1 Scope
This standard specifies technical requirements for railway goods loading and reinforcing and is applicable to loading and reinforcing for goods transported by railway.
2 Normative References
The following standards contained provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, all editions indicated are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the latest editions of the following standards.
GB 7179-1997 Terminology for Railway Freight Traffic
GB 5600-1997 General Technical Specification for Railway Freight Car
GB 146.1-1983 Rolling Stock Gauge for Standard Gauge Railways
GB/T 15567-1995 Calculation of Value of Inertial Forces of Goods in Railway Transportation
TB/T 2435-1993 Type, Model and Code for Railway Freight Car
Regulations for Railway Freight Traffic
Regulation on Transport of Out-of-gauge Goods by Rail
Rules for Railway Freight Loading Reinforcement
3 Technical Requirements for Goods Loading
3.1 Goods loading car shall be selected in accordance with the requirements in aspects of goods nature, single weight, overall dimension, transportation and preservation as well as the ones stipulated in the table of service restrictions for freight car and relevant provisions.
Foreword i
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Technical Requirements for Goods Loading
4 Technical Requirements for Goods Reinforcing