1.0.1 In order to implement national capital construction policy and technical economy policy in the design of ±800kV DC overhead transmission line (hereinafter referred to as ±800kV line), achieve safety and reliability, advance and applicability, economy and rationality, resource conservation and friendly environment, this code is formulated.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design of single ±800kV line.
1.0.3 The ±800kV line shall be designed according to actual conditions in combination with regional characteristics and by actively adopting mature new technology, material and process and promoting energy-saving, consumption-reducing and environment-friendly advanced technology and products.
1.0.4 The design of ±800kV line shall not only meet the requirements of this code, but also comply with those specified in the current relevant national standards.
1 General Provisions
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.2 Symbols
3 Routing
4 Meteorological Conditions
5 Conductor and Ground Wire
6 Insulators and Fittings
7 Insulation Coordination, Lightning Protection and Grounding
8 Conductor Arrangement
9 Tower Type
10 Tower Load and Materials
10.1 Tower Load
10.2 Structural Materials
11 Tower Structures
11.1 Basic Calculation Requirements
11.2 Calculation Formulas for Ultimate Limit State and Serviceability Limit State
11.3 Basic Requirements for Tower and Pole Structures
12 Foundation
13 Ground Clearance and Crossing
14 Environmental Protection
15 Labor Safety and Industrial Sanitation
16 Ancillary Facilities
Appendix A Calculation of the Maximum Potential Gradient on Conductor Surface
Appendix B Calculation of Field Strength of Corona Radio Interference
Appendix C Calculation of Corona Audible Noise
Appendix D Telecommunication Line Grade
Appendix E Highway Grade
Explanation of Wording in This Code
List of Quoted Standards