This Code states requirements on the DC system wiring, equipment selection and allocation, DC system external interface and relevant trades.
This Code is applicable to the design of the DC systems ion the newly-built projects in the fossil fuel power plants with the unit capacity of 1000MW and lower, 500kV-and-lower substations and DC power transmission converter stations. The extended and rebuilt projects can be carried out referring to this. The fossil fuel power plants include the coalfired power station, oil fired power plant, gas power station and refuse-burning plant. Nuke, 750kV substations and other power projects can be carried out referring to it.
Foreword 1. Scope 2. Normative References 3. Terms 4. System Wiring 4.1 DC Power Supply 4.2 System Voltage 4.3 Storage Battery 4.4 Charging Equipment 4.5 Wiring Mode 4.6 Network Design 5. DC Load 5.1 Classification of DC Load 5.2 Statistics of DC Load 6. Protection and Monitoring 6.1 Protection 6.2 Measurement 6.3 Signal 6.4 Automation Requirements 7 Equipment Selection 7.1 Battery 7.2 Charging equipment 7.3 Cable 7.4 Test discharge device of storage battery 7.5 DC circuit breaker 7.6 Fuse breaker 7.7 Disconnecting switch 7.8 Dropping equipment 7.9 Direct current cabinet 7.10 DC power supply aggregate 8 Plant Layout 8.1 Direct current cabinet disposal 8.2 Valve control type seal lead-acid battery team disposal 8.3 Acidproof type lead-acid battery group and cadmium nickel alkaline storage battery disposal 9 Requirements of relative specialties of special use battery room 9.1. General technical requirements of relative specialties of special use battery room 9.2 Correlate professional requirements of valve control type seal lead-acid battery assembly 9.3 Professional requirements of acidproof type lead-acid battery group and cadmium nickel alkaline storage battery Annex A (Informative) DC system I/O table Annex B (Informative) Storage battery select Annex C (Informative) Selection of Charging Equipment and Commutation Modules Annex D (Informative) Selection of Cross Section of Cable Annex E (Informative) Selection of DC Circuit Breaker Annex F (Informative) Selection of Main Bus-bar of Battery Circuit Equipment and DC Cabinet Annex G (Informative) Calculation of Short-Circuit Current of Accumulator and Reference Values Annex H (Normative) Wording explanation