This document gives safety requirements and the means for their verification for self-propelled industrial variable-reach trucks and variable-reach container handlers/reach stackers as defined in ISO 5053-1 (hereafter referred to as trucks), equipped with forks or integral load-handling devices for normal industrial duties (e.g. spreaders for handling containers).
It is not applicable to
——rough-terrain variable-reach trucks,
——rough-terrain variable-reach trucks for handling containers,
——machines designed primarily for earth-moving (e.g. loaders and dozers), even when their buckets and blades are replaced with forks,
——machines from which the load can swing freely in all directions.
For the purposes of this document, fork arms and integrated attachments are considered to be a part of the truck, whereas attachments/equipment mounted on the load carrier or on the fork arms which are removable by the user are not. Nevertheless, requirements for such attachments are also given by the document.
This document deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations or hazardous events, as listed in Annex B, with the exception of the following, relevant to the applicable machines when used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer.
It does not establish requirements for hazards that can occur
——during construction,
——when using trucks on public roads,
——when operating in potentially explosive atmospheres, or
——when lifting persons.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 8420-2011 Earth-moving machinery — Physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope (ISO 3411:2007, IDT)
GB/T 15706-2012 Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk reduction (ISO 12100:2010, IDT)
ISO 2328 Fork-lift trucks — Hook-on type fork arms and fork arm carriages — Mounting dimensions
Note: GB/T 5184-2016 Fork-lift trucks — Hook-on type fork arms and fork arm carriages — Mounting dimensions (ISO 2328:2011, IDT)
ISO 2330 Fork-lift trucks — Fork arms — Technical characteristics and testing
Note: GB/T 5182-2008 Fork-lift trucks — Fork arms — Technical characteristics and testing (ISO 2330:2002, IDT)
ISO 2867 Earth — moving machinery — Access systems
Note: GB/T 17300-2017 Earth — moving machinery — Access systems (ISO 2867:2011, IDT)
ISO 3287 Powered industrial trucks — Symbols for operator controls and other displays
Note: GB/T 7593-2008 Powered industrial trucks — Symbols for operator controls and other displays
ISO 3795 Road vehicles, and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry — Determination of burning behaviour of interior materials
Note: GB/T 20953-2007 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry — Determination of burning behavior of cab interior materials (ISO 3795:1989, MOD)
ISO 4413 Hydraulic fluid power — General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components
Note: GB/T 3766-2015 Hydraulic fluid power — General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components (ISO 4413:2010, MOD);
ISO 5053-1 Industrial trucks — Terminology and classification — Part 1: Types of industrial trucks
Note: GB/T 6104.1-2018 Industrial trucks — Terminology and classification — Part 1: Types of industrial trucks (ISO 5053-1:2021, IDT)
ISO 5353 Earth-moving machinery, and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry — Seat index point
Note: GB/T 8591-2000 Earth-moving machinery — Seat index point (eqv ISO 5353: 1995)
ISO 6055:2004 Industrial trucks — Overhead guards — Specification and testing
Note: GB/T 5143-2008 Industrial trucks — Overhead guards — Specification and testing (ISO 6055: 2004, IDT)
ISO 6292 Powered industrial trucks and tractors — Brake performance and component strength
ISO 7000 Graphical symbols for use on equipment — Registered symbols
ISO 10263-2 Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 2: Air filter element test method
Note: GB/T 19933.2-2014 Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 2: Air filter element test method (ISO 10263-2:2009, IDT)
ISO 10263-3 Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 3: Pressurization test method
Note: GB/T 19933.3-2014 Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 3: Pressurization test method (ISO 10263-3:2009, IDT)
ISO 10263-4 Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 4: Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) test method and performance
Note: GB/T 19933.4-2014 Earth-moving machinery — Operator enclosure environment — Part 4: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning(HVAC) test method and performance (ISO 10263-4:2009, IDT)
ISO 13284 Fork-lift trucks — Fork-arm extensions and telescopic fork arms — Technical characteristics and strength requirements
Note: GB/T 22417-2008 Fork-lift trucks — Fork-arm extensions and telescopic fork arms — Technical characteristics and strength requirements (ISO 13284:2003, IDT)
ISO 13564-1 Powered industrial trucks—Test methods for verification of visibility—Part 1: Sit-on and stand-on operator trucks and variable-reach trucks up to and including 10 t capacity
