This part of JB/T 8749 specifies general requirements and tests for voltage regulators such as induction voltage regulator, variable transformer and magnetic control voltage regulator as well as voltage stabilizer (also referred to as automatic voltage regulator) with voltage regulator as main body. As for various voltage regulators and voltage stabilizers (unless otherwise stated, they are referred to as voltage regulator), corresponding product standard may be formulated according to the characteristic and special requirements of corresponding product on the basis of this part.
This part is applicable to voltage regulator with rated voltage of 10KV or below and rated frequency of 50Hz.
For voltage regulators with rated voltage above 10kV or other frequency or of other types, relevant provisions in this part may be made reference to.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of JB/T 8749. For dated references, subsequent amendments (excluding corrections), or revisions, of any of these publications do not apply to this part of JB/T 8749. However parties to agreements based on this part of JB/T 8749 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 321-2005 Preferred Numbers - Series of Preferred Numbers (IS0 3: 1973, IDT)
GB 1094.1 Power Transformers - Part 1: General (GB 1094.1-1996, eqv IEC 60076-1: 1993)
GB 1094.2 Power Transformers - Part 2: Temperature Rise (GB 1094.2-1996, eqv IEC 60076-2: 1993)
GB/T 1094.10 Power Transformers - Part 10: Determination of Sound Levels (GB/T 1094.10-2003, IEC 60076-10: 2001, MOD)
GB 1094.11-2007 Power Transformers - Part 11: Dry-type Transformers (IEC 60076-11: 2004, MOD)
GB 4208 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosure (IP Code) (GB 4208-1993.eqv IEC 60529: 1989)
GB/T 5273 Terminals for Transformers, High-voltage Apparatus and Bushings (GB/T 5273-1985, neq IEC 60518: 1975)
GB/T 13384-1992 General Specification for Packaging of Mechanical and Electrical Products
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 3.1 General Terms 3.2 Winding 3.3 Rated Value 3.4 Loss and No-load Current 3.5 Insulation 3.6 Test Classification 4 Product Classification, Product Model and Cooling Mode Marking and Rated Value 4.1 Product Classification 4.2 Product Model 4.3 Cooling Mode Marking 4.4 Rated Value 5 Service Conditions 5.1 Normal Service Conditions 5.2 Requirements for Special Service Condition 6 Technical Requirements 6.1 Structure 6.2 Permissible Deviation 6.3 Insulation Level Table 3 The Insulation Level of Voltage Regulator Winding When Um≤1,000 (1,140) V 6.4 Temperature Rise 6.5 Operating Mechanism 6.6 Output Voltage Range 6.7 Asymmetry of Output Voltage 6.8 Stabilized Voltage Precision 6.9 Characteristic of Output Voltage 6.10 Waveform Distortion Factor of Output Voltage 6.11 Duration for Voltage Regulating 6.12 Response Time 6.13 Overload Capability 6.14 Sound Level 6.15 Service Life 6.16 Safety 7 Test 7.1 General Requirements 7.2 Test Items 7.3 Test Method 8 Marking, Packaging, Transport, Storage and Accompanied Technical Documents 8.1 Marking 8.2 Packaging 8.3 Transport 8.4 Storage 8.5 Accompanied Technical Documents Annex A (Informative) Technical Requirements Required upon Enquiry and Order A.1 Normal Items A.2 Special Items Annex B (Normative) Temperature Correction of Load Loss for Voltage Regulators B.1 General B.2 Symbols and Correction Formulae Annex C (Normative) Temperature Rise Test for Voltage Regulators C.1 General C.2 Cooling Air Temperature C.3 Method of Load Application C.4 Measurment of Oil Temperature C.5 Determination of Stability Conditions of Temperature Rise C.6 Measurement of Average Temperature Rise of Winding C.7 Correction of Temperature Rise Table 1 Permissible Deviation Table 2 The Insulation Level of Voltage Regulator Winding When Um>1,000 (1,140) V Table 4 Insulation Level of the Components adopted for Control Circuit and Auxiliary Circuit When UN≤220V Table 5 Recommended Air Gap between Live Part of the Voltage Regulator Sleeve (Terminal) to Earth and to Other Live Parts Table 6 Temperature Rise Limit of Oil-immersed Voltage Regulator Table 7 Temperature Rise Limit of Dry-type Voltage Regulator Table 8 Routine Test Table 9 Type Test Table 10 Special Test