Methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions Part 1: General considerations Electrical measurements at radio and video frequencies and measurements on d
This standard deals with the standard conditions and methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions (hereinafter referred to as receivers) that meet the requirements of terrestrial broadcast television standards specified by ITU-R (CCIR). Such receivers may be used for direct off-air reception, reception via cabled networks or as a monitor for prerecorded video, home movies and games among other applications. This standard does not include the measurements specific to the sound channel. The relevant measurement methods for sound channel are dealt with by IEC 107-2, IEC 107-3, IEC 107-4 and IEC 107-5; and the relevant measurement methods for nonstandard broadcast signals are dealt with by IEC 107-6.
This standard deals with the determination of performance permits the comparison of equipment by listing the characteristics which are useful for there performance and by laying down uniform methods of measurement for these characteristics. But performance requirements are not specified.
General safety requirements are not dealt with by this standard, and this part shall comply with IEC 65 announcement or other IEC safety standards. The requirements of disturbance and immunity to disturbance are also not dealt with by this standard; these requirements shall comply with CISPR 13 and 20 announcement.
1.2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All the standards will be revised, all parties to an agreements based on this standard are encouraged to study the possibility of applying the latest editions of the following standards.
Foreword I 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope 1.2 Normative References 2 General Explanation of Terms 2.1 Definitions 2.2 Types of Receivers 2.3 Peripheral Connectors 3 General Notes on Measurement 3.1 General Conditions 3.2 Test Signals 3.3 Radiofrequency (r.f.) Television Signal 3.4 Radiofrequency Input Signals 3.5 Measuring System and Test Instruments 3.6 Standard Measuring Conditions 4 Initial Tests Under general Operating Conditions 4.1 Electrical and Mechanical Performance 4.2 Power Consumption 5 Characteristics of Radiofrequency Channel 5.1 Tuning Characteristics 5.2 Sensitivity 5.3 Selectivity and Response to Undesired Signals 6 Characteristics of Luminance and Chrominance Channels 6.1 Characteristics of the Luminance Channel 6.2 Characteristics of Chrominance Channel 6.3 Demodulation Characteristics of Chrominance Signals Inherent in Each Colour System (NTSC, PAL and SECAM) 7 Characteristics of Displayed Pictures 7.1 General Properties of the Picture 7.2 Synchronizing Quality 7.3 Picture Size Stability Versus Changes of CRT Beam Current 7.4 Characteristics Inherent in Projection Type Displays 7.5 Characteristics Inherent in DCD Displays 7.6 Characteristics Inherent in Widescreen Displays 8 Characteristics Inherent in the Receivers Using Double-rate Scan Display 8.1 General 9 Disturbance on the Picture Due to Signals Inserted into the Field Blanking Interval 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Method of Measurement 9.3 Presentation of Results 10 Characteristics Inherent in Teletext Signals 10.1 General 10.2 Characteristics of Teletext Signals Annex A (Informative) Bibliography Annex B (Informative) Analytical Description of the Offset-carrier Colour Bar Signal Annex C (Informative) Calculation of the Relative Amplitude and the Group Delay by the Response of a Modulated Sine-squared Pulse
GB/T 17309.1-1998 引用如下标准:
* IEC 107-2 (Edition 2) Methods of Measurement on Receivers for Television Broadcast Transmissions-Part 2: Audio Channels -General Methods and Methods for Monophonic Channels * IEC 107-3: 1988 Recommended Methods of Measurement on Receivers for Television Broadcast Transmissions-Part 3: Electrical Measurements on Multichannel Sound Television Receivers Using Subcarrier Systems * IEC 107-4: 1988 Recommended Methods of Measurement on Receivers for Television Broadcast Transmissions-Part 4: Electrical Measurements on Multichannel Sound Television Receivers Using the Two-carrier FM System * IEC 107-5: 1992 Recommended Methods of Measurement on Receivers for Television Broadcast Transmissions-Part 5: Electrical Measurements on Multichannel Sound Television Receivers Using the NICAM System Two-channel Digital Sound System * IEC 107-6: 1989 Methods of Measurement on Receivers for Television Broadcast Transmissions-Part 6: Measurements under Conditions Different from Broadcast Signal Standards * IEC 569: 1977 Informative Guide for Subjective Tests on Television Receivers * IEC 68-1: 1980 Environmental Testing-Part 1:General and Guidance * IEC 65: 1990 Safety Requirements for Mains Operated Electronic and Related Apparatus for Household and Similar General Use