1.0.1 This code is formulated in order to implement national relevant principles and policies in design, construction and operation of hydrogen fuelling station engineering, unify technical requirements, achieve safety and reliability, advanced technology, energy conservation and emission reduction as well as economy and rationality.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design, construction and building of the following constructed, renovated and extended hydrogen fuelling station engineering:
1 Hydrogen fuelling station;
2 Automobile gasoline and hydrogen fuelling station;
3 Automobile hydrogen and CNG fuelling station.
1.0.3 In addition to meet this code, the design, construction and building of hydrogen fuelling station shall also comply with those specified in the national current relevant standards.
2 Terms
2.0.1 Hydrogen fuelling station
It refers to special location filling hydrogen fuel for hydrogen storage cylinder of hydrogen energy car or hydrogen internal-combustion engine car or hydrogen and natural gas combined fuel car.
2.0.2 The system of hydrogen produced on site
The hydrogen production system installed in hydrogen fuelling station shall generally be the generic term of hydrogen production, purification, compression and supporting facilities.
2.0.3 Automobile gasoline and hydrogen fuelling station
It refers to the special location filling gasoline and diesel oil for car oil tank and filling compressed hydrogen or hydrogen and natural gas combined fuel for hydrogen storage cylinder of fuel cell electromobile or hydrogen internal-combustion engine car or gas storage cylinder of hydrogen and natural gas combined fuel car.
2.0.4 Automobile hydrogen and CNG fuelling station
It refers to the special location filling hydrogen or hydrogen and natural gas combined fuel for hydrogen storage cylinder or gas storage cylinder of hydrogen fuel car or hydrogen and natural gas combined fuel car and filling compressed natural gas for gas storage cylinder of compressed natural gas car.
2.0.5 Station house
It refers to the building used for management and operation of hydrogen fuelling station
2.0.6 Hydrogen fuelling island
It refers to the platform used for installing hydrogen dispenser or hydrogen and natural gas combined fuel gas dispenser.
2.0.7 Gas fuelling island
It refers to the platform used for installing gas dispenser of compressed natural gas or hydrogen and natural gas combined fuel.
2.0.8 Hydrogen dispenser
It refers to the special equipment filling hydrogen for hydrogen storage cylinder (tank) of car and equipped with control, measuring and valuation device.
2.0.9 Gas dispenser
It refers to the special equipment filling compressed natural gas or hydrogen and natural gas combined fuel for gas storage cylinder of car and equipped with measuring and valuation device.
1 General Provisions 2 Terms 3 Basic Requirement 4 Location 5 General Layout Plan Equipment 6 Hydrogen Fuelling Process and Equipment 6.1 Hydrogen Quality and Metering 6.2 Hydrogen Compressing Process and Equipment 6.3 Hydrogen Storage System and Equipment 6.4 Hydrogen Dispenser 6.5 Hydrogen Pipelines and Accessories 7 Fire Protection and Safety Facilities 7.1 Fire Protection Facilities 7.2 Safety Facilities for Hydrogen Fuelling Process System 7.3 Alarm Devices 8 Building Equipment 9 Water Supply and Drainage 10 Electrical Devices 10.1 Power Supply and Distribution 10.2 Lightning Protection and Grounding System 10.3 Electrostatic Prevention 11 Heating and Ventilation 12 Construction, Installation and Approval 12.1 General Requirement 12.2 Installation of Equipment 12.3 Installation of Pipeline 12.4 Installation of Electrical Instruments 12.5 Construction Approval 13 Requirements for Hydrogen System Operation and Management Appendix A Zones of Rating for Explosion Danger in Hydrogen Fuelling Station Appendix B Classification of Civil Buildings Protection Explanation of Wording in this Code List of Quoted Standards