This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules as well as rules of sampling, packaging, handling, delivery and inspection of petroleum based aviation hydraulic fluid with service temperature range as -54~+135℃.
This standard is applicable to petroleum-based hydraulic oil added with additive. The product in this standard is applicable to the designated aircraft and other hydraulic system using synthetic sealing material.
2 Normative References
GB 259 Petroleum Products - Determination of Water - Soluble Acids and Alkalis
GB 261 Petroleum Products - Determination of Flash Point
GB 265 Petroleum Products - Determination of Kinematic Viscosity and Calculation of Dynamic Viscosity
GB 510 Petroleum Products - Determination of Solidification Point
GB 1884 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products - Determination of Density
GB 3535 Petroleum Oils - Determination of Pour Point
SY 2122 Petroleum Products - Determination of Water Content
SY 2626 Determination Method for Shear Stability of Oils Containing Polymer
SY 2669 Lubricants - Determination of Foam Property
SY 4027 Liquid Lubricants - Test Method for Storage Stability
Contents 1 Subject Content and Application Scope 2 Normative References 3 Technical Requirements and Test Methods 4 Inspection Rules 5 Marking, Package, Transportation and Storage 6 Sampling Appendix A (Additional) Low Temperature Stability Test Method for Petroleum-based Aviation Hydraulic Fluid Appendix B (Additional) Test Method for Solid Particle Impurity And Filtration Time of Aviation Hydraulic Fluid Appendix C (Additional) Swelling Property of Lubricant for Synthetic Rubber Additional Explanation