is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This standard was proposed by the State Forestry Administration of the People's Republic of China
This standard is under the jurisdiction of SAC/TC 198 National Technical Committee on Wood-based Panels of Standardization Administration of China and National Green Product Assessment Standardization General Group.
Foreword i
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 2
4 Assessment requirements 3
5 Testing methods 8
6 Assessments methods 8
Green product assessment -
Wood-based panels and wooden flooring
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, assessment requirements, testing methods and assessment methods for the wood-based panels and wooden flooring green product assessment.
This standard is applicable to the indoor wood-based panels and wooden flooring green product assessment.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 18259-2009 Terms of wood-based panel and its surface decoration
GB 18580-2017 Indoor decorating and refurbishing materials - Limit of formaldehyde emission of wood-based panels and finishing products
GB 18583 Indoor decorating and refurbishing materials - Limit of harmful substances of adhesives
GB/T 19001 Quality management systems - Requirements
GB/T 23899 Overall energy consumption for parquet production
GB/T 23999 Water based coatings for woodenware for indoor decorating and refurbishing
GB/T 24001 Environmental management systems-Specification with guidance for use
GB/T 28001 Occupational health and safety management system--Specification
GB/T 28951 Forest certification in China - Forest management
GB/T 28952 Forest certification in China - Chain of custody
GB/T 29899-2013 Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from wood-based panels and furnishing - Small chamber method
GB/T 33042-2016 Determination of lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury in the surface decorated layer of wooden floor
GB/T 33761-2017 General principles for green product assessment
LY/T 1451 Comprehensive energy consumption of fiberboard production
LY/T 1529 Comprehensive energy consumption of plywood production
LY/T 1530 Comprehensive energy consumption of particleboard production
LY/T 1703 Comprehensive energy consumption of solid wood floor production
LY/T 2071 Comprehensive energy consumption of blockboard production
LY/T 2073 Comprehensive energy consumption of laminate floor covering production
LY/T 2074 Comprehensive energy consumption of ply bamboo
LY/T 2275 Forest certification in China - Bamboo forest management
LY/T 2395 The comprehensive energy consumption of bamboo partical board production
LY/T 2396 The comprehensive energy consumption of bamboo and wood composite board
LY/T 2549 Comprehensive energy consumption for glued-laminated timber production
LY/T 2551 Comprehensive energy consumption for bamboo floor production
Catalogue of import and export wild animal and plant species
Convention on international trade in endangered species of fauna and flora
Convention on international trade in endangered species of fauna and flora Appendix Ⅰ, Appendix II and Appendix III
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 18259-2009 and GB/T 33761-2017 as well as the following apply. For the convenience of application, some terms and definitions in GB/T 18259-2009 and GB/T 33761-2017 are listed again.
wood-based panels
sheet or molded products formed by assembling and gluing, with or without adhesives and other additives, various material units made with wood or non-wood plant fibrous materials as main raw materials, mainly including plywood, particleboard, fiberboard and surface decorative board
[GB/T 18259-2009, definition 2.1.1]
wooden flooring
floors made of wood, bamboo, and other wood materials
green product
products that meet the requirements of environmental protection, are harmless or less harmful to the ecological environment and human health, consume less resources and energy, and have high quality in the whole life cycle process
[GB/T 33761-2017, definition 3.1]
4 Assessment requirements
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 Products shall meet the requirements of corresponding product quality and safety standards.
4.1.2 The total quantity control of pollutants in manufacturing enterprises shall meet the requirements of national and local total pollutant discharge control index of pollutants.
4.1.3 Manufacturing enterprises shall establish and operate environmental management systems, quality management systems, occupational health and security management systems and product raw material traceability systems in accordance with GB/T 24001, GB/T 19001, GB/T 28001 and GB/T 28952 respectively.
4.2 Assessment index requirements
The assessment index system consists of first-class indexes and second-class indexes, in which the first-class indexes include resource attribute index, energy attribute index, environment attribute index and quality attribute index. Assessment index requirements are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Assessment index requirements of wood-based panel and wooden flooring
First-class index Second-class index Unit Reference value Judgment criteria Remark
Resource attributes Requirements for wood and other raw materials - 1. wood, bamboo and other raw materials shall meet the relevant requirements of GB/T 28951, GB/T 28952 and LY/T 2275.
2. Except for secondary raw materials such as palm leaves and recycled wood raw materials, all raw materials such as wood, veneer and bamboo shall be provided with the name (Latin) and geographical origin (country or region, etc.). Wood, veneer, bamboo, etc. shall not come from protected areas or areas where the status, owner or use rights of protected areas are unclear, or genetically modified trees or plants.
3. For products produced from raw materials such as solid wood, veneer and bamboo, the percentage of certified raw materials is at least 30% in the first year after the promulgation and implementation of the standard; 50% in the second year after the promulgation and implementation of the standard, and 70% in the third year after the promulgation and implementation of the standard.
