GB/T 10095.1:2022 Cylindrical gears—ISO system of flank tolerance classification—Part 1:Definitions and allowable values of deviations relevant to flanks of gear teeth English
IMPORTANT -- It is strongly recommended that any user of this document be very familialwith the methods and procedures outlined in ISO/TR 10064-1. Use oftechniques other than thoscofISO/TR 10064-1 combined with the limits described in this document might not be suitable
CAUTION -The use of the flank tolerance classes for the determination of gear performancerequires extensive experience with specific applications. Users of this document arecautioned against the direct application of tolerance values for unassembled (loose) gears to aprojected performance of an assembly using these gears.
1 Scope
This document establishes a tolerance classification system relevant to manufacturing andconformity assessment of tooth flanks of individual cylindrical involute gears. lt specifies definitionsfor gear flank tolerance terms, the structure of the flank tolerance class system, and allowable values.
This part oflSO 1328 provides the gear manufacturer and the gear buyer with a mutually advantageousreference for uniform tolerances, Eleven flank tolerance classes are defined, numbered 1 to ordeof increasing tolerance. Formulae for tolerances are provided in 5.3. These tolerances are applicable tothe following ranges:
5 szs1000
5 mm s d s 15 000 mm
0,5 mm s mn s 70 mm
4 mm s b s 1 200 mm
&is the reference diameter:
mn is the normal module;
b is the facewidth (axial):
z is the number of teeth;
is the helix angle.
See Clause 4 for required and optional measuring methods.
total cumulative pitch deviation
total index deviationolargestalgebraic difference between the individualcumulative pitch deviation (3.3.3) values for a specifiedflank obtained for all the teeth of a gear
Note 1 to entry: Fp = max. Fpi - min. Fpi.
3.4 Profile deviations
3.4.1 Profile deviations - General
profile control diameter
start of profile evaluation diameter
specified diameter beyond which the tooth profile is required to conform to the specified designprofile (
Note 1 to entry: lfnot specified, the start ofactive profile diameter, dyr, is used as the profile control diameter, seethe last paragraph of 4.5.
Note 2 to entry: See Figures 1 and 3
tip form diameter
unless otherwise specified, tip diameter minus twice the tip corner radius or chamfer
Note 1 to entry: This is the minimum specified diameter for external gears or maximum specified diameter forinternal gears where the tip break (start of tip chamfer or tip corner radius) can occur.
Note 2 to entry: With direct transition between the nominal involute helicoid and the top land ofthe tooth, the tipcorner radius is zero and the tip form diameter is equal to the tip diameter.
Note 3 to entry: See Figures 1 and 3
measured profile
portion of the tooth flank along which the probe is in contact during the profile measurement, whichshall include the profile control diameter ( the tip form diameter (
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 3