is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the contents of English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed with a view to implementing the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, protecting ecological environment, guaranteeing human health, monitoring the pollution source and pollutant discharge, and regulating the technical requirements for operation of wastewater on-line monitoring system.
This standard specifies the requirements of the operation organization and operator, parameter management and setting, sampling mode and data reporting, inspection and maintenance, operation technology and quality control, system maintenance and troubleshooting, files and records, etc. in order to ensure the stable operation of wastewater on-line monitoring equipment, and specifies the specific contents of operation comparison monitoring.
This standard is the revision of HJ/T 355-2007 Technical specifications for the operation and assessment of wastewater on-line monitoring system (on trial).
This standard was issued in 2007 for the first time. The original drafting organization is Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center. This edition is the first revision. The main contents of this revision are as follows:
——It is renamed as “Technical specification for operation of wastewater on-line monitoring system (CODCr, NH3-N et al.)”;
——The operation technical requirements of ultraviolet (UV) absorption automatic water quality analyzer are deleted;
——The parameter management and setting requirements are added;
——The method of water sample collection, the frequency of obtaining monitoring data and the requirements of data reporting are added;
——The on-site comparison requirements of ultrasonic open channel flowmeter are added;
——The reference unified operation technology form is added;
——The contents of daily operation and maintenance are modified;
——The quality control means in the operation process are modified, and the calculation method of each index is specified. HJ/T 355-2007 Technical specifications for the operation and assessment of wastewater on-line monitoring system (on trial) shall be abolished as of the implementation date of this standard.
Annexes A to J of this standard are informative. This standard is formulated under the organization of the Department of Ecological Environment Monitoring and the Department of Laws, Regulations and Standards under the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China. Drafting organization of this standard: China National Environmental Monitoring Centre and Jiangxi Environmental Monitoring Centre Station. This standard was approved by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on December 24, 2019.
This standard shall be implemented from March 24, 2020. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China is responsible for the explanation of this standard.
Technical specification for operation of wastewater on-line monitoring system (CODCr, NH3-N et al.)
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements of the operation organization and operator, parameter management and setting, sampling mode and data reporting, inspection and maintenance, operation technology and quality control, system maintenance and troubleshooting, files and records, etc. in order to ensure the stable operation of wastewater on-line monitoring equipment, and specifies the specific contents of operation comparison monitoring.
This standard is applicable to all components of the wastewater on-line monitoring system accepted by HJ 354, as well as the wastewater on-line monitoring equipment such as flowmeter, automatic water sampler, automatic water quality analyzers of chemical oxygen demand (CODCr), total organic carbon (TOC), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN) and pH, and thermometer. This standard is applicable to the daily operation and management of the operation organization of the wastewater on-line monitoring system.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For undated references, the latest edition applies.
GB/T 6920 Water quality—Determination of pH value—Glass electrode method
GB/T 11893 Water quality—Determination of total phosphorus—Ammonium molybdate spectrophotometric method
GB/T 13195 Water quality—Determination of total phosphorus—Ammonium molybdate spectrophotometric method
GB 18597 Standard for pollution control on hazardous waste storage
HJ 15 Technical specifications and test procedures for ultrasonic open channel sewage flowmeter
HJ 91.1 Technical specification for wastewater monitoring
HJ 212 Data transmission standard for online monitoring systems pf pollutant
HJ 353 Technical specification for installation of wastewater on-line monitoring system (CODCr, NH3-N et al.)
HJ 354 Technical specification for check and acceptance of wastewater on-line monitoring system (CODCr, NH3-N et al.)
HJ 356 Technical specification for data validity of wastewater on-line monitoring system (CODCr, NH3-N et al.)
