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Codeofchina.com is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative. According to the requirements of Notice on Printing the “Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards and Codes in 2008” (JIANBIAO [2008], No. 102) issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, drafting team of Code for Design of Sprinkler Systems developed this code by means of extensive investigation, careful summarization of practical experience, reference to relevant international and foreign advanced standards and extensive solicitation of opinions. In compliance with the fire work policy "prevention prioritized, firefighting combined", the revision of this code, based on summarized scientific research achievements, design and current use situation of sprinkler system in China, through extensive soliciting for domestic opinions, e.g. science research, design, production, fire supervision, colleges and universities, making reference to relevant standards of the International Organization for Standardization and developed countries such as the US and UK, was reviewed and finalized jointly by relevant departments. The main technical contents of this code are: General Provisions, Terminologies and Symbols, Hazard Classifications of Occupancies, Basic Requirements, Basic Design Parameters, System Components, Sprinklers Arrangement, Pipe, Hydraulic Calculation, Water Supply, Operation and Control, Local Application System, etc. The main technical contents of this revision of the code are as follows: 1. The terms of sprinkler system types and sprinkler types are reorganized; 2. Technical requirements are supplemented to sprinkler system design for occupancies, e.g. civil building and warehouse, and technical contents of cooling protection sprinkler system are added; 3. Technical requirements for application of new type sprinkler and piping are supplemented, particularly highlighting occupancy-based system type selection and sprinkler type-based system design; 4. The clauses in the current code that are inconvenient for operation are modified and their relationships with other codes are coordinated. Provisions printed in bold type in this code are mandatory and must be implemented strictly. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is responsible for the interpretation of the compulsory provisions hereof; the Ministry of Public Security is responsible for the routine management; and Tianjin Fire Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents. If there are any comments or suggestions in the process of implementing this code, please deliver them to Tianjin Fire Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security (Address: No.110, South Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin; Post code: 300381). Code for Design of Sprinkler Systems 1 General Provisions 1.0.1 This code was developed in order to correctly and reasonably design sprinkler system and protect personal and property safety. 1.0.2 This code is applicable to design of sprinkler system used in newly constructed, extended and renovated civil and industrial buildings. This code is not applicable to design of sprinkler system used in buildings of special functions, e.g. powder, explosive, ammunition and fireworks factories, nuclear power station and aircraft hangar. 1.0.3 Design of sprinkler system shall closely consider the function of protected object and fire characteristics and actively adopt new technology, new equipment and new material so as to realize safety and reliability, advanced technology and economic feasibility. 1.0.4 System components adopted in design must comply with relevant national current standards and shall meet the requirements of the market-access system for fire products. 1.0.5 When the purpose of a building or occupancy in building with sprinkler system is changed, the applicability of existing system shall be checked. If not applicable, the system shall be redesigned according to this code. 1.0.6 Design of sprinkler system shall comply with not only the requirements of this code but also those specified in the current relevant national standards. 