This document specifies classification, composition and materials, strength grades, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, marking, transportation and storage of common portland cement.
This document is applicable to common portland cement.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 176 Methods for chemical analysis of cement
GB/T 203 Granulated blastfurnace slag used for cement production
GB/T 750 Autoclave method for soundness of portland cement
GB/T 1345 The test sieving method for fineness of cement
GB/T 1346 Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency, setting time and soundness of the portland cement
GB/T 1596 Fly ash used for cement and concrete
GB/T 2419 Test method for fluidity of cement mortar
GB/T 2847 Pozzolanic materials used for cement production
GB/T 5483 Natural gypsum
GB 6566 Limits of radionuclides in building materials
GB/T 8074 Testing method for specific surface of cement - Blaine method
GB / T 9774 Sacks for packing cement
GB/T 12573 Sampling method for cement
GB/T 12960 Quantitative determination of constituents of cement
GB/T 17671 Test method of cement mortar strength (ISO method)
GB/T 21371 By-product gypsum used in cement
GB/T 26748 Cement grinding aids
GB 31893 Limit and determination of the water-soluble chromium (Ⅵ) content for cement
GB/T 35164-2017 Limestone powder used for cement, mortar and concrete
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
4 Classification
Common portland cement, based on the variety and amount of mixed materials, is classified into portland cement, ordinary portland cement, portland blastfurnace-slag cement, portland fly-ash cement, portland pozzolana cement and composite portland cement. The composition and code of each variety shall comply with 5.1.
5 Components and materials
5.1 Components
The components of common portland cement shall meet the requirements in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 respectively.
Table 1 Requirements for components of portland cement
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Classification 5 Components and materials 6 Strength grades 7 Technical requirements 8 Test method 9 Inspection rules 10 Packaging, marking, transportation and storage