is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is formulated with a view to implementing the Environmental protection law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution, controlling environment pollution, improving environmental quality and enhancing technical progress and sustainable development for paint, ink and adhesive industry.
This standard specifies the control requirements, monitoring and supervision of emission of air pollutants for paint, ink and adhesive industry.
For emission of water pollutants, odor pollutants and ambient noise made by paint, ink and adhesive industrial enterprises or production facilities, related national standards apply; for identification, treatment and disposal of the generated solid wastes, national control standards for solid waste apply.
This standard is issued for the first time.
New facilities and existing facilities perform this standard for control of emission of air pollutants as of July 1, 2019 and July 1, 2020 respectively instead of GB 16297-1996 Comprehensive emission standard of air pollutants. Upon approval of provincial people's government, all regions may implement this standard in advance according to the need of local environmental protection and economic and technical conditions.
This standard specifies the basic control requirements for emission of air pollutants in paint, ink and adhesive industry. Local provincial people's government may formulate local pollutant emission standards for the items not specified in this standard; and it may also formulate local pollutant emission standards stricter than this standard for the items specified in this standard.
Annexes A and B of this standard are informative.
This standard is formulated by the Department of Air Environment and the Department of Laws and Regulations and Standards under the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.
This standard was approved by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on April 16, 2019.
This standard shall be implemented from July 1, 2019.
The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible for the explanation of this standard.
Emission standard of air pollutants for paint, ink and adhesive industry
1 Application scope
This standard specifies the control requirements, monitoring and supervision of emission of air pollutants for paint, ink and adhesive industry.
This standard is applicable to the emission management of air pollutant from the paint, ink and adhesive industrial enterprises or production facilities; it is also applicable to the environmental effects assessment, the environmental protection facilities design, the completion acceptance of environmental protection and approval and issuance of pollutant discharging license for construction projects in the paint, ink and adhesive industry as well as the air pollutants emission management after the projects are put into operation.
The production equipment of synthetic resin production and modification in paint, ink and adhesive industrial enterprises shall comply with the relevant provisions of GB 31572.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated reference, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB 31572 Emission standard of pollutants for synthetic resin industry
GB 37822 Standard for fugitive emission of volatile organic compounds
GB/T 4754-2017 Industrial classification for national economic activities
GB/T 8017 Standard test method for vapor pressure of petroleum products (Reid Method)
GB/T 15516 Air quality—Determination of formaldehyde—Acetylacetone spectrophotometric method
GB/T 16157 Determination of particulates and sampling methods of gaseous pollutants emitted from exhaust gas of stationary source
HJ 38 Stationary source emission—Determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons—Gas chromatography
HJ/T 42 Stationary source emission—Determination of nitrogen oxide—Ultraviolet spectrophotometric method
Technical guidelines for fugitive emission monitoring of air pollutants
HJ/T 56 Determination of sulphur dioxide from exhausted gas of stationary source—Iodine titration method
HJ 57 Stationary source emission—Determination of sulfur dioxide—Fixed potential by electrolysis method
HJ 77.2 Ambient air and flue gas—Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)—Isotope dilution HRGC-HRMS
HJ/T 397 Technical specifications for emission monitoring of stationary source
HJ 583 Ambient air—Determination of benzene and its analogies using sorbent adsorption thermal desorption and gas chromatography
HJ 584 Ambient air—Determination of benzene and its analogies by activated charcoal adsorption carbon disulfide desorption and gas chromatography
HJ 604 Ambient air—Determination of total hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons—Direct injection/Gas chromatography
HJ 693 Stationary source emission—Determination of nitrogen oxides—Fixed potential by electrolysis method
HJ 732 Emission from stationary sources—Sampling of volatile organic compounds—Bags method
HJ 734 Stationary source emission—Determination of volatile organic compounds—Sorbent adsorption and thermal desorption gas chromatography mass spectrometry method
HJ 759 Ambient air—Determination of volatile organic compounds— Collected by specially-prepared canisters and analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
HJ 819 Self-monitoring technology guidelines for pollution sources—General rule
HJ 836 Stationary source emission—Determination of mass concentration of particulate matter at low concentration—Manual gravimetric method
HJ 944 Environmental management records and compliance reports of pollutant emission permit technical specification for pollution sources— General rule (on trial)
HJ 1012 Ambient air and stationary source emission—Specifications and test procedures for hydrocarbons, methane and nonmethane hydrocarbons portable total monitoring instrument
HJ 1013 Specifications and test procedures for nonmethane hydrocarbons continuous emission monitoring system in stationary sources
Measures for Automatic Monitoring and Management of Pollution Sources (Decree No.28 of the State Environmental Protection Administration)
Measures for the Administration of Environmental Monitoring (Decree No.39 of the State Environmental Protection Administration)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
paint, ink and adhesive industry
industries of manufacture of paints (C2641), manufacture of ink and allied products (C2642) and manufacture of adhesive specified in GB/T 4754-2017
manufacture of paints
production activities of adding pigments, solvents and auxiliary materials into natural resin or synthetic resin, and processing and making into covering materials, including the preparation of auxiliary materials such as paints and their thinners, paint strippers, etc.