2 Terminologies and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.1.1 sprinkler system automatic fire extinguishing system which is composed of components such as sprinkler, alarm valve set and water flow alarm device (water flow indicator or pressure switch), piping and water supply facilities, and can sprinkle water in case of fire 2.1.2 close-type sprinkler system sprinkler system adopting close-type sprinkler 2.1.3 open-type sprinkler system sprinkler system adopting open-type sprinkler 2.1.4 wet pipe sprinkler system close-type sprinkler system, the system pipes of which, under pre-working conditions, are filled with water pressured for actuating the system 2.1.5 dry pipe sprinkler system close-type sprinkler system, the system pipes of which, under pre-working conditions, are filled with air pressured for actuating the system 2.1.6 preaction sprinkler system close-type sprinkler system, the system pipes of which are not filled with water under pre-working conditions and are supplied with water using the preaction device controlled and fire pump started up by automatic fire alarm system interlocked with the pressure switch on air-charging pipeline 2.1.7 recycling preaction sprinkler system the preaction system which can automatically close valve after fire is extinguished and re-open the valve to sprinkling in case of re-fire 2.1.8 deluge sprinkler system the open-type sprinkler system which is composed of open-type sprinkler, deluge alarm valve set, etc. and, in case of fire, can automatically switch on deluge alarm valve set and start up fire pump for fire extinguishing as controlled by automatic fire alarm system or transmission pipe 2.1.9 drencher sprinkler system the open-type sprinkler system for fire separation or cooling protection, which is composed of open-type sprinkler or drencher sprinkler, deluge alarm valve set or temperature sensing deluge alarm valve, etc. 2.1.10 fire compartment drencher sprinkler system the drencher system which is composed of open-type sprinkler or drencher sprinkler, deluge alarm valve set or temperature sensing deluge alarm valve, etc. and, in case of fire, sprinkles so intensively as to form water screen or water curtain 2.1.11 cooling protection drencher sprinkler system the drencher system for cooling fire separation facilities, e.g. fire resisting shutter and fireproof glass wall, in case of fire, which is composed of drencher sprinkler, deluge alarm valve set or temperature sensing deluge alarm valve, etc. 2.1.12 cooling protection sprinkler system the close-type sprinkler system for cooling fire separation facilities, e.g. fire resisting shutter and fireproof glass wall, in case of fire, which is composed of close-type sprinkler, wet-type alarm valve set, etc. 2.1.13 operation area of sprinkler system the maximum area protected by the system with its sprinkling intensity in a fire 2.1.14 response time index (RTI) an indicator to the heat sensibility performance of close-type sprinkler 2.1.15 fast response sprinkler close-type sprinkler, the response time index (RTI) of which 50(m·s)0.5 2.1.16 special response sprinkler close-type sprinkler, the response time index (RTI) of which is larger than 50(m·s)0.5 but not larger than 80(m·s)0.5 2.1.17 standard response sprinkler close-type sprinkler, the response time index (RTI) of which is larger than 80(m·s)0.5 but not larger than 350(m·s)0.5 2.1.18 protection area of the sprinkler the product of the distance between adjoining sprinklers on the same branch line and the distance between adjoining system pipes 2.1.19 standard coverage sprinkler upright and pendent sprinkler whose flow factor K 80 and maximum protection area of one sprinkler does not exceed 20m2, or sidewall sprinkler whose maximum protection area of one sprinkler does not exceed 18m2 2.1.20 extended coverage (EC) sprinkler sprinkler whose flow factor K 80, maximum protection area of one sprinkler is larger than the protection area of standard coverage sprinkler but not larger than 36 m2, including upright, pendent and sidewall extended coverage sprinklers 2.1.21 standard orifice sprinkler standard coverage sprinkler whose flow factor K =80 2.1.22 early suppression fast response (ESFR) sprinkler standard coverage sprinkler intended for protecting stacking and elevated warehouse, whose flow factor K 161 and response time index (RTI) 