This standard specifies the methods for management and measuring SF6 gas in electrical equipment, gives the re-use technology of recovered gas in the process of maintenance, overhaul and disintegration of SF6 electrical equipment, and recommends the recovery process of SF6 gas and the quality standards for the re-used gas.
This standard is applicable to the test, management and disposal of SF6 gas in equipment operation and overhaul.
Some specific regulations on the management and measuring of SF6 gas in electrical equipment shall be implemented according to relevant standards.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2900.13 Electrotechnical terminology - Dependability and quality of service (GB/T 2900.13-2008, IEC 60050(191):1990; Amend.1:1999 And Amend.2:2002, IDT)
GB 50150 Electric equipment installation engineering - Standard for hand-over test of electric equipment
DL/T 596 Preventive test code for electric power equipment
IEC 60050 (441) International electrotechnical vocabulary - Part 441: Chapter 441: Switchgear, controlgear and fuses
IEC 60050 (826) International electrotechnical vocabulary - Part 826: Electrical installations
IEC 60376:2005 Specification of technical grade sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) for use in electrical equipment
IEC/TR 62271-303 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 303: Use and handling of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2900.5, GB/T 2900.13, IEC 60050(441), IEC 60050(826) and the following apply.
3.1 General terms
electrical equipment
any device used for such purposes as generation, conversion, transmission, distribution or utilization of electrical energy, such as electric generators, transformers, measuring equipment, protective devices, wiring materials, appliances
part providing protection of equipment against certain external influences and, in any direction, against direct contact
combination of all technical and administrative actions, including supervision actions, intended to retain equipment in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform a required function
3.2 Material aspects
insulating material
solid with negligible low electric conductivity, used to separate conducting parts of different electrical potentials
insulating gas
gas with negligible low electric conductivity, used to separate conducting parts of different electrical potentials
conducting part intended as a conducting interface with a medium of different conductivity
storage container
3.3 Environmental aspects
new sulfur hexafluoride
SF6 complying with standard requirements, and never used previously
used sulfur hexafluoride
SF6 introduced into electrical equipment, and likely to be contaminated by impurities after the equipment runs after being electrified
unused sulfur hexafluoride
SF6 never been introduced into electrical equipment (e.g. gas having been transferred into a storage tank)
gaseous decomposition products
decomposition products produced by insulating gas during use
transfer of gas from electrical equipment into a recovery device or reservoir
elimination of soluble and insoluble contaminants from an insulating liquid or gas by physical and chemical means, in order to make it meet the new quality standard of SF6 as much as possible
solid adsorbent
solid substances that can be used for adsorbing impurities
device for the purification of used gas for the purpose of re-use on-site
use of recovered or reclaimed gas for filling new or existing electrical equipment
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 3.1 General terms 3.2 Material aspects 3.3 Environmental aspects 4 General properties of SF6 4.1 General properties 4.2 Electrical properties 4.3 Compatibility 5 Impurities and their sources 5.1 General 5.2 Impurities from overhaul and in service 5.3 Impurities in equipment having only an insulating function 5.4 Impurities in switching equipment 5.5 Impurities from internal arcs 6 Environmental aspects 6.1 General 6.2 Impact on the ecosystem 6.3 Ozone depletion 6.4 Greenhouse effect 6.5 Decomposition products 6.6 Conclusion 7 Health and safety 7.1 General 7.2 Precautions necessary with SF6 7.3 Toxicity of SF6 decomposition products in running equipment 7.4 Health considerations 8 Quality specification for re-use of SF6 in running equipment 8.1 Decision flowchart for SF6 removed from electrical equipment for disposal 8.2 Maximum acceptable impurity levels for re-use of SF6 9 Analysis methods for SF6 9.1 General 9.2 On-site analysis 9.3 Laboratory analysis methods 10 Analysis items, periods and standards of SF6 10.1 Analysis items and quality indicators of new SF6 10.2 Analysis items and quality indicators of SF6 during handover before commissioning 10.3 Analysis items and quality indicators of SF6 in operation 11 Management of SF6 11.1 Quality management of new gas 11.2 Management of SF6 in operation 11.3 Management of SF6 during disassembly of equipment 11.4 Management of adsorbent 11.5 Management of SF6 container 12 Disposal, storage and transportation of recovered SF6 gas 12.1 General 12.2 SF6 recovery and disposal equipment 12.3 Safety requirements for disposal of used SF6 12.4 Storage and transportation of used SF6 Annex A (Informative) Description of the different methods of analysis (on-site and laboratory) Annex B (Informative) Recommended on-site recovery procedures and transportation of SF6 in containers Annex C (Informative) Comparison between this standard and IEC 60480:2004 in clause/subclause number Annex D (Informative) Technical differences between this standard and IEC 60480 and their reasons Figure 1 Decision flow chart for recovered SF6 Figure 2 Decision flow chart for on-site analysis Figure A.1 Gas sampling device: vacuuming Figure A.2 Gas sampling device: flushing Figure A.3 Typical gas chromatogram of SF6 decomposition products (analysis performed with a Porapak Q column) Figure A.4 IR spectrum of SF6 and its impurities Table 1 Main impurities of SF6 and their sources Table 2 Recommended on-site analysis methods Table 3 Recommended laboratory analysis methods Table 4 Analysis items and quality indicators of new SF6 (including reclaimed gas) Table 5 Analysis items and quality indicators of SF6 (excluding mixed gas) during handover before commissioning Table 6 Analysis items and quality indicators of SF6 (excluding mixed gas) in operation Table A.1 Thermal conductivity detector relative mass correction factor Table A.2 Peak absorption of SF6 and its impurities Table B.1 Recommended purification methods Table B.2 Various types of available typical adsorbents Table B.3 Summary of SF6 transportation regulations Table C.1 Comparison in clause/subclause number Table C.2 Comparison in figure and table numbers Table D.1 Technical differences in clauses/subclauses and annexes and their reasons Table D.2 Technical differences in figures and tables and their reasons