无偿运到指定的地点,交给指定的收货人。 第六十七条 承运人未遵守承托双方商定的运输条件或特约事项,由此造成托运人的损失,应负赔偿责任。 第六十八条 货物在承运责任期间和站、场存放期间内,发生毁损或灭失,承运人、站场经营人应负赔偿责任。但有下列情况之一者,承运人、站场经营人举证后可不负赔偿责任: (一)不可抗力; (二)货物本身的自然性质变化或者合理损耗; (三)包装内在缺陷,造成货物受损; (四)包装体外表面完好而内装货物毁损或灭失; (五)托运人违反国家有关法令,致使货物被有关部门查扣、弃置或作其他处理; (六)押运人员责任造成的货物毁损或灭失; (七)托运人或收货人过错造成的货物毁损或灭失。 第六十九条 托运人末按合同规定的时间和要求,备好货物和提供装卸条件,以及货物运达后无人收货或拒绝收货,而造成承运人车辆放空、延滞及其他损失,托运人应负赔偿责任。 第七十条 因托运人下列过错,造成承运人、站场经营人、搬运装卸经营人的车辆、机具、设备等损坏、污染或人身伤亡以及因此而引起的第三方的损失,由托运人负责赔偿: (一)在托运的货物中有故意夹带危险货物和其他易腐蚀、易污染货物以及禁、限运货物等行为; (二)错报、匿报货物的重量、规格、性质; (三)货物包装不符合标准,包装、容器不良,而从外部无法发现; (四)错用包装、储运图示标志。 第七十一条 托运人不如实填写运单,错报、误填货物名称或装卸地点,造成承运人错送、装货落空以及由此引起的其他损失,托运人应负赔偿责任。 第七十二条 货运代办人以承运人身份签署运单时,应承担承运人责任,以托运人身份托运货物时,应承担托运人的责任。 第七十三条 搬运装卸作业中,因搬运装卸人员过错造成货物毁损或灭失,站场经营人或搬运装卸经营者应负赔偿责任。 第六章 运输费用 第七十四条 汽车货物运输价格按不同运输条件分别计价,其计算按《汽车运价规则》办理。 第七十五条 汽车货物运输计费重量单位,整批货物运输以吨为单位,尾数不足100千克时,四舍五入;零担货物运输以千克为单位,起码计费重量为l千克,尾数不足1千克时,四舍五入;轻泡货物每立方米折算重量333千克。 按重量托运的货物一律按实际重量(含货物包装、衬垫及运输需要的附属物品)计算,以过磅为准。由托运人自理装车的,应装足车辆额定吨位,未装足的,按车辆额定吨位收费。统一规格的成包成件的货物,以一标准件重量计算全部货物重量。散装货物无过磅条件的,按体积和各省、自治区、直辖市统一规定重量折算标准计算。接运其他运输方式的货物,无过磅条件的,按前程运输方式运单上记载的重量计算。拼装分卸的货物按最重装载量计算。 第七十六条 汽车货物运输计费里程按下列规定确定: (一)货物运输计费里程以千米为单位,尾数不足l千米的,进为1千米。 (二)计费里程以省、自治区、直辖市交通行政主管部门核定的营运里程为准,未经核定的里程,由承托双方商定。 (三)同一运输区间有两条(含两条)以上营运路线可供行驶时,应按最短的路线计算计费里程或按承托双方商定的路线计算计费里程。拼装分卸从第一装货地点起至最后一个卸货地点止的载重里程计算计费里程。 第七十七条 汽车货物运输的其他费用,按以下规定确定: (一)调车费,应托运人要求,车辆调出所在地而产生的车辆往返空驶,计收调车费。 (二)延滞费,车辆按约定时间到达约定的装货或卸货地点,因托运人或收货人责任造成车辆和装卸延滞,计收延滞费。 (三)装货落空损失费,因托运人要求,车辆行至约定地点而装货落空造成的车辆往返空驶,计收装货落空损失费。 (四)排障费,运输大型特型笨重物件时,需对运输路线的桥涵、道路及其他设施进行必要的加固或改造所发生的费用,由托运人负担。 (五)车辆处置费,因托运人的特殊要求,对车辆改装、拆卸、还原、清洗时,计收车辆处置费。 (六)在运输过程中国家有关检疫部门对车辆的检验费以及因检验造成的车辆停运损失,由托运人负担。 (七)装卸费,货物装卸费由托运人负担。 (八)通行费,货物运输需支付的过渡、过路、过桥、过隧道等通行费由托运人负担,承运人代收代付。 (九)保管费,货物运达后,明确由收货人自取的,从承运人向收货人发出提货通知书的次日(以邮戳或电话记录为准)起计,第四日开始核收货物保管费;应托运人的要求或托运人的责任造成的,需要保管的货物,计收货物保管费。货物保管费由托运人负担。 第七十八条 汽车货物运输的运杂费按下列规定结算: (一)货物运杂费在货物托运、起运时一次结清,也可按合同采用预付费用的方式,随运随结或运后结清。