28±8(m·s)0.5 2.1.23 specific application sprinkler standard coverage sprinkler which has a flow factor K 161 and a large water drop size, and can be used for civil building, high and large space in workshop building, warehouse provided verified through standard testing, including non-warehouse specific application sprinkler and warehouse specific application sprinkler 2.1.24 residential sprinkler fast response sprinkler applicable to residential building and non-residential dwelling building 2.1.25 feed mains the pipeline which feeds water to cross mains after alarm valve 2.1.26 cross mains the pipeline supplying water to branch line 2.1.27 branch lines the pipeline supplying water to sprinkler directly or via sprig 2.1.28 system pipes the generic term of feed mains, cross mains and branch lines 2.1.29 sprig the vertical pipe connecting sprinkler and branch line 2.1.30 flexible sprinkler hose fittings flexible metal hose connecting sprinkler and system pipes, with adjusting and fitting devices of sprinkler 2.1.31 signal valve valve with function of outputting open/close status signal 2.2 Symbols a——horizontal distance between sprinkler and obstacle; b——vertical distance between sprinkler deflector and obstacle bottom surface; c——one side length of the cross section of obstacle; Ch——Hazen-Williams factor; d——outside diameter of pipe; dg——calculated inside diameter of throttle pipe; dj——calculated inside diameter of pipe; dk——orifice diameter of pressure-reducing orifice; e——another side length of the cross section of obstacle; f——vertical distance between sprinkler deflector and the top surface of non-full height partition; g——gravitational acceleration; H——pump head or water supply pressure at system entry; Hc——the minimum water pressure of urban pipe network in the case of direct pumping from urban municipal pipe network; Hg——head loss of throttle pipe; Hk——head loss of pressure-reducing orifice; h——maximum clear height; hs——maximum storage height; i——unit length head loss of pipe; K——sprinkler flow factor; L——length of throttle pipe; n——quantity of sprinkler within the operation area at the most unfavorable point; P——sprinkler working pressure; P0——working pressure of sprinkler at the most unfavorable point; Pp——frictional and local head loss of system pipeline; Q——design flow of system; q——flow of sprinkler; qi——flow of each sprinkler node within operation area at the most unfavorable point; qg——design flow of pipeline; S——sprinkler spacing; SL——distance between sprinkler deflector and top plate; SW——distance between sprinkler deflector and parados; V——average velocity of water in pipeline; Vg——average velocity of water in throttle pipe; Vk——average velocity of water in pipeline after pressure-reducing orifice; Z——elevation difference between the sprinkler at the most unfavorable point and the lowest water level of fire pool or the horizontal center line of system entry pipe; ζ——sum of local resistance factors of reducer and increaser in throttle pipe; ξ——local resistance factor of pressure-reducing orifice. 3 Hazard Classifications of Occupancies 3.0.1 Fire hazard of occupancy shall be classified into low hazard, medium hazard (Classes I and II), high hazard (Classes I and II) and warehouse hazard (Classes I, II and III). 3.0.2 The fire hazard class of occupancy shall be determined according to such factors as its function, fire load of held articles and indoor space condition, by analyzing the characteristics of fire and difficulty in opening hot air-actuated sprinkler and sprinkling in place. Occupancies shall be classified as specified in Annex A hereof. 3.0.3 Where the sites in building vary significantly in terms of fire hazard and fire extinguishing difficulty, the system type selection and fire hazard classification should be determined according to the actual conditions of the sites. 4 Basic Requirements of System 4.1 General Requirements 4.1.1 The occupancies of sprinkler system shall meet the requirements of relevant current national standards. 4.1.2 Sprinkler system is not applicable to sites predominated by articles as follows: 1 Articles which will explode or burn faster on contact with water; 2 Articles produce intensive chemical reaction or toxic and hazardous substances on contact with water; 3 Liquids causing splashing or boiling over on contact with water sprinkling. 