HJ 493 Water quality sampling—Technical regulation of the preservation and handling of samples
HJ 535 Water quality—Determination of ammonia nitrogen—Nessler’s reagent spectrophotometry
HJ 536 Water quality—Determination of ammonia nitrogen—Salicylic acid spectrophotometry
HJ 636 Water quality—Determination of total nitrogen—Alkaline potassium persulfate digestion UV spectrophotometric method
HJ 828 Water quality—Determination of the chemical oxygen demand—Dichromate method
HJ/T 70 High-chlorine wastewater—Determination of chemical oxygen demand—Chlorine emendation method
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
wastewater on-line monitoring system
system consisting of software and hardware facilities with the functions of wastewater flow monitoring, wastewater sampling analysis, and analysis data statistics and uploading
wastewater on-line monitoring equipment
instruments and meters in the wastewater on-line monitoring system which are used in the continuous on-line monitoring of pollutant concentration and discharge
instantaneous sample
water sample sampled once at a time at a certain sampling point
composite sample
mixture of water samples sampled continuously or at different times at the same sampling point
automatic water sampling system
system in the wastewater on-line monitoring system which is used to acquire such instantaneous sample and composite sample, standard-exceeding retention sample, retention sample for parallel monitoring, and retention sample for comparison monitoring as used for analysis and testing with the wastewater on-line monitoring equipment
on-line monitoring equipment operating parameters
relevant parameters set on the wastewater on-line monitoring equipment installed on site that can characterize the measurement process and affect the measurement results
data availability
ratio of the number of effective data actually obtained by the equipment to the number of effective data obtained in a certain cycle
maintenance state
state of the wastewater on-line monitoring equipment when it is in the maintenance operation during the abnormal sampling and monitoring period, including the maintenance, overhaul and calibration of instruments, as well as the maintenance of automatic water quality sampling system
auto-check with standard solution
operation that the wastewater on-line monitoring equipment automatically measures the standard solution and automatically determines the accuracy of the measurement results
4 Requirements for operation organization and operators
4.1 Requirements for operation organization
The operation organization shall have technicians, instruments and equipment and laboratory environment suitable for the monitoring task, clarify the responsibilities, authorities and mutual relations of monitoring personnel and management personnel, and have appropriate measures and procedures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of monitoring results. A standby of on-line monitoring equipment in operation shall be provided, and the actual water sample comparison test device with corresponding instrument reference method shall be equipped.
4.2 Requirements for operators
The operators shall have relevant professional knowledge and pass corresponding training and education, ability confirmation/assessment and other activities.
5 Management and setting of on-line monitoring equipment operating parameters
5.1 Setting requirements for on-line monitoring equipment operating parameters
5.1.1 The range of the on-line monitoring equipment shall be reasonably set according to the actual emission concentration of water samples on site, and the upper limit of the range shall be set to 2–3 times of the pollutant discharge standard limit implemented on site. In case the actual discharge concentration of water sample exceeds the range setting requirements, manual monitoring shall be carried out according to the requirements of subclause 9.7.
5.1.2 For analog quantity acquisition, it shall be ensured that the acquisition signal range setting and conversion pollutant concentration range setting of the data acquisition and transmission instrument are consistent with the parameters set by the on-line monitoring equipment.
5.2 Management requirements for on-line monitoring equipment operating parameters
5.2.1 Corresponding operation authority shall be set for the operation of on-line monitoring equipment and the setting and modification of parameters.
5.2.2 The operation, parameter modification and other actions of the on-line monitoring equipment, as well as the specific parameters before and after modification, shall be recorded and saved in paper or electronic way. At the same time, corresponding unalterable records shall be made in the operation log of the equipment, which shall be kept for at least 1 year.
5.2.3 The reasons for the modification of the parameters of the on-line monitoring equipment shall be indicated in the paper or electronic record sheet and confirmed when it is used.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Requirements for operation organization and operators 5 Management and setting of on-line monitoring equipment operating parameters 6 Sampling mode and data reporting requirements 7 Inspection and maintenance requirements 8 Requirements for operating technology and quality control 9 Maintenance and troubleshooting requirements 10 Operation comparison monitoring requirements 11 Operation files and records Annex A (Informative) Basic information of wastewater on-line monitoring system Annex B (Informative) Record of patrol inspection and maintenance Annex C (Informative) Parameter setting record of wastewater on-line monitoring equipment Annex D (Informative) Record of check with standard solution and calibration results Annex E (Informative) Maintenance record Annex F (Informative) Replacement record of consumables Annex G (Informative) Replacement record of standard sample Annex H (Informative) Record of actual sample comparison test results Annex I (Informative) Operation comparison monitoring report of wastewater on-line monitoring system Annex J (Informative) Operation inspection list