l.0.l This code is formulated with a view to implementing technical and economic policies of the state, achieving technical advancement, economy and rationality, safety and usability and quality guarantee in aluminum structure
1.0.2 This code is applicable to the design of aluminum structure for industrial and civil buildings and structures and is not applicable to bearing structure and the member design directly under fatigue dynamic load.
1.0.3 The design principles in this code is established according to the current national standard "Unified Standard Reliability Design of Building Structures" (GB 50068). Where it is designed according to this code, it shall also meet “Load Code for the Design of Building Structures" (GB 50009), "Code for Seismic Design of Buildings" (GB 50011), "Seismic Ground Motion Parameter Zonation Map of China" (GB l8306) and "Design Code for Antiseismic of Special Structures" (GB 5019l).
1.0.4 Where the aluminum structure is designed, it shall be proceeded from the actual engineering conditions; materials, structure scheme and construction measures shall be reasonably selected. It shall not only meet the requirements of strength, stability and rigidity in the processes of transportation, installation and use of structural members, but shall meet the fire prevention and anti-corrosion requirements.
1.0.5 The design of aluminum structure shall not only meet the requirements of this code, but also those in the current relevant standards of the nation.
2 Terms and Symbols
2.1 Terms
2.l.1 Strength
The capacity that the member section material or connection resists the damage. The strength calculation is to avoid the damage of the structural member or connection due to the excess material strength.
2.1.2 Characteristic value of strength
The nominal yield strength (proof stress of non-proportional elongation) or tensile strength of aluminium products specified in national standards.
2.1.3 Design value of strength
The value after the characteristic value of the strength for aluminum alloy materials or the connection divides by the corresponding partial coefficient for resistance.
2.1.4 Buckling
Relatively large deformation that suddenly occurs and doesn't conform to the original stress state and loses the stability under the single or combined action of axial compression, bending moment and shear force of the tube members or elements.
2.1.5 Load-carrying capacity
The maximum internal force that won't be damaged due to factors such as strength and stability and the structures or members can carry or the internal force where the structures or members reach the deformation unsuitable for continuous load carrying.
2.l.6 The first order elastic analysis
Without regard to the influence on the internal force produced by the second order deformation of the structures, equilibrium conditions are established according to the undeformed structures and structural internal force and displacement are analyzed according to the elastic stage.
2.1.7 The second order elastic analysis
Considering the influence on the internal force produced by the second order deformation of the structures, equilibrium conditions are established according to the structures after the displacement and structural internal force and displacement are analyzed according to the elastic stage.
2.1.8 Weak hardening
Aluminum alloy materials with the state of T6 are weak hardening alloys.
2.1.9 Strong hardening
Other aluminum alloy materials other than those with the state of T6 are strong hardening alloys.
2.1.10 Effective thickness
The calculated thickness after reduction of elements where the load carrying capacity of members is calculated in consideration of the strength and the heat affected zone effect after the compression elements are buckled.
2.1.11 Stiffened elements
The elements whose both longitudinal sides are connected with other elements.
2.1.12 Unstiffened elements
The elements that one longitudinal side is connected with other elements and the other longitudinal side is uncontrolled.
2.1.13 Edge stiffened elements
The elements that one longitudinal side is connected with other elements and the other longitudinal side is stiffened by the satisfactory edge curl.
2.1.14 Intermediate stiffened elements
The stiffened elements with intermediate stiffening rib.
2.1.15 Sub-elements
The elements that one longitudinal side is connected with other elements and the other longitudinal side is connected with intermediate stiffening rib or both longitudinal sides are connected with the intermediate stiffening rib.
2.1.16 Post-buckling strength of web plates
The capacity that the web plates still can continue to maintain the borne load after buckling.
2.1.17 Overall stability
1 General Provisions 2 Terms and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Materials 3.l Structure Aluminium 3.2 Connection 3.3 Heat Affected Zone 4 Basic Design Requirements 4.1 Design Principles 4.2 Calculation of Load and Load Effect 4.3 Design Index 4.4 Provisions on Structure or Member Deformation 4.5 Effective Length of Members and Permissible Slenderness Ratio 5 Effective Section of Elements 5.1 General Requirement 5.2 Effective Thickness of Compression Elements 5.3 Effective Thickness of Welding Elements 5.4 Calculation of Effective Section 6 Calculation of Flexural Member 6.1 Strength 6.2 Overall Stability 7 Calculation of Axially-loaded Members 7.1 Strength 7.2 Overall Stability 8 Calculation of Tension Member and Compression Member 8.1 Strength 8.2 Overall Stability 9 Connection Calculation 9.1 Fastening Elements Connection 9.2 Weld Connection 10 Construction Requirements 10.1 General Provisions 10.2 Bolt Connection and Rivet Connection 10.3 Weld Connection 10.4 Fire Prevention, Heat Insulation 10.5 Corrosion Protection 11 Aluminium Alloy Panels 11.1 General Requirements 11.2 Strength 11.3 Stability 11.4 Combination Action 11.5 Construction Requirements Appendix A Mechanical Performance of Structural Aluminium Alloy Materials Appendix B Stability Coefficient of Axial Compression Member Appendix C Overall Stability Coefficient of Bending Members Explanations of Wording in This Code