Instrument panel assembly and console assembly for passenger cars
1 Scope
This document specifies requirements, test methods, inspection rules, and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of instrument panel assembly and console assembly for passenger cars.
This document is applicable to instrument panel assembly and console assembly, made by forming process, for passenger cars, but it is not applicable to instruments, controls or electrical parts that installed on the assemblies, decorative parts using water transfer printing, painting and electroplating. The document is applicable to Category M1 vehicles, and may serve as a reference for other vehicles.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 250 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Grey scale for assessing change in color
GB/T 251 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Grey scale for assessing staining
GB/T 3922 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to perspiration
GB/T 7658.2-2008 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Standard adjacent fabrics - Part 2: Cotton and viscose
GB 8410 Flammability of automotive interior materials
GB/T 9286 Paints and varnishes - Cross-cut test
GB 11552 The interior fittings of passenger car
GB/T 16991-2008 Textiles - Test for colour fastness - Colour fastness and ageing to artificial light at high temperatures: Xenon arc
GB/T 23436 Cleaning fluids for automotive windshield
GB/T 30512 Requirements for prohibited substances on automobiles
HJ/T 400-2007 Determination of volatile organic compounds and carbonyl compounds in cabin of vehicles
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
instrument panel assembly
interior decorative part, in front of the front passengers and under the front windshield, on which various instruments and controls, etc. are installed
instrument panel zone one
zone of instrument panel subject to direct sunlight
4 Technical requirements
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 The instrument panel assembly and console assembly shall comply with the provisions of this document and shall be manufactured in accordance with the product drawings and design documents approved by the prescribed procedures. The dimensions and tolerances of the instrument panel assembly and console assembly shall meet the requirements of drawings or related documents.
4.1.2 The projection of the instrument panel assembly and console assembly shall meet the related requirements of GB 11552.
4.1.3 The appearance requirements of the instrument panel assembly and console assembly are as follows:
a) The surface member of the instrument panel assembly and console assembly shall be free from defects such as sharp edges, cracks, collapses, wrinkles, marks and dirt;
b) The internal member of the instrument panel assembly and console assembly shall be free from defects such as bubbles, cracks, paint flow marks, surface warping, bubbling and pitting, which will affect the appearance;
c) The surface color, texture and luster of the instrument panel assembly and console assembly shall be consistent with swatches or samples approved by prescribed procedures.
Contents Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Technical requirements 5 Test method 6 Inspection rules 7 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage Annex A (Normative) Sampling method for emission of volatile organic components and aldehyde ketone components of assembly - total bag sampling method