This specification is applicable to the monitoring of total amount of pollutants in waste water discharged by enterprises and institutions, as well as the monitoring of total amount of pollutants in waste water discharged during the "three simultaneities" completion acceptance of construction projects, from municipal sewage outlets and during the implementation of sewage permit system.
2 Normative references
The provisions contained in the following standards and specifications, which are referenced in this specification, constitute the provisions of this specification and have the same effect as this specification.
GB 12997-91 Water quality - Technical regulation on the design of sampling programmes
GB 12998-91 Water quality - Guidance on sampling techniques
ISO 555-1: 1973 Liquid flow measurement in open channels - Dilution methods for measurement of steady flow - Part 1: Constant-rate injection method
ISO 555-2: 1987 Liquid flow measurement in open channels - Dilution methods for the measurement of steady flow - Part 2: Integration method
ISO 555-3: 1987 Liquid flow measurement in open channels - Dilution methods for the measurement of steady flow - Part 3: Constant-rate integration method and radiotracer integration method
ISO 748: 1979 Liquid flow measurement in open channels - Velocity-area methods
ISO 1070: 1973 Hydrometry - Slope-area method
ISO 4359: 1983 Liquid flow measurement in open channels - Rectangular, trapezoidal and -shaped flumes
ISO 4360: 1984 Liquid flow measurement in open channels by weirs and flumes - Triangular profile weirs
ISO 4377: 1982 Liquid flow measurement in open channels - Flat-V weirs
If the above standards and specifications are revised, the latest version shall prevail.
3 Definitions
instantaneous water sample
samples collected randomly (such as time, flow and place) from water
mixed water sample
proportional mixed water samples
mixed water samples with water sample amount being proportional to time or flow at the same sampling point within a certain period of time
mixed water samples with equal time interval
mixed water samples with equal volume collected in equal time interval at the same sampling point within a certain period of time
proportional sampler
a kind of special automatic water quality sampler, through which the amount of collected water samples is proportional to time and flow, so that the pollutant concentration of the mixed water samples collected at any time period reflects the average concentration in that time period
automatic sampling
continuous or discontinuous sampling carried out by instruments and equipment according to preset procedures in the sampling process
Foreword ii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Definitions 4 Formulation of monitoring scheme 5 Sampling point 6 Monitoring of sampling 7 Flow measurement 8 Monitoring items and analysis methods 9 Quality assurance 10 Total amount verification