is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This part is drafted in accordance with the rules given in the GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB/T 17627.1-1998 High-voltage Test Techniques for Low-voltage Equipment — Part 1: Definitions, Test and Procedure Requirements and GB/T 17627.2-1998 High-voltage Test Techniques for Low-voltage Equipment — Part 2: Measuring System and Test Equipment.
The following technical deviations have been made with respect to the GB/T 17627.1-1998 and GB/T 17627.2-1998:
— GB/T 17627.1-1998 and GB/T 17627.2-1998 are merged into GB/T 17627;
— The relevant content of “9 Test with impulse current” of GB/T 17627.1-1998 is deleted;
— The relevant content of “10 Composite test” of GB/T 17627.1-1998 is deleted;
— “Annex A 10 Arrangements of composite test” of GB/T 17627.1-1998 is deleted;
— Normative reference JJF 1059.1 is added (see Clause 2);
— The term and definition of scale factor is added (see 3.3.7);
— The terms and definitions relating to tolerance and uncertainty, include standard uncertainty, combined standard uncertainty, expanded uncertainty, coverage factor, type A evaluation, type B evaluation are added (see 3.7);
— The measuring systems and test procedures are added (see 4.3);
— The tests and test requirements for an approved measuring system and its components are added (see 4.4);
— Annex A “Evaluation and expression of uncertainty of measurement” is added.
— Annex B “Example for the evaluation of uncertainty of measurement” is added.
— Annex C “Atmospheric correction” is added.
This standard has been redrafted and modified adoption of International Standard IEC 61180:2016 High-voltage Test Techniques for Low-voltage Equipment — Definitions, Test and Procedure Requirements, Test Equipment.
Technical deviations between this standard and IEC 61180:2016 are marked with perpendicular single line (|) in the outside page margin of the provisions concerned.
Technical deviations between this standard and IEC 61180: 2016, together with their justifications, are given below:
— Adjustment on technical deviations had been made in normative references of this standard in order to adapt to the technical conditions of China. Clause 2 "Normative References" embodies a concentrated reflection of adjustments, specific adjustments are as follows:
● IEC 60068-1:2013 is replaced by GB/T 2421.1 which is identical with the international standard;
● IEC 61083-1:2001 is replaced by GB 16896.1 which is modified in relation to the international standard;
● IEC 61083-2:2013 is replaced by GB 16896.2 which is modified in relation to the international standard;
● ISO 60060-1:2010 is replaced by GB/T 16927.1-2011 which is modified in relation to the international standard;
● ISO 60060-2:2010 has been replaced by GB/T 16927.2-2013 which is modified in relation to the international standard;
● Normative reference GB/T 4706.1 is added;
● Normative reference JJF 1059.1-2012 is added;
● IEC 60335 (all parts) is deleted.
— Frequency range in IEC 61180 is 45 Hz to 65 Hz; however, considering that 60 Hz is not applicable to Chinese power grid, the frequency range is set to 45 Hz to 55 Hz so that it is consistent with that in GB/T 311.1 (see;
— IEC 61180 specifies the measuring system are traceable to national standards or international standards, which is modified to traceable to national benchmarks or standards in consideration of the actual situation of the measuring system of China (see 4.3.1).
For the purposes of this standard, the following editorial changes have also been made:
— According to the requirements of GB/T 1.1-2009, the compilation of Clause 1 Scope is standardized;
— Some of the units of measurement used in IEC 61180 are replaced with those used in the legal measuring system of China;
— The errors in the illustration in Figure 5 of IEC 61180 are modified;
— The incorrect symbols in the illustration of Figures A.1 and A.2 of IEC 61180 are modified;
— According to the requirements and practices of evaluation of uncertainty in China, the Annex B of IEC 61180 is rewritten;
— The incorrect symbols in C.2.3 of Annex C are modified;
— Bibliography is modified.
This standard was proposed by China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of National Technical Committee 163 on High Voltage Test Techniques and Insulation Coordination of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 163).
