Technical Specifications for Safety of Power-driven Vehicles Operating on Roads
1 Scope
This standard specifies the basic technical requirements on relevant operation safety of complete vehicle, principal assembly and safety protection device of power-driven vehicle as well as the additional requirements of fire fighting truck, ambulance, rescue vehicle, police vehicle and vehicle for handicapped driving.
This standard is applicable to all the power-driven vehicles operating on roads in China, but not applicable to tramcar and wheeled mobile machinery for special purpose which is not designed and manufactured for travelling on road and mainly used on closed roads and sites for construction.
Note: tramcar refers to a road vehicle driven by motor, supplied with overhead grid and borne by track.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 811 Helmets for Motorcyclists
GB 1589 Limits of Dimensions, Axle Load and Masses for Road Vehicles
GB/T 2408-2008 Plastics - Determination of the Burning Behavior of Horizontal and Vertical Specimens
GB/T 3181 Color Standard for Paint Film
GB 4094 Motor Vehicles - Symbols for Controls, Indicators and Tell-tales
GB/T 4094.2 Electric Vehicles - Symbols for Controls, Indicators and Tell-tales
GB 4599 Photometric Characteristics of Headlamps for Motor Vehicles
GB 4785 Installation Specifications of the External Lighting and Signaling Devices for Motor Vehicles and Their Trailers
GB 5948 Photometric Characteristics of Incandescent-filament Headlamps for Motorcycles
GB 7956.1 Fire Fighting Vehicles - Part 1: General Technical Specifications
GB 8108 Vehicle-used Electronic Siren
GB/T 8196 Safety of Machinery - Guards - General Requirements for the Design and Construction of Fixed and Movable Guards
GB 8410 Flammability of Automotive Interior Materials
GB 9656 Safety Glazing Material for Motor Vehicle
GB 10396 Tractors and Machinery for Agricultural and Forestry, Power-driven Machinery for Lawn and Garden - Safety Signs
GB 11567 Side, Rear and Underrun Protection Requirements for Motor Vehicles and Trailers
GB/T 12428 Laden Mass Calculation of Buses
GB 12676 Vehicle Braking System, Structure, Performance and Test Method
GB 13057 Strength of Bus Seats and Anchorage Fittings
GB 13365 Spark Arrester
GB 13392 The Vehicle Mark for Road Transportation Dangerous Goods
GB 13954 Warning Lamps for Police Cars, Fire Engines, Ambulance and Rescue Vehicles
GB/T 14172 Static Roll Stability Test Method for Motor Vehicles
GB 15084 Motor Vehicles - Rear View Mirrors - Requirements of Performance and Installation
GB 15365 Motorcycle - Graphical Signs for Controls, Indicators, and Signaling Devices
GB 16735 Road Vehicle - Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
GB 17352 Rear-view Mirror Performance and Its Installation Requirements for Motorcycle and Moped
GB 17578 Provisions of Strength for the Superstructure of Bus
GB/T 17676 Natural Gas Vehicle and Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vehicle - Identification Marks
GB 18100.1 Specifications for the Installation of Lighting and Optico-signalling Devices of Motorcycle - Part 1: Motorcycle
GB 18100.2 Specifications for the Installation of Lighting and Optico-signalling Devices of Motorcycle - Part 2: Moped
GB 18100.3 Specifications for the Installation of Lighting and Optico-signalling Devices of Motorcycle - Part 3: Three-wheel Motorcycle
GB/T 18411 Road Vehicles - Manufacturer’s Plate
GB 18447.1 Safety Requirements for Tractors - Part 1: Wheeled Tractors
GB 18564.1 Road Tanker for Dangerous Liquid Goods Transportation - Part 1: Technical Requirements of Atmospheric Pressure Metal Tank
GB 18564.2 Road Tanker for Dangerous Liquid Goods Transportation - Part 2: Technical Requirements of Atmospheric Pressure Non-metal Tank
GB/T 18697 Acoustics - Measurement of Noise Inside Motor Vehicles
GB/T 19056 Vehicle Travel Data Recorder
GB 19151 Triangular Warning Board for Motor Vehicle
GB 19152 Motor Vehicle Headlamps Emitting A Symmetrical Passing Beam or A Driving Beam or Both
GB 20074 External Projections from Motorcycles and Mopeds
GB 20075 Hand-holds on Motorcycles with Two Wheels
GB 20300 Safety Specifications for Road Transportation Vehicle of Explosive Substance and Chemical Toxic Substance
GB 21259 Headlamps Equipped with Gas-discharge Light Sources for Motor Vehicle
GB 21668 Provisions of Vehicles for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods with Regard to Their Specific Constructional Features
GB 23254 Retro-reflective Markings for Trucks and Trailers
GB 24315 Marking for School Bus
GB 24406 The Strength of Seats and Their Anchorages of Special School Bus for Schoolchildren
GB 24407 Safety Technical Requirements for Special School Bus
GB/T 24545 Requirement of Speed Limitation System for Motor Vehicles
GB/T 25978 Road Vehicle Plate and Label
GB 25990 Rear-marking Plates for Vehicles
GB 25991 LED Headlamp for Motor Vehicles
GB 26511 Front Underrun Protective Requirements for Commercial Vehicle
GB/T 26774 Technical Specification for Car Carriers
GB/T 30036 Adaptive Front-lighting System for Motor Vehicles
GB 30678 Safety Signs and Information Symbols for the Use of Bus
GB 34655 Requirements on Fire Extinction Equipment Configuration of Bus
GA 524 Specification of 2004 Style Police Vehicle Unified Appearance Coating
GA 525 Specification of 2004 Style Police Motorcycle Unified Appearance Coating
GA 923 Specification of Special Police Vehicle Unified Appearance Coating
GA 1264 Fixed Fire Extinguishing Systems for Compartment of Bus
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
power-driven vehicle
power unit-driven or towed wheeled vehicle which, running on roads, is intended for carrying passengers or goods or for undertaking special jobs, including motor vehicles and combination of vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds, tractors towing trailers for transportation, wheeled mobile machinery for special purpose and trailers
motor vehicle
power-driven vehicle with four our more wheels and not borne by track, including vehicle connected to power line (e.g., trolleybus) and mainly used for:
——carrying passengers and/or goods (articles);
——vehicles for towing goods (articles) or special-purpose vehicles;
——special operation.
This term also covers the following power-driven three-wheeled vehicle not borne by track:
a) any three-wheeled vehicle without cab and used for carrying goods, of which the complete vehicle kerb mass exceeds 400 kg;
b) three-wheeled vehicle with complete vehicle kerb mass exceeding 600 kg without cab and structure or function for carrying goods, which is designed and manufactured to be able to carry 2 persons (including the driver) at most;
c) any three-wheeled vehicle with cab, of which the complete vehicle kerb mass exceeds 600 kg.
Foreword i Introduction xv 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Complete Vehicle 5 Engine and Drive Motor 6 Steering System 7 Braking System 8 Lighting, Signal Device and Other Electrical Equipment 9 Running System 10 Transmission System 11 Bodywork 12 Safety Protection Devices 13 Additional Requirements for Fire Fighting Truck, Ambulance, Rescue Vehicle, and Police Vehicle 14 Additional Requirements for Vehicles for Handicapped Driving 15 Transitional Requirements for the Implementation of This Standard Bibliography