托运人或者收货人不支付运费、保管费以及其他运输费用的,承运人对相应的运输货物享有留置权,但当事人另有约定的除外。 (二)运费尾数以元为单位,不足一元时四舍五入。 第七十九条 货物在运输过程中因不可抗力灭失,末收取运费的,承运人不得要求托运人支付运费;已收取运费的,托运人可以要求返还。 第八十条 出入境货物运输、国际联运汽车货物运输的运价,按有关规定办理。 第七章 货运事故和违约处理 第八十一条 货运事故是指货物运输过程中发生货物毁损或灭失。货运事故和违约行为发生后,承托双方及有关方应编制货运事故记录。 货物运输途中,发生交通肇事造成货物损坏或灭失,承运人应先行向托运人赔偿,再由其向肇事的责任方迫偿。 第八十二条 货运事故处理过程中,收货人不得扣留车辆,承运人不得扣留货物。由于扣留车、货而造成的损失,由扣留方负责赔偿。 第八十三条 货运事故赔偿数额按以下规定办理: (一)货运事故赔偿分限额赔偿和实际损失赔偿两种。法律、行政法规对赔偿责任限额有规定的,依照其规定;尚未规定赔偿责任限额的,按货物的实际损失赔偿。 (二)在保价运输中,货物全部灭失,按货物保价声明价格赔偿;货物部分毁损或灭失,按实际损失赔偿;货物实际损失高于声明价格的,按声明价格赔偿;货物能修复的,按修理费加维修取送费赔偿。保险运输按投保人与保险公司商定的协议办理。 (三)未办理保价或保险运输的,且在货物运输合同中未约定赔偿责任的,按本条第一项的规定赔偿。 (四)货物损失赔偿费包括货物价格、运费和其他杂费。货物价格中末包括运杂费、包装费以及已付的税费时,应按承运货物的全部或短少部分的比例加算各项费用。 (五)货物毁损或灭失的赔偿额,当事人有约定的,按照其约定,没有约定或约定不明确的,可以补充协议,不能达成补充协议的,按照交付或应当交付时货物到达地的市场价格计算。 (六)由于承运人责任造成货物灭失或损失,以实物赔偿的,运费和杂费照收;按价赔偿的,退还已收的运费和杂费;被损货物尚能使用的,运费照收。 (七)丢失货物赔偿后,又被查回,应送还原主,收回赔偿金或实物;原主不愿接受失物或无法找到原主的,由承运人自行处理。 (八)承托双方对货物逾期到达,车辆延滞,装货落空都负有责任时,按各自责任所造成的损失相互赔偿。 第八十四条 货运事故发生后,承运人应及时通知收货人或托运人。收货人、托运人知道发生货运事故后,应在约定的时间内,与承运人签注货运事故记录。收货人、托运人在约定的时间内不与承运人签注货运事故记录的,或者无法找到收货人、托运人的,承运人可邀请2名以上无利害关系的人签注货运事故记录。 货物赔偿时效从收货人、托运人得知货运事故信息或签注货运事故记录的次日起计算。 在约定运达时间的30日后末收到货物。视为灭失,自31日起计算货物赔偿时效。 末按约定的或规定的运输期限内运达交付的货物,为迟延交付。 第八十五条 当事人要求另一方当事人赔偿时,须提出赔偿要求书,并附运单、货运事故记录和货物价格证明等文件。要求退还运费的,还应附运杂费收据。另一方当事人应在收到赔偿要求书的次日起,60日内作出答复。 第八十六条 承运人或托运人发生违约行为,应向对方支付违约金。违约金的数额由承托双方约定。 第八十七条 对承运人非故意行为造成货物迟延交付的赔偿金额,不得超过所迟延交付的货物全程运费数额。 第八十八条 货物赔偿费一律以人民币支付。 第八十九条 由托运人直接委托站场经营人装卸货物造成货物损坏的,由站场经营人负责赔偿;由承运人委托站场经营人组织装卸的,承运人应先向托运人赔偿,再向站场经营人追偿。 第九十条 承运人、托运人、收货人及有关方在履行运输合同或处理货运事故时,发生纠纷、争议,应及时协调解决或向县级以上人民政府交通主管部门申请调解;当事人不愿和解、调解或者和解、调解不成的,可依仲裁协议向仲裁机构申请仲裁;当事人没有订立仲裁协议或仲裁协议无效的,可以向人民法院起诉。 第八章 附 则 第九十一条 按法律、法规和规章的规定,对利用汽车货物运输合同危害国家利益、社会公共利益的,由县级以上人民政府交通主管部门及其所属的道路运政管理机构负责监督处理。 第九十二条 本规则由交通部负责解释。 第九十三条 本规则自2000年1月1日起施行。1988年1月26日交通部发布的《汽车货物运输规则》同时废止。 |
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