4.1.3 Design principle of sprinkler system shall meet the following requirements: 1 The fire detector of close-type sprinkler or startup system shall be able to effectively detect early fire; 2 Wet pipe sprinkler system and dry pipe sprinkler system shall start up automatically as one sprinkler is opened; preaction sprinkler system, deluge sprinkler system and drencher sprinkler system shall, depending on its type, use fire detector or close-type sprinkler as detecting element, and start up automatically upon alarm; 3 Sprinkler opened within operation area shall continuously sprinkle at the design-selected sprinkling intensity within specified time; 4 Sprinkling by sprinkler shall distribute uniformly and shall not be obstructed. 4.2 Selection of Systems 4.2.1 Sprinkler system shall select appropriate open-type or close-type sprinkler system according to the building characteristics of occupancy, environmental conditions and fire characteristics, etc. Open space should not adopt close-type sprinkler system. 4.2.2 Wet pipe sprinkler system shall be adopted where the ambient temperature is not less than 4℃ and not higher than 70℃. 4.2.3 Dry pipe sprinkler system shall be adopted where the ambient temperature is lower than 4℃ or higher than 70℃. 4.2.4 Preaction sprinkler system shall be adopted where: 1 mistaken sprinkling is strictly forbidden to the system under pre-working conditions; 2 filling water in pipeline is strictly forbidden to the system under pre-working conditions; or 3 it is used to substitute dry pipe sprinkler system. 4.2.5 Recycling preaction sprinkler system shall be adopted where sprinkling must be stopped immediately after fire extinguishing. 4.2.6 Deluge sprinkler system shall be adopted where: 1 the horizontal extension speed of fire hazard is so quick that the opening of close-type sprinkler cannot spray water timely to effectively cover the fire area; 2 the clear height of occupancy exceeds that given in 6.1.1 hereof and early fire must be extinguished rapidly; or 3 the fire hazard class is Class II high hazard. 4.2.7 Early suppression fast response sprinkler system should be adopted in the following cases. If early suppression fast response sprinkler is adopted, wet pipe sprinkler system shall be adopted and the basic design parameters of system shall meet the requirements given in 5.0.5 hereof. 1 Warehouse whose maximum clear height does not exceed 13.5m, maximum storage height does not exceed 12.0m and storage articles are of Class I and II warehouse hazards or asphalt products, boxed non-foamed plastic, and similar places; or 2 Warehouse whose maximum clear height does not exceed 12.0m, maximum storage height does not exceed 10.5m and storage articles are bagged non-foamed plastic, boxed foamed plastic and bagged foamed plastic, and similar places. 4.2.8 Warehouse specific application sprinkler system should be adopted in the following cases and its basic design parameters shall meet the requirements given in 5.0.6 hereof: 1 Warehouse whose maximum clear height does not exceed 12.0m, maximum storage height does not exceed 10.5m and storage articles are of Class I and II warehouse hazard or boxed non-foamed plastic, and similar places; or 2 Warehouse whose maximum clear height does not exceed 7.5m, maximum storage height does not exceed 6.0m and storage articles are bagged non-foamed plastic and boxed foamed plastic, and similar places. 4.3 Others 4.3.1 The dry pipe sprinkler system, preaction sprinkler system, deluge sprinkler system and sprinkler-foam combined system used for local protection in building may be connected in series with the wet pipe sprinkler system in the same building and shall be connected with its feed mains. 4.3.2 Sprinkler system shall be provided with components, accessories and facilities as below: 1 Components such as sprinkler, alarm valve set and water flow alarm device, and end water-test equipment, as well as pipelines and water facilities shall be provided; 2 Section controlling pipeline static pressure should adopt zoned water supply or use pressure reducing valve; section controlling pipeline dynamic pressure should be arranged pressure-reducing orifice or throttle pipe; 3 Drain valve (or drain port), exhaust valve (exhaust port) and blowdown port shall be arranged; 4 System pipes of dry pipe sprinkler system and preaction sprinkler system shall be arranged with fast exhaust valves. Electric valve shall be arranged before the fast exhaust valve inlet of air-charging pipeline under pressure. 