is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is formulated with a view to implementing laws and regulations such as "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" ,"Law on Prevention of Air Pollution of the People's Republic of China" , and "Decision on Implementing Scientific Concept of Development and Strengthening Environmental Protection by the State Council" as well as "Opinion on Preparing Nationwide Planning for National Main Function Areas by the State Council", to protecting environment, preventing pollution, and promoting the improvement of process and pollution treatment technology in sintering and pelletizing of iron and steel industry.
This standard specifies the emission limits, monitoring and supervision requirements of air pollutants for sintering and pelletizing of iron and steel industry. This standard specifies special discharge limits for air pollutants in order to promote harmony development of regional economy and environment, push the adjustment of economic structure and transformation of economic growth mode, and lead the development trend of production process and pollution treatment technology of sintering and pelletizing of iron and steel.
The water pollutants, odor pollutants and ambient noise made by sintering and pelletizing of iron and steel enterprise are applicable to the corresponding national standards for the pollutants emission; and the identification, treatment and disposal of the solid waste generated are applicable to the national control standards for the solid waste pollution.
This standard is issued for the first time. From the implementation date, the emission control of air pollutants for sintering and pelletizing of iron and steel industry comply with the requirements of this standard instead of those of "Integrated Emission Standards of Air Pollutants" (GB 16297-1996) and "Standard of Smoke and Dust Emission for Industrial Kiln and Furnace" (GB 9078-1996).
Provincial people's government may formulate local standard for the pollutant emission for the air pollutants not specified in this standard; and it may also formulate local standards for the pollutants emission stricter than this standard.
This national standard was formulated by the Department of Science, Technology and Standards of Ministry of Environmental Protection.
Chief drafting organizations of this standard: Design & Research Institute of Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation and Environmental Standards Institute of Ministry of Environmental Protection.
This standard was approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on June 15, 2012.
This standard was implemented on October 1, 2012.
Ministry of Environmental Protection is responsible for the explanation of this standard.
1 Application Scope 2
2 Normative References 2
3 Terms and Definitions 3
4 Emission Control Requirements of Air Pollutants 4
5 Requirements of Air Pollutants Monitoring 6
6 Implementation and Supervision 7
Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Sintering and Pelletizing of Iron and Steel Industry
1 Application Scope
This standard specifies the emission limits, monitoring and supervision requirements of air pollutants from sintering and pelletizing of iron and steel enterprises or production facilities, and relevant requirements of implement and supervision of standards.
This standard is applicable to the emission management of the air pollutants from sintering and pelletizing of iron and steel enterprises or production facilities, the environmental impact assessment of industrial construction project, environment protection facilities design, completion environmental protection acceptance and the air pollutants emission management after production.
This standard is applicable to legal pollutant emission behaviors. The site selection of the pollution source set newly and the management of the current pollution source in the special protection zone shall comply with the relevant regulations in such laws, regulations and rules as "Law on Prevention of Air Pollution of the People's Republic of China", "Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution", "Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" ,"Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Waste" and " Law of Environmental Impact Assessment of the People's Republic of China".
2 Normative References
This standard takes reference to the provisions in the following documents.
GB/T 15432-1995 Ambient Air-Determination of Total Suspended Particulates-Gravimetric Method
GB/T 16157-1996 The Determination of Particulates and Sampling Methods of Gaseous Pollutants Emitted from Exhaust Gas of Stationary Source
HJ/T 77.2-2008 Ambient Air and Waste Gas Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDFs)
HJ/T 397-2007 Technical Specifications for Emission Monitoring of Stationary Source
"Management Method on Automatic Supervisory Control of Pollution Source" (No. 28 order of the State Environmental Protection Administration of the People's Republic of China)
"Environmental Monitoring Management Method" (No.39 order of State Environmental Protection Administration of the People's Republic of China)
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this standard.
3.1 Sintering
It refers to the process that flux and solid fuel are mixed in the required proportion to raw materials containing iron, such as iron powder ore, and pelletized by adding water, and then horizontally laid on the trolley of sintering machine, and the fuel is burned after ignition and air draft, and some of the sintering materials are fused and form blocks.
