1 Apparatus
1.1 Drying oven: Air drying oven keeping a temperature of 50±2℃;
1.2 Container: Standard metal paint tank with gland, a volume of 0.4L;
1.3 Balance: Balance with a division value of 0.2g;
1.4 Viscometer: Viscometer with T-4 cup or T-1 cup, or other equivalent;
1.5 Stopwatch: Stopwatch with a division value of 0.1s;
1.6 Thermometer: Thermometer with a range of 0~50℃ and a division value of 0.5℃;
1.7 Palette knife: Paint palette knife, 100mm in length, 30g in weight, with a cutter 20mm in width;
1.8 Paint brush: Wolf hair brush, 25mm in width;
1.9 Test plate: Flat glass plate, 120mm×90mm×2~3mm.
2 Test method and evaluation
2.1 Sampling and preparation of samples
Representative samples are selected in accordance with the requirements in GB 3186-82 Sampling paint products. Three samples are placed into three containers (Sub-clause 1.2), and the level of the sample is about 15mm from the top of the container.
2.2 Condition of storage test
Cover two containers of sample and weigh them accurate it to 0.2g; place them in a thermostatic drying oven; store at 50±2℃ in the accelerated conditions for 30d, or in the natural environment for 6~12 months.
Before the storage test, the other container of original sample shall be checked for its original properties according to Sub-clause 2.3 for future comparison.
When the storage period of the sample ends, the samples are taken out from the thermostatic drying oven; after standing at the ambient temperature for 24h, weigh the samples. If the difference of its wight from that before the storage exceeds 1%, the property test results may be in doubt because it may result from unsealed covering.
Note: Storage at 50 2℃ for 30ds is roughly equivalent to that at the natural environment for 0.5~1 years. If there is any dispute or doubt about the test results obtained in the accelerated condition at 50±2℃, all properties can be inspected again after 6 ~12 months (according to the storage period specified by the product) of storage at the standard temperature (23±2℃ or 25±1℃). Such test shall be regarded as an arbitration test.
1 Apparatus
2 Test method and evaluation
3 Precision
4 Test report
Additional explanation