Note: GB/T 32272.1-2015 Powered industrial trucks — Test methods for verification of visibility — Part 1: Sit-on and stand-on operator trucks and variable-reach trucks up to and including 10 t capacity (ISO 13564-1: 2012, IDT)
ISO 15870 Powered industrial trucks — Safety signs and hazard pictorials — General principles
Note: GB/T 26560-2011 Powered industrial trucks — Safety signs and hazard pictorials — General principles (ISO 15870:2000, IDT)
ISO 15871 Industrial trucks — Specifications for indicator lights for container handling and grappler arm operations
Note: GB/T 22419-2008 Industrial trucks — Specification for indicator lights for container handling and grappler arm operations (ISO 15871:2000, IDT)
ISO 20898 Industrial trucks — Electrical requirements
ISO 21281 Construction and layout of pedals of self-propelled sit-down rider-controlled industrial trucks — Rules for the construction and layout of pedals
Note: GB/T 26562-2011 Construction and layout of pedals of self-propelled sit-down rider-controlled industrial trucks — Rules for the construction and layout of pedals (ISO 21281:2005, IDT)
ISO 22915-1 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 1: General
Note: GB/T 26949.1-2020 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 1: General (ISO 22915-1: 2016, IDT)
ISO 22915-10 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 10: Additional stability test for trucks operating in the special condition of stacking with load laterally displaced by powered devices
Note: GB/T 26949.10-2011 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 10: Additional stability tests for trucks operating in the special conditions of stacking with load laterally displaced by powered devices (ISO 22915-10:2008, IDT)
ISO 22915-11 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 11: Industrial variable-reach trucks
Note: GB/T 26949.11-2016 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 11: Industrial variable-reach trucks (ISO 22915-11:2011, IDT)
ISO 22915-12 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 12: Industrial variable-reach trucks handling freight containers of 6 m (20 ft) length and longer
Note: GB/T 26949.12-XXX Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 12:Industrial variable-reach trucks handling freight containers of 6 m length and longer (ISO 22915-12: 2015, IDT)
ISO 22915-20 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 20: Additional stability test for trucks operating in the special condition of offset load, offset by utilization
Note: GB/T 26949.20-2016 Industrial trucks — Verification of stability — Part 20: Additional stability test for trucks operating in the special condition of offset load, offset by utilization Conditions (ISO 22915-20:2008, IDT)
ISO 24135-1 Industrial trucks — Specifications and test methods for operator restraint systems — Part 1: Lap-type seat belts
Note: GB/T 26948.1-2011 Industrial trucks — Specifications and test methods for operator restraint systems — Part 1: Lap-type seat belts (ISO 24135-1: 2006, IDT)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 5053-1 and GB/T 15706, and the following terms and definitions apply.
self-propelled industrial variable-reach truck
seated-rider-operated, counterbalanced lift truck with one or more articulated arms, telescopic, non-slewing, used for stacking loads and for operation on smooth, level, prepared and consolidated surfaces
actual capacity at maximum lift height with forks
maximum load, (Q2), specified by the manufacturer that the truck is capable of lifting to its maximum height in normal operating conditions
Note: It is equal to the maximum load, with centre of gravity G (see Figure A.1), carried on the fork arms (3.7) at the standard load centre distance, (D), as specified in Annex A, and with the boom (3.9) adjusted to its maximum height. It is expressed in kilograms.
actual capacity at container position with spreader
maximum load, (Q), with row (d) and height (h), specified by the manufacturer that the truck is capable of lifting to its maximum height in normal operating conditions
axle locking
mechanism designed to stop oscillation of the rear axle so as to improve truck stability
extendable or pivoting mechanical supports used to improve stability of a stationary truck
lateral levelling
act of changing the angular relationship between the boom pivot and the ground in order to adjust the boom pivot to horizontal when the truck is standing on a side slope
Note: Used to ensure that the boom (3.9) operates in a vertical plane.
fork arms
device consisting of two or more solid forks, hook-mounted or shaft-mounted, that is fitted on the carriage and usually spread manually
fork arm extension
device fitted over the fork arms (3.7) to increase their length
pivoting support member providing radial and telescoping (if equipped) movement of the loadengaging means
Foreword i Introduction ii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Safety requirements and/or protective measures 5 Verification of safety requirements and/or protective measures 6 Information for use Annex A (Informative) Rated capacity of truck Annex B (Informative) List of significant hazards Bibliography