3.2 Pelletizing
It refers to the process that after raw materials (such as iron ore concentrate) and adequate amount of bentonite are uniformly mixed, pellets are produced by pelletizer, and then the pellets are oxidized and consolidated after high temperature roasting.
3.3 Existing enterprises
It refers to the sintering and pelletizing production enterprises or production facilities which had put into production or whose environmental impact assessment statements have been approved before the implementation date of this standard.
3.4 New enterprises
It refers to the newly-built, rebuilt and extended construction projects of sintering and pelletizing industry whose environmental impact assessment statements are approved after the implementation date of this standard.
3.5 Standard state
It refers to the state when the temperature is 273.15K and pressure is 101325 Pa. The air pollutants emission concentration specified in this standard is subject to the dry gas at standard state.
3.6 Sintering (pelletizing) equipment
It refers to the sintering machine producing sinter ore (pellet) , including shaft furnace, traveling grate machine and grate-kiln, etc.
3.7 Other production equipment
All of the production equipment except sintering (pelletizing) equipment.
3.8 Particulates
The generic term of the kiln fume and industrial dust emitted during production process.
3.9 Dioxins
The generic term of PCDDs and PCDFs.
3.10 Toxic equivalent factor (TEF)
The ratio of dioxins congener and 2, 3, 7, 8- TCDD to the affinity of Ah receptor.
3.11 Toxic equivalent quantity (TEQ)
The equivalent concentration when the concentration of dioxins congeners is converted to the equivalent toxicity of 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD, toxic equivalent quantity concentration is the product of measured concentration and the TEF of the isomer.
4 Emission Control Requirements of Air Pollutants
4.1 From October 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014, the existing enterprises shall implement the specified emission limits of air pollutants in Table 1.
Table 1 Air Pollutants Emission Concentration Limits for Existing Enterprises In: mg/m3 (Dioxins is Excluded)
Production process or facility Pollutant Limit Position for monitoring pollutant emission
Sintering machine
Pellet firing equipment Particulates 80
Exhaust funnels in workshops or production facilities
Sulfur dioxide 600
Nitrogen oxides (by NO2) 500
Fluoride (by F) 6.0
Dioxins (ng-TEQ/m3) 1.0
Sintering machine tail
Traveling grate machine tail
Other production equipment
4.2 From January 1, 2015, the existing enterprises shall implement the specified emission limits of air pollutants in Table 2.
4.3 From October 1, 2012, the new enterprises shall implement the specified emission limits of air pollutants in Table 2.
Table 2 Air Pollutants Emission Concentration Limits for New Enterprises In: mg/m3 (Dioxins is Excluded)
Production process or facility Pollutant Limit Position for monitoring pollutant emission
Sintering machine
Pellet firing equipment Particulates 50 Exhaust funnels in workshops or production facilities
Sulfur dioxide 200
Nitrogen oxides (by NO2) 300
Fluoride (by F) 4.0
Dioxin (ng-TEQ/m3) 0.5
Sintering machine tail
Traveling grate machine tail
Other production equipment
4.4 Pollutant emission behavior of enterprises shall be controlled strictly according to the environmental protection requirements in the areas where the density of land development is relatively high, the carrying capacity of the environment starts to reduce or the environmental capacity is relatively small, the ecological environment is vulnerable, and where special protection measures are required due to severe environmental pollution problems. The enterprises in these areas shall implement the special emission limits of air pollutants specified in Table 3.
The specific territorial scope implementing special emission limits of air pollutants and the implementation time shall be specified by the environmental protection administration department of the State Council or provincial people's government.
1 Application Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Emission Control Requirements of Air Pollutants 5 Requirements of Air Pollutants Monitoring 6 Implementation and Supervision
中 华 人 民 共 和 国 国 家 标 准
GB 28662-2012
Emission standard of air pollutants for sintering and pelletizing of iron and steel industry (发布稿)