This standard specifies the definitions, classification, mark, technical requirements, supply volume, test methods, inspection rules and order and delivery for ready-mixed concrete.
This standard is applicable to ready-mixed concrete produced by centralized mixing station.
This standard does not include the concrete pouring, vibrating and curing after concrete is conveyed to delivery place.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding amending error in the text) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not be applied. However, the parties whose enter into agreement according to these specifications are encouraged to research whether the latest editions of these references are applied or not. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document is applicable to this standard.
GB1596 Fly Ash Used for Cement and Concrete
GB6566 Limits of Radionuclides in Building Materials
GB8076 Concrete Admixture
GB/T9142 Concrete Mixers
GB/T18046 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Used for Cement and Concrete
GB/T50080 Standard for Test Method of Performance on Ordinary Fresh Concrete
GB/T50081 Standard for Test Method of Mechanical Properties on Ordinary Concrete
GB50119 Code for Utility Technical of Concrete Admixture
GB50204 Code for Acceptance of Constructional Quality of Concrete Structures
GBJ82 Testing Methods for Long-Term and Long-Lasting Performance of Ordinary Concrete
GBJ107 Inspection and Evaluation of Concrete Strength
JGJ52 Standard for Technical Requirements and Test Method of Sand for Ordinary Concrete
JGJ53 Technical Requirements and Test Method of Gravel and Crushed Stone for Ordinary Concrete
JGJ55 Specification for Mix Proportion Design of Ordinary Concrete
JGJ63 Standard of Mixing Water for Concrete
JGJ/T112 Technical Specification for Application of Natural Zeolite Powder in Concrete and Mortar
JG/T5094 Truck Mixer
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this standard.
Ready-mixed concrete
Concrete mixtures, after which are measured and mixed at the mixing station with a certain percentage of the cement, aggregate, water and admixture and mineral admixture that mixed according to requirements, are sold through transport cart within specified time conveying to places of using.
Normal concrete
Ready-mixed concrete, with no other specific requirements, whose strength grade is less than or equal to C50, slump is less than or equal to 180mm and maximum nominal grain sizes (coarse aggregate) are 20mm, 25mm, 31.5mm and 40mm
Special concrete
Ready-mixed concrete, with special requirements, and whose indexes exceed specialized range of special concrete
Delivery place
A ready-mixed concrete delivered place where is ensured in the contract between supply and demand parties
Inspection at manufacturer
Inspections for ready-mixed concrete quality before going out of the factory
Inspection at delivery place
Inspections for ready-mixed concrete quality at delivery place
4 Classification and Mark
4.1 Classification
According to features, ready-mixed concrete shall be divided into normal concrete and special concrete.
4.1.1 Normal concrete
Normal Concrete shall specify the concrete strength grade, slump and maximum nominal grain size(coarse aggregate) under the following ranges:
Special Concrete shall specify the concrete strength grade, slump and maximum nominal grain size(coarse aggregate) or other specific requirements. Besides ranges that normal concrete specifies, the concrete strength grade, slump and maximum nominal grain size(coarse aggregate) shall also be specified in the following ranges:
Strength grade: C55, C60, C65, C70, C75 C80.
Slump: less than or equal to 180mm.
Maximum nominal grain size (coarse aggregate) (mm): less than 20mm and more than 40mm.
1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Classification and Mark 5 Raw Materials and Mix Proportion 6 Quality Requirements for Ready-mixed Concrete 7 Preparation 8 Supply volume 9 Test Methods 10 Inspection Rules 11 Order and Delivery