4. Imported wood raw materials shall meet the relevant requirements of national wood trade and import; imports of wildlife species and their products listed in annex of Convention on international trade in endangered species of fauna and flora (CITIES) (except those exempted by CITIES) shall meet those specified in CITIES; imports of species and products that are included in the Catalogue of import and export wild animal and plant species, but not in the Annex of CITIES, shall comply with the relevant requirements of the nation. Certification documents of China Forest Certification Council (CFCC) or certification documents of forest certification system recognized by CFCC shall be provided
Chemical products for wood processing Adhesive - The limit of harmful substances in adhesives shall meet those specified in GB 18583 Report on the results of this product tested in accordance with GB 18583 shall be provided
Preservatives and pesticides - Anti-corrosion, anti-insect, anti-termite and anti-discoloration agents are not allowed to be used in wood harvesting and processing Raw material use list, certification materials and enterprise self-commitment statement shall be provided
Fire retardant - Fire retardants containing polybrominated biphenyls, tris-(2,3-dibromopropyl)-phosphate, tris (N-cyclopropyl)-phosphine oxide, dibromodiphenyl ether, octabromodiphenyl ether and hexabromocyclododecane are not allowed to be used Raw material use list, certification materials and enterprise self-commitment statement shall be provided
Fuel - Azo dyes that can decompose into carcinogenic aromatic amines, carcinogenic dyes, dyes containing lead, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, mercury, tin and their compounds are not allowed to be used Raw material use list, certification materials and enterprise self-commitment statement shall be provided
Coating - Water-based wood coatings shall be used. Water-based wood coatings shall meet the requirements of GB/T 23999. Report on the results of this product tested in accordance with GB/T 23999 shall be provided
Energy attributes Wood-based panel - The basic energy consumption of fiberboard, plywood, bamboo plywood, particleboard, bamboo particleboard, blockboard, glued-laminated timber and bamboo and wood composite board shall meet the excellent grade requirements specified in LY/T 1451, LY/T 1529, LY/T 2074, LY/T 1530, LY/T 2395, LY/T 2071 and LY/T 2549, respectively Report on the results of this product tested in accordance with Y/T 1451, LY/T 1529, LY/T 2074, LY/T 1530, LY/T 2395, LY/T 2071, LY/T 2549 and LY/T 2396 shall be provided Energy attributes assessment shall not be carried out for products without energy consumption standards at present
Wooden flooring - The basic energy consumption of solid wood flooring, solid wood composite flooring, laminate flooring and bamboo flooring shall meet the excellent grade requirements specified in LY/T 1703, GB/T 23899, LY/T 2073 and LY/T 2551 respectively Report on the results of this product tested in accordance with LY/T 1703, GB/T 23899, LY/T 2073 and LY/T 2551 shall be provided
Environmental attribute - - Comply with the requirements of national and local environmental protection relevant laws and regulations, without major safety and environmental pollution accidents in the past three years Certification materials shall be provided
Quality attribute Formaldehyde emission mg/m3 ≤0.05 Report on the results of this product tested in accordance with GB 18580-2017 shall be provided This item is not tested for solid wood flooring
Quality attribute Volatile organic compounds (VOC) Benzene μg/m3 ≤10 Report on the results of this product tested in accordance with GB/T 29899-2013 shall be provided
Methylbenzene ≤20
Dimethylbenzene ≤20
Total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) ≤100
Total content of soluble heavy metals (lead, cadmium, chromium and mercury) (mg/kg) ≤100 Report on the results of this product tested in accordance with GB/T33042-2016 shall be provided Only for color-painted surface decorated wood-based panel and their products
5 Testing methods
5.1 The limit of harmful substance in adhesives shall be tested according to the method specified in GB 18583.
5.2 The test of water-based wood coatings shall be carried out according to the methods specified in GB/T 23999.
5.3 The determination of energy consumption in the energy attribute assessment of wood-based panels shall be carried out in accordance with the methods specified in LY/T 1451, LY/T 1529, LY/T 2074, LY/T 1530, LY/T 2395, LY/T 2071, LY/T 2549 and LY/T 2396; the determination of energy consumption in the energy attribute assessment of wood floor shall be carried out in accordance with the methods specified in LY/T 1703, GB/T 23899, LY/T 2073 and LY/T 2551.
5.4 Formaldehyde emission shall be tested according to the method specified in GB 18580-2017.
5.5 Benzene, toluene, xylene and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) shall be tested according to the method specified in GB/T 29899-2013.
5.6 The content of soluble heavy metals in color-painted wood-based panels may be tested according to the method specified in GB/T 33042-2016, with the total content counted by the sum of four heavy metals, namely lead, cadmium, chromium and mercury; the content of soluble heavy metals in color-painted wooden flooring shall be tested according to the method specified in GB/T 33042-2016, with the total content counted by the sum of four heavy metals, namely lead, cadmium, chromium and mercury.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Assessment requirements 5 Testing methods 6 Assessments methods
ICS 13.020.10 Z 04 GB 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 35601—2017
绿色产品评价 人造板和木质地板 Green product assessment- Wood-based panels and wooden flooring