manufacture of ink and allied products
production activities of preparing colored mucilage substance for printing use and computer printing and copier inks, which are prepared by pigment, binder (vegetable oil, mineral oil, resin, solvent) ground and mixed with filler
manufacture of adhesives
production activities of preparing adhesives (also called binders) which are mainly made of adhesive material together with various curing agents, plasticizers, fillers, solvents, preservatives, stabilizers and coupling agents
volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
organic compound that participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions, or is defined in accordance with relevant provisions
In characterizing the overall emissions of VOCs, total volatile organic compounds (expressed as TVOC) and non-methane total hydrocarbons (expressed as NMHC) can be used as pollutant control items based on industry characteristics and environmental management requirements.
total volatile organic compounds (TVOC)
its total amount is the sum of the individual VOCs in the exhaust gas is measured with the specific monitoring method, which is calculated with the mass concentrations of the individual VOCs In actual work, it is the sum of the individual VOCs, which account for more than 90% of the total, measured according to the expected analysis results.
non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC)
its total amount is the sum of gaseous organic compounds other than methane, responsive to the hydrogen flame ionization detector, based on the mass concentration of carbon
fugitive emission
irregular emission by which atmospheric pollutants do not pass through the exhaust stack, including the escape of open workplaces, as well as emissions through gaps, vents, open doors and windows and similar openings (holes)
state or operation mode where contaminants are not in contact with ambient air, or are separated from ambient air by sealing materials or sealing equipment
closed space
closed area or enclosed building formed by a confined structure that blocks pollutants, workplaces, etc. from the surrounding space The windows and other opening (hole) of enclosed areas or enclosed buildings shall be kept closed at all times except for the time for entry and leaving of personnel, vehicles, equipment, materials, and exhaust pipes and vents established according to law.
VOCs-containing materials
raw and auxiliary material, products and scrap (residue, liquid) with VOCs mass ratio of 10% or more, and organic polymer raw and auxiliary material and scrap (residue, liquid) for the purpose of this standard
volatile organic liquid
Any organic liquid that emits VOCs into the atmosphere and meets one of the following conditions:
(1) a single component organic liquid with a true vapor pressure of 0.3 kPa or higher;
(2) as for the mixture, the organic liquid containing the components whose true vapor pressure is greater than or equal to 0.3kPa accounts for 20% or higher of the total mass.
true vapor pressure
saturated vapor pressure (absolute pressure) at the working (storage) temperature of the organic liquid, or the vapor pressure with the liquid vaporization rate of the organic mixture as zero , also known as the bubble point vapor pressure, which can be converted according to the corresponding measurement method such as GB/T 8017
Note: The working (storage) temperature of an organic liquid that is operated (stored) at normal temperature is calculated as the maximum monthly mean temperature of the year.
liquid-mounted seal
seal form with the edge of the floating roof is sealed immersed in the liquid surface of the storage material, also known as a liquid mosaic seal
mechanical shoe seal
seal form with the metal sheet vertically pressed against the storage tank wall by a spring or counterweight lever
double seals
seal form with a two-layer seal arranged between the edge of the floating roof and the inner wall of the storage tank, which is also called a double-sealed seal The lower seal is called a primary seal and the upper seal is called a secondary seal.
vapor balancing system
gas connection and balancing system arranged between the loading facility and the storage tank or between the storage tanks
existing facility
enterprises or production facilities in paint, ink and adhesive industry that have been established and put into production and whose environmental impact assessment documents have been reviewed, approved or filed before the date of implementation of this standard
new facility
constructed, renovated and extended construction projects in paint, ink and adhesive industry whose environmental impact assessment documents are approved since the implementation date of this standard
key regions
regions with severe air pollution, or fragile ecological environment, or need for further improvement of ambient air quality and in need for strict control of air pollutant emissions, according to the requirements of environmental protection work
standard state
state where the temperature is 273.15 K and the pressure is 101.325 kPa For the purpose of this standard, the emission concentration limit of air pollutant uses dry flue gas under standard state as a reference.
stack height
height from the ground level of the exhaust pipe (or its main building structure) to the outlet of the exhaust pipe, m
enterprise boundary
the legal boundary of the enterprise or production facility If it is difficult to determine the legal boundary, it refers to the actual land occupation boundary of the enterprise or production facility.
4 Control requirements for organized emission
4.1 New facilities and existing facilities perform this emission limits of air pollutants and other pollution control requirements in Table 1 hereof as of July 1, 2019 and July 1, 2020 respectively.
Foreword i 1 Application scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Control requirements for organized emission 5 Control requirements for fugitive emission 6 Requirements for pollution monitoring of enterprise boundaries and surrounding areas 7 Requirements for pollutant monitoring 8 Implementation and supervision Annex A (Informative) Typical air pollutants from paint, ink and adhesive industry Annex B (Informative) Monitoring requirements for fugitive emission of VOCs in the factory area