QB/T 2882-2023 Footwear - Test methods for uppers, linings and insocks - Color fastness to rubbing and bleeding
1 Scope
This document specifies three test methods (method A, method B and method C) for assessing the degree of transfer of a material’s surface Color during dry or wet rubbing and a method (method D) for determining the likelihood of Color bleeding.
The methods are applicable to the determination of the color fastness to rubbing and bleeding of all footwear uppers, linings and insocks, irrespective of the material. Method D is also applicable to the determination of the color fastness to bleeding of sewing threads and shoelaces.
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 250 Textiles - Tests for Color fastness - Grey scale for assessing change in Color (GB/T 250-2008, ISO 105-A02:1993, IDT)
GB/T 251 Textiles - Tests for Color fastness - Grey scale for assessing staining (GB/T 251-2008, ISO 105-A03:1993, IDT)
GB/T 6151 Textiles - Tests for Color fastness - General principles of testing (GB/T 6151-2016, ISO 105-A01:2010, MOD)
GB/T 6682-2008 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods (GB/T 6682-2008, ISO 3696:1987, MOD)
GB/T 7568.7 Textiles - Tests for Color fastness - Standard adjacent fabrics - Part 7: Multifibre (GB/T 7568.7-2008, ISO 105-F10:1989, MOD)
GB/T 22049 Footwear - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing of footwear and components for footwear (GB/T 22049-2019, ISO 18454:2018, IDT)
GB/T 33729 Textiles - Tests for Color fastness - Cotton rubbing cloth (GB/T 33729-2017, ISO 105-F09:2009, MOD)
QB/T 2724 Leather - Chemical tests - Determination of pH (QB/T 2724-2018, ISO 4045:2008, MOD)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
color fastness
ability of a footwear material or component to maintain its Color after the action of various agents
thick leather
leather with a thickness greater than 2mm
4 Test machine and materials
4.1 Method A
4.1.1 Test machine, with the elements given in A flat horizontal metal platform of minimum dimensions 80mm×25mm. Means of moving the metal platform in a direction parallel to its 80mm edges through a distance of 35mm to 40mm repeatedly at a rate of (40±2) cycles/min. A pair of clamps positioned at the ends of the platform at 90° to the 80mm edges and designed to clamp the test specimen against the platform. The clamp faces shall be at a minimum distance of 80mm apart. Means of moving the clamps apart so that the test specimen is extended linearly by an amount adjustable up to 20%. A rubbing finger with a flat horizontal lower surface capable of holding a square felt pad (4.1.2). The depth of the cavity that holds the square felt pad should be (3.9±0.1)mm. For machines with a platform wider than 25mm, the relative position of the rubbing finger shall be adjustable across the width of the platform. Means of holding a square felt pad (4.1.2) on the lower surface of the rubbing finger. Means of applying a downward force of (4.9±0.1)N or (9.8±0.2)N to the rubbing finger. Means of counting the number of cycles traversed by the platform.
4.1.2 Square pads of white pure wool felt, with the requirements given in Sides of length: (15±1)mm. Mass per unit area: (1,900±150)g/m2. Thickness: (6.0±0.5)mm, when measured using a dial gauge exerting a downward pressure of (49±5)kPa on a measuring foot diameter of (10±1)mm. pH of water extract: between 4.5 and 8.0, in accordance with QB/T 2724.
4.1.3 Grey scales, for assessing changes in Color and staining with half step ratings, conforming to GB/T 250 and GB/T 251, respectively.
4.1.4 Assessment cabinet, with artificial lighting as specified in GB/T 6151. If a daylight source is used, the daylight from the north shall be used.
4.1.5 Distilled or deionized water, conforming to grade 3 of GB/T 6682-2008.
4.1.6 Alkaline perspiration solution, containing, per litre of solution:
——0.5g of L-histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate (C6H9O2N3·HCl·H2O);
——5.0g of sodium chloride (NaCl);
——5.0g of disodium hydrogen orthophosphate dodecahydrate (Na2HPO4·12H2O), or 2.5g of disodium hydrogen orthophosphate dihydrate (Na2HPO4·2H2O). The solution is brought to pH (8.0±0.2) with 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide solution.
4.1.7 White spirit, general purpose reagent grade.
4.2 Method B
4.2.1 Test machine, with the elements given in
Foreword II 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Test machine and materials 5 Sampling and conditioning 6 Test method 7 Test report Annex A (Informative) Test conditions normally used for method B