This standard specifies the classification, type codes, size, materials, technical requirements and marking of lifting lugs for lifting chemical equipment or equipment components. This standard is applicable to the equipment lifting lugs of carbon steel, low alloy steel and stainless steel containers, tower vessels and their component for lifting during equipment installation.
2 Normative References
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to (excluding correction to), or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, the parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies
GB 150-1998 Steel Pressure Vessels
GB/T 196 General Purpose Metric Screw Threads-Basic Dimensions
GB/T 197 General Purpose Metric Screw Threads-Tolerances
GB/T 700-2006 Carbon Structural Steels
GB/T 1804 General Tolerances-Tolerances for Linear and Angular Dimensions without Individual Tolerance Indications
GB/T 3274-2007 Hot-rolled Plates and Strips of Carbon Structural Steels and High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels
GB/T 4237-2007 Hot Rolled Stainless Steel Plate Sheet and Strip
GB 6654-1996 Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels
GB/T 8162-1999 Seamless Steel Tubes for Structural Purposes
HG 20581-1998 Specification for Materials Selected of Steel Chemical Vessels
JB/T 4730-2005 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipment
3 Classification
Five categories (eight types) of lifting lugs are listed in this standard, i.e.:
Top plate-type lifting lug (Type TP and Type TPP);
Shaft type lifting lug (Type AXA, Type AXB and Type AXC);
Tail lifting lug (Type AP).
1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Classification 4 Technical Requirements 4.1 Lifting Lug Materials 4.2 Machining and Assembling of Lifting Lugs 4.3 Inspection of Lifting Lugs 5 Marking 5.1 Marking Method 5.2 Marking Examples 6 Top Plate-type Lifting Lug (Type TP/TPP) 6.1 Selection and Description 6.2 Structure Type and Dimension Series 6.3 Setting Position and Quantity 7 Horizontal Vessel Plate-type Lifting Lug (Type HP) 7.1 Selection and Description 7.2 Structure Type and Dimension Series 7.3 Setting Position and Quantity 8 Sidewall Type Lifting Lug (Type SP) 8.1 Selection and Description 8.2 Structure Type and Dimension Series 8.3 Setting Position and Quantity 9 Shaft Type Lifting Lug (Type AX) 9.1 Selection and Description 9.2 Structure Type and Dimension Series 9.3 Setting Position and Quantity 9.4 Setting of Thickened Segment 10 Tail Lifting Lug (Type AP) 10.1 Selection and Description 10.2 Structure Type and Dimension Series 10.3 Setting Position and Quantity Appendix A (Informative) Examples for Strength Calculation of Lifting Lug A.1 Determination of Comprehensive Influence Coefficient A.2 Strength of Lifting Lug A.3 Calculation Examples of Lifting Lug Strength Explanation of Wording in This Standard