This standard specifies the terminologies and definitions, requirements, test methods, judgment rules, and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of down and feather.
This standard is applicable to the production, processing and trade of down and feather.
2 Normative References
The following documents for the application of this document are essential. Any dated reference, just dated edition applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 10288 Testing Methods for Down and Feather
GSB 16-2763 Photographic Standard of Down and Feather
3 Terminologies and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terminologies and definitions apply.
Down and feather
A general term for down and feather growing on waterfowls. Thereinto, the part with nominal "down content" larger than or equal to 50% is referred to as "down" and the part with nominal "down content" less than 50% is referred to as "feather". Goose feather and down as well as duck down and feather are common types.
Down includes down cluster, nestling down, plumule and damaged down.
Down content
The mass percent of down in down and feather.
Down cluster
A cluster formed by one down core and many down fibers diffused from this down core.
Nestling down
Down which has not yet grown well and is in umbrella shape.
It shows a feather type with thin and soft stalk as well as filiform and messy top end.
Damaged down
The down of which one down core diffuses two and more sticks of down fibers.
Down fiber
Single down fiber shedding from the down or feather root.
Feather growing on the whole body of goose and duck, which will not be broken when being folded from both ends.
Long feather
The duck feather longer than or equal to 7cm or the goose feather longer than or equal to 8cm, or the duck or goose feathers longer than the stipulated length in pure feather.
Nestling feather
The feather with more than two-thirds part forming feather shape and having blood vessels on lower part.
Feather fiber
Single barbule shedding from the feather surface.
Quill feather
The feather longer than or equal to 12cm or with quill longer than or equal to 1.2cm.
Colored down and feather
Colored down and feather in white goose/duck down and feather.
Damaged feather
Feather damaged by worms, rotting or machining, including broken feather and the feather with damaged area exceeding one third of the total area.
Landfowl feather
The feather of birds taking land as habitation, commonly including the feathers from chicken, pigeon and ostrich.
Ash, sand, dust, scurf, small blood vessel and other foreign matters.
Filling power
The volume occupied by a certain amount of down and feather sample, under specified pressure, in a container with a certain diameter.
Oxygen number
The oxygen number in the potassium permanganate consumed, during oxidation process, by the reducing substances in the filtrate of down and feather sample after being shaken and filtrated, expressed in milligrams corresponding to 100g sample.
The measured value obtained with turbidimeter by measuring the filtrate after washing the feather and down sample, representing the cleanliness degree of down and feather.
Fat and oil content
The mass percent of fat contained and other fat and oil adsorbed in unit mass of down and feather.
4 Requirements
Down and feather products shall be free from quill feather and their quality shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 1.
Contents Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terminologies and Definitions 4 Requirements 5 Test Methods 6 Judgment Rules 7 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage