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GB/T 17309.1-1998   电视广播接收机测量方法 第1部分:一般考虑射频和视频电性能测量以及显示性能的测量 (英文版)
标准编号: GB/T 17309.1-1998 标准状态:现行 订阅状态变动提醒
译文语言:英文 文件格式:PDF
中文字符数: 90000 字 翻译价格(元):6300.00 元 订阅价格变动提醒
实施日期:1998-1-2 交付时间: 付款后 1 个工作日
标准编号: GB/T 17309.1-1998
中文名称: 电视广播接收机测量方法 第1部分:一般考虑射频和视频电性能测量以及显示性能的测量
英文名称: Methods of measurement on receivers for television broadcast transmissions Part 1: General considerations Electrical measurements at radio and video frequencies and measurements on d
中标分类: M74    广播、电视发送与接收设备
行业分类: GB    国家标准
ICS分类: 33.160.20 33.160.20    无线电接收机 33.160.20
发布机构: 国家质量技术监督局
发布日期: 1998-4-10
实施日期: 1998-1-2
标准状态: 现行
替代旧标准:GB 9372-1988
GB/T 9372-1988 电视广播接收机测量方法
翻译语言: 英文
文件格式: PDF
中文字符数: 90000 字
翻译价格(元): 6300.00 元
交付时间: 付款后 1 个工作日
GB/T 17309.1-1998 引用如下标准:
* IEC 107-2 (Edition 2) Methods of Measurement on Receivers for Television Broadcast Transmissions-Part 2: Audio Channels -General Methods and Methods for Monophonic Channels
* IEC 107-3: 1988 Recommended Methods of Measurement on Receivers for Television Broadcast Transmissions-Part 3: Electrical Measurements on Multichannel Sound Television Receivers Using Subcarrier Systems
* IEC 107-4: 1988 Recommended Methods of Measurement on Receivers for Television Broadcast Transmissions-Part 4: Electrical Measurements on Multichannel Sound Television Receivers Using the Two-carrier FM System
* IEC 107-5: 1992 Recommended Methods of Measurement on Receivers for Television Broadcast Transmissions-Part 5: Electrical Measurements on Multichannel Sound Television Receivers Using the NICAM System Two-channel Digital Sound System
* IEC 107-6: 1989 Methods of Measurement on Receivers for Television Broadcast Transmissions-Part 6: Measurements under Conditions Different from Broadcast Signal Standards
* IEC 569: 1977 Informative Guide for Subjective Tests on Television Receivers
* IEC 68-1: 1980 Environmental Testing-Part 1:General and Guidance
* IEC 65: 1990 Safety Requirements for Mains Operated Electronic and Related Apparatus for Household and Similar General Use
GB/T 17309.1-1998被如下标准引用:
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