The previous editions of this standard are as follows:
— GB/T 17627.1-1998;
— GB/T 17627.2-1998.
High-voltage Test Techniques for Low-voltage Equipment — Definitions, Test and Procedure Requirements, Test Equipment
1 Scope
This standard specifies:
— defined terms of both general and specific applicability;
— general requirements regarding test objects and test procedures;
— methods for generation and measurement of test voltages;
— test procedures;
— methods for the evaluation of test results and to indicate criteria for acceptance;
— requirements concerning approved measuring devices and checking methods;
— measurement uncertainty.
Note 1: For examples of expression and evaluation of measurement uncertainty, see Annex A and Annex B.
Alternative test procedures may be required and these should be specified by the relevant technical committees.
Care should be taken if the test object has voltage limiting devices, as they may influence the results of the test. The relevant technical committees should provide guidance for testing objects equipped with voltage limiting devices.
This standard is applicable to the dielectric tests with direct voltage, alternating voltage, impulse voltage and test equipment having a rated voltage of not more than 1 kV a.c. or 1.5 kV d.c.
This standard is applicable to type and routine tests for low-voltage equipment which are subjected to high voltage tests as specified by the technical committee.
The test equipment comprises a voltage generator and a measuring system. Test equipment in which the measuring system is protected against external interference and coupling by appropriate screening, for example a continuous conducting shield. Therefore, simple comparison tests are sufficient to ensure valid results.
This standard is not intended to be used for electromagnetic compatibility tests on electric or electronic equipment.
Note 2: Tests with the combination of impulse voltages and currents are covered by GB/T 17626.5.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2421.1 Environmental Testing — General and Guidance (IEC 60068-1:2013, IDT)
GB 4706.1 Household and Similar Electrical Appliances — Safety — Part 1: General Requirements (GB 4706.1-2005, IEC 60335-1:2010, IDT)
GB/T 16896.1 Instruments and Software Used for Measurements in High-voltage Impulse Tests — Part 1: Requirements for Instruments (GB/T 16896.1-2005, IEC 61083-1:2001, MOD)
GB/T 16896.2 Instruments and Software Used for Measurements in High-voltage and High-current Tests — Part 2: Requirements for Software for Tests with Impulse Voltages and Currents (GB/T 16896.2-2016, IEC 61083-2:2013, MOD)
GB/T 16927.1-2011 High Voltage Test Techniques — Part 1: General Definitions and Test Requirements (IEC 60060-1:2010, MOD)
GB/T 16927.2-2013 High Voltage Test Techniques — Part 1: Measuring Systems (IEC 60060-2:2010, MOD)
GB/T 16935.1-2008 Insulation Coordination for Equipment within Low-voltage Systems — Part 1: Principles, Requirements and Tests (EC 60664-1:2007, IDT)
JJF 1059.1-2012 Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 General terms and definitions
distance between two conductive parts along a string stretched across the shortest path between these conductive parts
[GB/T 16935.1-2008, Definition 3.2]
creepage distance
shortest distance along the surface of a solid insulating material between two conductive parts
[GB/T 16935.1-2008, Definition 3.3]
3.2 Disruptive discharge and test voltages
disruptive discharge
failure of insulation under electric stress, in which the discharge completely bridges the insulation under test, reducing the voltage between electrodes to practically zero
[GB/T 16927.1-2011, Definition 3.1.1]
withstand voltage
specified voltage value which characterizes the insulation of the object with regard to a withstand test
[GB/T 16927.1-2011, Definition 3.2.4]
Note: Unless otherwise specified, withstand voltages are referred to standard reference atmospheric conditions (see 4.2).
