1.1 This document specifies, in accordance with ISO 10326-1:2016, a laboratory method for measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of the seat suspension in reducing the vertical whole-body vibration transmitted to the operator of earth-moving machines at frequencies between 1 Hz and 20 Hz. It also specifies acceptance criteria for application to seats on different machines.
1.2 This document is applicable to operator seats used on earth-moving machines as defined in ISO 6165.
1.3 This document defines the input spectral classes required for the following earth-moving machines. Each class defines a group of machines having similar vibration characteristics:
——rigid-frame dumpers >4500 kg operating mass;
——articulated-frame dumpers;
——scrapers without axle or frame suspension ) ;
——wheeled loaders >4500 kg operating mass;
——wheeled dozers;
——soil compactors;
——backhoe loaders;
——crawler dumpers;
——crawler loaders;
——crawler-dozers ≤50000 kg operating mass )
——compact dumpers ≤4 500 kg operating mass;
——wheeled compact loaders ≤4500 kg operating mass;
——skid-steer loaders, wheeled ≤4500 kg and tracked ≤6000 kg operating mass.
1.4 The following machines impart sufficiently low vertical vibration inputs at frequencies between 1 Hz and 20 Hz to the seat during operation that these seats do not require suspension for the attenuation of transmitted vibration:
——excavators, including walking excavators and cable excavators );
——landfill compactors;
——non-vibratory rollers, except soil compactors;
——vibratory rollers, except soil compactors;
Foreword I 1 Scope 3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms 3.1 Terms and definitions 3.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms 4 General 5 Test conditions and test procedure 5.1 General 5.2 Simulation of vibration 5.3 Test seat 5.4 Test person and posture 5.5 Input vibration 5.6 Tolerances on input vibration 6 Acceptance values 6.1 SEAT factor 6.2 Damping performance 7 Seat identification 8 Information for use 8.1 General 8.2 Test report Bibliography