This document specifies test methods for verifying the stability of telescopic boom forklift trucks handling unladen or fully loaded freight containers of 6 m length and above.
This document applies to telescopic forklift trucks equipped with spreaders (top lift and side lift) for the handling of containers in exchangeable carriages, semi-trailers or other load-carrying devices.
This document does not specify requirements for telescopic forklifts (see ISO 22915-11) and rough terrain telescopic forklifts (see ISO 22915-14).
This document does not apply to forklift trucks for handling containers with a removable centre of gravity (see ISO 3874).
This document does not apply to counterbalanced forklift trucks with gantries for the handling of freight containers (see ISO 22915-9).
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute essential provisions of this document by means of normative references in the text. Where a reference is dated, only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; where a reference is not dated, the latest version (including all amendment sheets) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 10827.2-2021 Safety requirements and certification for industrial vehicles Part 2: Self-propelled telescopic forklifts (ISO 3691-2:2016, IDT)
ISO 1496-2 Series 1 Technical requirements and test methods for freight containers Part 2:Insulated containers
Note:GB/T 7392-1998 Series 1 Technical requirements and test methods for freight containers Insulated containers(idtISO 1496-2:1996)
ISO 3874 Series 1 Handling and securing of freight containers
Note:GB/T 17382-2008 Series 1 Handling and bolting of containers (ISO 3874:1997, IDT)
ISO 5353 Driver's seat calibration points for earthmoving machinery, agricultural and forestry tractors and machinery
Note:GB/T 6236-2008 Driver's seat marking points for agricultural and forestry tractors and machinery
ISO 22915-1 Industrial vehicles Stability verification Part 1: General provisions
Note:GB/T 26949.1-2020 Industrial vehicles Stability verification part 1: General provisions (ISO 22915-1:2016, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
The terms defined in ISO 22915-1 and the following terms and definitions apply to this document.
telescopic-arm forklift trucks for handling freight containers industrialvariable-reachtruckhandlingfreightcontainer
Counterbalanced forklift trucks equipped with telescopic or non-telescopic, non-swivelling articulated arms as defined in ISO 5053:1987, specially designed for handling freight containers of 6 m length and above.
NOTE 1: The handling device is mounted directly on the lifting mechanism, which is non-swivelling or has a swivelling angle of not more than 5° on either side of the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.
Note 2: Telescopic forklifts for handling freight containers are expected to be used on solid, level, horizontal and paved surfaces.
Note 3: Telescopic forklift trucks for handling freight containers may be fitted with stabilisers, axle locking devices or frame lateral levelling devices as defined in GB/T 10827.2-2021.
4 Operating conditions
4.1 General rules
In addition to the conditions specified in ISO 22915-1, the following conditions shall be met:
operation of the forklift truck in wind speeds not exceeding 12.2 m/s (operation and stacking of freight containers at normal operating height).
4.2 Partial lifting of containers
Prior to operation, lift the container so that the bottom of the container is not more than 900mm above the seat alignment point (SIP) as defined in ISO 5353 and the boom is fully retracted.
Note: A raised container allows the operator in a low position on the vehicle to see the bottom of the container.
5 Test conditions
5.1 General rules
See ISO 22915-1.
The test shall take into account the normal degree of deflection of the container as specified in ISO 3874.
When handling empty refrigerated containers with integral refrigeration units (refrigerators) as specified in ISO 1496-2, offset loads shall be considered in accordance with ISO 22915-20.
5.2 Prevailing winds
The test should not be carried out in prevailing winds, as this will have a significant effect on the test results.
5.3 Wind forces
5.3.1 Longitudinal tests
In the longitudinal test, the wind force acting on the freight container shall be calculated according to the following formula:
For vehicles expected to be used in winds greater than the rated wind speed of 12.2 m/s, vw shall be replaced by the actual wind speed.
Note: References (e.g. lifting and construction standards) confirm that a Cf1 value of 1.3 is appropriate for winds acting in a direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the freight container.
5.3.2 Transverse tests
In the transverse stability test, the wind effect was only apparent when the container was being handled.
5.4 Positioning of the vehicle on the inclined platform
The vehicle should be positioned on the inclined platform in accordance with Table 1. The load and steering axles are indicated by their centre lines. Figure 2 defines the position of the load and steering axles.
5.5 Test loads 5.5.1 General rules
The test load shall consist of a basic load equivalent to the mass of the container and a load or force simulating the wind acting on the container. 5.5.2 Basic load
The test load shall be equivalent to a 2.90 m (9 ft 6 in) high ISO standard container with a mass equivalent to the manufacturer's rated lifting capacity and acting on the centre of mass.
When top lifting, side lifting or other load handling devices are used, the position of the centre of mass shall be determined by its connection point to the test load, e.g. the connection point of the swivel lock into the corner piece.
If the load handling device is laterally adjustable with respect to the longitudinal centreline of the vehicle, the provisions of ISO 22915-10 shall be complied with.
If the load handling device has positional adjustment in the direction of the longitudinal centreline of the vehicle in addition to the boom extension, it shall be tested at both limit positions within the adjustment range.
5.5.3 Wind power
The effect of wind forces may be simulated in the test by one of the following methods:
A force is applied to the centre of mass of the load along a direction perpendicular to the tilting axis of the forklift truck at the same vertical angle (parallel to the surface of the tilting platform) as specified in Table 1;
When the tilting angle of the tilting platform reaches the tilting angle specified in Table 1, a vertical load with a moment equal to the wind force is applied in addition to the test load.
5.6 Lifting height
5.6.1 Lifting height for the simulated stacking test
For the simulated stacking test, the test load shall be at the combination of lifting and projection specified by the manufacturer as being the most detrimental to the stability of the vehicle. For test 5 (see Table 1), the boom shall be at the maximum lifting angle and at the maximum and minimum outreach respectively.
5.6.2 Lifting height for the simulated running test with containers
For the simulated operation with container tests Peal and Test 4 (see Table 1), the boom shall be fully retracted and the centre of mass of the test load shall be at 2350 mm above the seat alignment point (SIP) as defined in ISO 5353.
This lifting height does not apply to vehicles that do not require the container to be raised in order to obtain a sufficient view in the direction of travel, e.g. with the operator in a high position or running backwards (container rearward). In these cases the load should be in the actual position specified by the manufacturer.
5.6.3 Lifting height for simulated operation without container
For the simulated operation without container test, the bottom of the load handling device shall be located 900 mm above the seat alignment point (SIP) as defined in ISO 5353, with the boom fully retracted.
6 Stability verification
The stability of the vehicle shall be verified according to Table 1.
When performing tests 4 and 5, the wheels shall not lose contact with the tilting platform or any structural component, nor shall any part of the vehicle come into contact with the tilting platform.
7 Marking
The actual lifting weight of the container handled as measured by the stability test shall be marked on the placard in accordance with 6.3 of GB/T 10827.2-2021.
The additional lifting capacity measured by the stability test with stabilisers and/or axle locking devices (see 5.4) shall be marked on the placard. When the wind speed used for the calculation in accordance with 5.3 is greater than the rated wind speed of 12.2 m/s, the actual wind speed used for the calculation shall be indicated.
contents 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Operating conditions 5 Test conditions For the simulated operation without container test, the bottom of the load handling device shall be located 900 mm above the seat alignment point (SIP) as defined in ISO 5353, with the boom fully retracted. 6 Stability verification 7 Marking Bibliography