3.3 Definitions related to the test of measuring system
set of operations that establishes, by reference to standards, the relationship which exists, under specified conditions, between an indication and a result of a measurement
Note: The determination of the scale factor is included in the calibration.
type test
conformity test made on one or more items representative of the production
Note: For a measuring system, this is a test performed on a component or on a complete measuring system of the same design to characterize it under operating conditions.
routine test
conformity test made on each individual item during or after manufacture
Note: This is a test performed on each component or on each complete measuring system to characterize it under operating conditions.
performance test
test performed on a complete measuring system to characterize it under operating conditions
[GB/T 16927.2-2013, Definition 3.7.4]
test equipment
complete set of devices needed to generate and measure the test voltage or current applied to a test object
reference measuring system
measuring system with its calibration traceable to relevant national, and having sufficient accuracy, and stability for use in the approval of other systems by making simultaneous comparative measurements with specific types of waveform and ranges of voltage
[GB/T 16927.2-2013, Definition 3.1.4]
scale factor
factor, which multiplying the reading of measuring instrument will obtani the input value of the whole measuring system
Note 1: A measuring system may have more than one scale factors for different calibration measurement ranges, different frequency ranges, or different waveforms.
Note 2: A measuring system that directly displays the input value with a nominal scale factor of 1.
[GB/T 16927.2-2013, Definition 3.3]
assigned scale factor
scale factor of a measuring system determined at the most recent performance test
Note: A measuring system may have more than one assigned scale factor; for example, it may have several ranges, each with a different scale factor.
[GB/T 16927.2-2013, Definition 3.3.5]
3.4 Characteristics related to direct voltage tests
value of the test voltage
arithmetic mean value of the test voltage
[GB/T 16927.1-2011, Definition 5.1.1]
periodic deviation from the arithmetic mean value of the test voltage
[GB/T 16927.1-2011, Definition 5.1.2]
ripple amplitude
half the difference between the maximum and minimum values
Note: In cases where the ripple shape is nearly sinusoidal, true r.m.s. values multiplied by are acceptable for determination of the ripple amplitude.
[GB/T 16927.1-2011, Definition 5.1.3]
ripple factor
ratio of the ripple amplitude to the value of test voltage
[GB/T 16927.1-2011, Definition 5.1.4]
3.5 Characteristics related to alternating voltage tests
peak value
average of the magnitudes of the positive and negative maximum values
[GB/T 16927.1-2011, Definition 6.1.1]
r.m.s. value
square root of the mean value of the square of the voltage values during a complete cycle
[GB/T 16927.1-2011, Definition 6.1.3]
true r.m.s value
true r.m.s value obtained from Equation (1):
0 — the time instant (t = 0) of an a.c. periodic wave, convenient for the beginning of integration;
T — the time taken over an integral number of cycles;
i(t) — the instantaneous value of the current.
Note 1: The true r.m.s. value can in general be calculated from a digitized record of any periodic waveform, provided a sufficient number of samples have been taken.
Note 2: In cases with varying frequency, no strict equation for true r.m.s. value can be given.
total harmonic distortion; THD
the ratio of the r.m.s value of the harmonic content of an alternating quantity to the r.m.s value of the fundamental component of the quantity
[GB/T 2900.33-2004, Definition 551-20-13]
3.6 Characteristics related to impulse tests (Figure 1)
Figure 1 Full impulse voltage time parameters
impulse voltage
intentionally applied aperiodic transient voltage which usually rises rapidly to a peak value and then falls more slowly to zero
[GB/T 16927.1-2011, Definition 7.1.1]
peak value
maximum value
value of the test voltage
for an impulse without overshoot or oscillations, its peak value
Note: The determination of the peak value, in the case of oscillations or overshoot on standard impulses, is considered in GB/T 16927.1-2011.
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and definitions 4 General Requirements 5 Tests with Direct Voltage 6 Tests with Alternating Voltage 7 Tests with Impulse Voltage 8 Reference Measurement Systems Annex A (Informative) Uncertainty of Measurement Annex B (Informative) Example for the Evaluation of Measuring Uncertainties in Voltage Measurement Annex C (Informative) Atmospheric Correction Bibliography