1.0.1 This code is formulated with view to strengthening the management and standardizing the construction and acceptance requirements of data center infrastructure engineering.
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the construction and acceptance of newly constructed, renovated and extended data center infrastructure in buildings on land.
1.0.3 In addition to the requirements stipulated in this code, the construction and acceptance of data center infrastructure shall also comply with those stipulated in the current relevant standards of the nation.
2 Terminologies
2.0.1 Data center
In this code, data center specially refers to a place where electronic information system equipment are arranged in a centralized way and are fully used and which is able to ensure the normal operation environment. It may be a building or a part of a building and consists of computer room, auxiliary area, support area, administration area, etc.
2.0.2 Concealed project
In this code, concealed project specially refers to the invisible project which is built underground, above suspended ceiling, below free access floor or in wall or is sheltered by decorative material.
2.0.3 Electromagnetic shielding enclosure
In this code, electromagnetic shielding enclosure specially refers to the building space body used for attenuating the energy from external or internal electromagnetic field.
2.0.4 Infrastructure
In this code, infrastructure specially refers to the facilities such as air conditioning and fresh air, electric and lighting installations, lightning protection, system grounding, fire protection and safety guarantee, information network and wiring, system monitoring, water supply and drainage devices provided in the data center for providing basic support to ensure the safe, reliable and continuous normal operation of electronic information equipment.
3 Basic Requirements
3.1 Construction Requirements
3.1.1 The construction organization shall carry out construction according to the design documents which are acceptable upon review, and for design change there shall be the approved design change notice.
3.1.2 The safety and fire control measures and the labor and environmental protection measures taken during construction shall comply with those specified in the relevant current standards of the nation.
3.1.3 Any operation with water should not be carried out at the construction site; if it is inevitable, protection shall be well done and the construction site shall be cleared timely at the end of operation.
3.1.4 As for the room with requirement on air dust concentration, proper measures shall be taken during construction to ensure the cleanness of materials, equipment and construction site.
3.1.5 As for the construction of renovation and extension projects, if the original building structure will be changed or the load will exceed the original design load, the design document confirming the load must be available.
3.1.6 The construction materials, equipment and articles stacked indoors shall be in good order and shall also be properly labelled and recorded.
3.1.7 The weight of construction materials, equipment and articles stacked indoors shall not exceed the load of the floor slab at the stacking place.
3.1.8 Prior to the end of construction of concealed project, the residual construction materials and sundries shall be inspected and cleared, and the project shall not be concealed until it is acceptable upon inspection, and the concealed project shall be provided with site construction record and accordingly image information.
3.1.9 During the construction or prior to completion acceptance, the equipment, materials and devices shall be properly protected.
3.2 Materials and Equipment Requirements
3.2.1 The engineering materials adopted shall meet the following requirements:
1 They shall meet the design requirements;
2 They shall be provided with the product qualification certificate;
3 They shall be provided with the receiving inspection record.
3.2.2 The equipment and devices installed shall meet the following requirements:
1 The name, model, quantity and technical parameters of equipment and devices shall meet the design requirements;
2 The equipment and devices shall undergo unpacking inspection in terms of their appearance, accessories and spare parts, their technical documents shall complete and correct, and the unpacking inspection record shall be well prepared.
1 General Provisions 2 Terminologies 3 Basic Requirements 3.1 Construction Requirements 3.2 Materials and Equipment Requirements 3.3 Construction Acceptance 4 Indoor Decoration 4.1 General Requirements 4.2 Suspended Ceiling 4.3 Partition 4.4 Ground Surface 4.5 Free Access Floor 4.6 Interior Wall, Ceiling and Cylinder 4.7 Doors, Windows and Other Materials 4.8 Construction Acceptance 5 Distribution System 5.1 General Requirements 5.2 Electrical Installation 5.3 Distribution Line 5.4 Lighting Attachment 5.5 Construction Acceptance 6 Lightning Protection and Grounding System 6.1 General Requirements 6.2 Lightning Protection and Grounding System 6.3 Ground Connection 6.4 Construction Acceptance 7 Air-conditioning System 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Air-conditioning Installation 7.3 Fabrication and Installation of Air Ducts and Ducts Accessory 7.4 Air-conditioning System Debugging 7.5 Construction Acceptance 8 Water Supply and Drainage System 8.1 General Requirements 8.2 Pipeline Installation 8.3 Experiment and Acceptance 9 Integrated Wiring and Network System 9.1 General Requirements 9.2 Cable Laying 9.3 Cabinet and Rack Installation 9.4 Equipment Installation 9.5 Equipment Debugging 9.6 Construction Acceptance 10 Monitoring and Security System 10.1 General Requirements 10.2 Piping Layout and Laying 10.3 Equipment Installation 10.4 System Debugging 10.5 Construction Acceptance 11 Electromagnetic Shielding System 11.1 General Requirements 11.2 Electromagnetic Shielding Structure Construction 11.3 Electromagnetic Shielding Door Installation 11.4 Installation of Filter, Cut-off Waveguide Vent and Shielding Glass 11.5 Other Construction Requirements 11.6 Self-inspection of Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness 11.7 Electromagnetic Shielding Construction Acceptance 12 Comprehensive Test 12.1 General Requirements 12.2 Temperature and Relative Humidity 12.3 Air Dust Concentration 12.4 Illumination 12.5 Noise 12.6 Electromagnetic Shielding 12.7 Grounding Resistance 12.8 Power Supply Quality 12.9 Radio Interference Environment Field Strength and Power Frequency Magnetic Field Strength 12.10 Integrated Wiring System 13 Completion Acceptance 13.1 General Requirements 13.2 Completion Acceptance Conditions 13.3 Completion Acceptance Procedures Appendix A The Record Sheet of Distribution System Acceptance Appendix B The Record Sheet of Lightning Protection and Grounding Device Acceptance Appendix C The Record Sheet of Air Conditioning System Test Appendix D The Record Sheet of Electrical Performance Test on Cable and Optical Cable Integrated Wiring System Engineering Appendix E The Record Sheet of Monitoring and Security System Function Test Appendix F The Record Sheet of Shielding Effectiveness Test of Electromagnetic Shielding Enclosure Appendix G The Acceptance Sheet of Electromagnetic Shielding Enclosure Engineering Appendix H The Record Sheet of Comprehensive Test to the Computer Room of Data Center Appendix J The Sheet of Engineering Completion Acceptance Explanation of Wording in This Code List of Quoted Standards