This document specifies the evaluation levels and evaluation procedures for the energy efficiency of lighting systems.
This document applies to the energy efficiency evaluation of stable-operating urban roads. Energy efficiency evaluation of lighting systems in highways and tunnels, public buildings and outdoor workplaces. The energy efficiency evaluation of other lighting systems can be carried out with reference.
This document is not applicable to the evaluation of lighting system acceptance.
2 Normative reference documents
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential provisions of this document through the normative references in the text. Among them, note 8 period of reference documents, only the date corresponds to the version applicable to this document; do not note the date of reference documents, the latest version (including all the revision of the list) applicable to this document.
GB17625.1 Electromagnetic compatibility limits Harmonic current emission limits (equipment input current per phase ≤ 16A)
GB/T17743 Limits and measurement methods for radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment
GB17896 Energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency classes of ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps
GB/T 18595 Electromagnetic compatibility immunity requirements for general lighting equipment
GB 19573 Energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency classes for high-pressure sodium lamps
GB19574 Energy efficiency limit values and energy efficiency evaluation values for ballasts for high-pressure sodium lamps
GB20053 Energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency ratings for ballasts for metal halide lamps
GB20054 Energy Efficiency Limiting Values and Energy Efficiency Grades for Metal Halide Lamps
GB/T 24826 Terms and definitions for LED products and related equipment for general lighting
GB29142 Energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency classes for single-ended induction fluorescent lamps
GB 29143 Energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency classes for AC electronic ballasts for single-ended induction fluorescent lamps
GB 30255 Energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency classes for LED products for indoor lighting
GB 37478 Energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency classes for LED lamps and lanterns for road and tunnel lighting
GB 38450 Energy efficiency limits and energy efficiency classes for LED flat panel lamps for general lighting
GB/T 39022 Terms and definitions for lighting systems and related equipment
GB 50034 Architectural lighting design standards
GB 50582 Lighting design standards for outdoor workplaces
GB/T 51268 Green Lighting Testing and Evaluation Standards
CJJ 45 Design standards for urban road lighting
JGJ 153 Lighting design and testing standards for sports stadiums
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 24826 and GB/T 39022 are applicable to this document.
4 Energy efficiency evaluation levels .
The energy efficiency rating of the lighting system is divided into 3 levels. Level 1 is the highest and is the leader level. The total score of energy efficiency evaluation of lighting systems of each level shall not be lower than that specified in Table 1.
Table 1 Energy efficiency rating of lighting systems
5 Evaluation procedures
5.1 Determining the evaluation scope
Before the evaluation, the list of lighting facilities involved in the evaluation shall be clarified, the scope of the evaluation shall be determined and written records shall be formed.
The scope of evaluation shall be determined by the operator or manager of the lighting system. The scope of the evaluation shall be determined jointly by the operator or manager of the lighting system.
The scope of a lighting system usually includes the luminaires and the control management system. The luminaire in a lighting system may be either an integrated luminaire or a luminaire consisting of a power supply. A luminaire can be either an integrated luminaire or a luminaire consisting of a power supply, light source/module, etc. The control management system usually consists of a single lamp controller sensor installed inside or outside the luminaire, a centralised controller outside the luminaire (also known as 'cabinet control'), control software and other components.
5.2 Determining the evaluation period
The period of time involved in the evaluation (evaluation cycle) should be defined before the evaluation. The period of normal operation of the lighting system should be selected as the evaluation period.
5.3 Collecting information
Before the evaluation, the relevant design, selection, operation and management documents should be collected according to the defined evaluation scope and evaluation cycle. Technical and management documents, including but not limited to:
a) Basic information of the system:
b) System design information;
c) Project bidding documents. Energy saving assessment and other special reports;
d) Equipment inventory, including the list of equipment and facilities within the system boundary;
f) operation procedures. Operation records, maintenance records. Energy consumption statistics, historical lighting hours and other technical data;
g) personnel qualifications, training records, etc:
h) Documents proving energy saving renovation and others.
When the information collected does not fully prove the actual operation of the system, on-site measurements should be carried out.
5.4 Evaluation implementation
5.4.1 The operator or manager of the lighting system shall ensure that the system operates in accordance with safety, energy conservation. Environmental protection and other laws, regulations and mandatory standards requirements.
5.4.2 The evaluation agency or personnel shall evaluate and score each indicator in accordance with the lighting system energy efficiency evaluation index system and the assignment method given in Appendix A from six aspects, including equipment and facilities, system design, energy-saving monitoring, operation control, energy-saving renovation and management measures, and sum up the scores of each indicator to obtain a comprehensive quantitative score for the lighting system energy efficiency evaluation.
5.4.3 The evaluation agency or personnel shall review and check the design documents, statistical reports, original records, declaration documents. 5.4.3 The evaluation agency or person shall give the score by reviewing and checking design documents, statistical reports, original records, declaration documents, analysis/testing reports, third party certification and other supporting materials. The rating may also be given through interviews, field surveys, sample surveys. The evaluation information can also be collected by means of interviews, field surveys, sample surveys, field tests, etc.
5.4.4 The evaluation agency or person may combine the score with the results to give recommendations for system optimisation and modification. Recommendations for energy saving measures to strengthen management.
5.5 Preparation of evaluation report
The evaluation report shall include the following:
a) A brief description of the evaluation process;
b) Evaluation implementation team;
c) Scope of the evaluation:
d) List of information collected for the evaluation;
e) A description of the score sheet and supporting materials:
f) Energy efficiency rating;
g) Recommendations for energy efficiency measures;
h) Other annexes.
1 Scope 2 Normative reference documents 3 Terms and definitions 4 Energy efficiency evaluation levels . 5 Evaluation procedures