4.3.3 Cooling protection drencher sprinkler system shall sprinkle directly towards the protected object; fire compartment drencher sprinkler system should not be used for the opening (except proscenia) with dimensions exceeding 15m (width)×8m (height). Foreword ii 1 General Provisions 2 Terminologies and Symbols 2.1 Terms 2.2 Symbols 3 Hazard Classifications of Occupancies 4 Basic Requirements of System 4.1 General Requirements 4.2 Selection of Systems 4.3 Others 5 Basic Design Parameters 6 System Components 6.1 Sprinklers 6.2 Alarm Valve Set 6.3 Waterflow Indicator 6.4 Pressure Switch 6.5 System Test Connection 7 Sprinklers Arrangement 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Distance between Sprinklers and Barriers 8 Pipework 9 Hydraulic Calculation 9.1 Design Flow Rate of System 9.2 Hydraulic Calculation of Pipes 9.3 Pressure-Reducing Measures 10 Water Supply 10.1 General Requirements 10.2 Water Pump 10.3 Gravity Tanks 10.4 Fire Department Connections 11 Operation and Control 12 Local Application System Annex A Fire Hazard Classification of Occupancies Annex B Classifications of Plastics and Rubbers Annex C List of Equivalent Lengths Annex D Local Resistance Factor of Pressure-reducing Orifice Explanation of Wording in This Code List of Quoted Standards 1 总 则 1.0.1为了正确、合理地设计自动喷水灭火系统,保护人身和财产安全,制定本规范。 1.0.2 本规范适用于新建、扩建、改建的民用与工业建筑中自动喷水灭火系统的设计。 本规范不适用于火药、炸药、弹药、火工品工厂、核电站及飞机库等特殊功能建筑中自动喷水灭火系统的设计。 1.0.3 自动喷水灭火系统的设计,应密切结合保护对象的功能和火灾特点,积极采用新技术、新设备、新材料,做到安全可靠、技术先进、经济合理。 1.0.4 设计采用的系统组件,必须符合国家现行的相关标准,并应符合消防产品市场准入制度的要求。 1.0.5 当设置自动喷水灭火系统的建筑或建筑内场所变更用途时,应校核原有系统的适用性。当不适用时,应按本规范重新设计。 1.0.6 自动喷水灭火系统的设计,除应符合本规范的规定外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。 2 术语和符号 2.1术 语 2.1.1自动喷水灭火系统 sprinkler systems 由洒水喷头、报警阀组、水流报警装置(水流指示器或压力开关)等组件,以及管道、供水设施等组成,能在发生火灾时喷水的自动灭火系统。 2.1.2 闭式系统 close type sprinkler system 采用闭式洒水喷头的自动喷水灭火系统。 2.1.3 开式系统 open-type sprinkler system 采用开式洒水喷头的自动喷水灭火系统。 2.1.4 湿式系统 wet pipe sprinkler system 准工作状态时配水管道内充满用于启动系统的有压水的闭式系统。 2.1.5 干式系统 dry pipe sprinkler system 准工作状态时配水管道内充满用于启动系统的有压气体的闭式系统。 2.1.6 预作用系统 preaction sprinkler system 准工作状态时配水管道内不充水,发生火灾时由火灾自动报警系统、充气管道上的压力开关联锁控制预作用装置和启动消防水泵,向配水管道供水的闭式系统。 2.1.7 重复启闭预作用系统 recycling preaction sprinkler system 能在扑灭火灾后自动关阀、复燃时再次开阀喷水的预作用系统。 2.1.8 雨淋系统 deluge sprinkler system 由开式洒水喷头、雨淋报警阀组等组成,发生火灾时由火灾自动报警系统或传动管控制,自动开启雨淋报警阀组和启动消防水泵,用于灭火的开式系统。 2.1.9 水幕系统 drencher sprinkler system 由开式洒水喷头或水幕喷头、雨淋报警阀组或感温雨淋报警阀等组成,用于防火分隔或防护冷却的开式系统。 2.1.10 防火分隔水幕 fire compartment drencher sprinkler system 由开式洒水喷头或水幕喷头、雨淋报警阀组或感温雨淋报警阀等组成,发生火灾时密集喷洒形成水墙或水帘的水幕系统。 2.1.11 防护冷却水幕cooling protection drencher sprinkler system 由水幕喷头、雨淋报警阀组或感温雨淋报警阀等组成,发生火灾时用于冷却防火卷帘、防火玻璃墙等防火分隔设施的水幕系统。 2.1.12 防护冷却系统cooling protection sprinkler system 由闭式洒水喷头、湿式报警阀组等组成,发生火灾时用于冷却防火卷帘、防火玻璃墙等防火分隔设施的闭式系统。 2.1.13 作用面积 operation area of sprinkler system 次火灾中系统按喷水强度保护的最大面积。 2.1.14 响应时间指数 response time index( RTI ) 闭式洒水喷头的热敏性能指标。 2.1.15 快速响应洒水喷头 fast response sprinkler 响应时间指数RTI 50(m·s)0.5的闭式洒水喷头。 2.1.16 特殊响应洒水喷头 special response sprinkler 响应时间指数50 Ⅰ级 6 12 14 Ⅱ级 8 14 Ⅲ级 10 注:货架内置洒水喷头超过2层时,计算流置应按最顶层2层,且每层开放洒水喷头数按本表规定值的1/2确定。 5.0.9 仓库内设置自动喷水灭火系统时,宜设消防排水设施。 5.0.10 干式系统和雨淋系统的设计要求应符合下列规定: 1 干式系统的喷水强度应按本规范表5.0.1、表5.0.4-1〜表5.0.4-5的规定值确定,系统作用面积应按对应值的1.3倍 确定; 2 雨淋系统的喷水强度和作用面积应按本规范表5.0.1的规定值确定,且每个雨淋报警阀控制的喷水面积不宜大于表5.0.1中的作用面积。 5.0.11 预作用系统的设计要求应符合下列规定: 1系统的喷水强度应按本规范表5.0.1、表5.0.4-1〜表5.0.4-5的规定值确定; 2当系统采用仅由火灾自动报警系统直接控制预作用装置时,系统的作用面积应按本规范表5.0.1、表5.0.4-1〜表5.0.4-5 的规定值确定; 3当系统采用由火灾自动报警系统和充气管道上设置的压力开关控制预作用装置时,系统的作用面积应按本规范表5.0.1表5.0.4-1〜表5.0.4-5规定值的1.3倍确定。 5.0.12仅在走道设置洒水喷头的闭式系统,其作用面积应按最 大疏散距离所对应的走道面积确定。 5.0.13装设网格、栅板类通透性吊顶的场所,系统的喷水强度应按本规范表5.0.1、表5.0.4-1〜表5.0.4-5规定值的1.3倍确定,且喷头布置应按本规范第7.1.13条的规定执行。 5.0.14水幕系统的设计基本参数应符合表5.0.14的规定: 表5.0.14水幕系统的设计基本参数 水幕系统类别 喷水点高度h(m) 喷水强度[L/(s • m)] 喷头工作压力(MPa) 防火分隔水幕 h≤12 2.0 0.1 防护冷却水幕 h≤4 0.5 注: 1防护冷却水幕的喷水点高度每增加1m.喷水强度应增加0.1L(s•m),但超过9m时喷水强度仍采用1.0L/(s•m)。 2系统持续喷水时间不应小于系统设置部位的耐火极限要求。 3喷头布置应符合本规范第7.1.16条的规定。 |
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