GB/T 8190.1-2023 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Exhaust emission measurement - Part 1: Test-bed measurement systems of gaseous and particulate emissions
1 Scope
This document specifies the measurement methods for gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions fromreciprocating internal combustion (RlC) engines on a test bed, necessary for determining one weightedvalue for each exhaust gas pollutant, Various combinations of engine load and speed reflect differentengine applications(see ISO 8178-4).
This document is applicable to RIC engines for mobile, transportable and stationary use, excludingengines for motor vehicles primarily designed for road use. This document can be applied to enginesused, for example, for earth-moving machines, generating sets and for other applications.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their contentconstitutes requirements of this document, For dated references, only the edition cited applies. Forundated references, the latest edition ofthe referenced document (including any amendments) applies
GB/T 8190.4-2023 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Exhaust emission measurement - Part 4: Steady-state and transient test cycles for different engine applications
ISO 5725-2 Accuracy (trueness and precision) ofmeasurement methods and results - Part 2: Basic methodfor the determination ofrepeatability and reproducibilityofa standard measurement method
ISO 8178-4:2020 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Exhaust emission measurement - Part 4: Test cycles for different engine applications
ASTM F1471-1993 Standard Test Method for Air Cleaning Performance ofa High - Efficiency Particulate Air.Filter System
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
absolute difference between the reference quantity,yre, and the arithmetic mean of the ten yi, y values
Note 1: See the example of an accuracy calculation in Annex D.
Note 2: It is recommended that the instrument accuracy be within the specifications in Table 5
aqueous condensation
precipitation ofwater-containing constituents from a gas phase to a liquid phase
Notey: Aqueous condensation is a function of humidity, pressure, temperature, and concentrations ofother constituents such as sulphuric acid, "hese parameters vary as a function of engine intake-air humiditydilution-air humidity, engine air-to-fuel ratio, and fuel composition - including the amount of hydrogen andsulphur in the fuel.
atmospheric pressure
wet,absolute,atmospheric static pressure
Note: lf the atmospheric pressure is measured in a duct, negligible pressure losses shall be ensuredbetween the atmosphere and the measurement location, and changes in the duct's static pressure resulting fromthe flow shall be accounted for.
process of setting a measurement system's response so that its output agrees with a range ofreference signals
Note: Contrast with verification (3.51).
calibration gas
purified gas mixture used to calibrate gas analysers
Note: Calibration gases shall meet the specifications of 9.2.1. Note that calibration gases and spangases (3.37) are qualitatively the same, but differ in terms of their primary function, Various performanceverification (3.51) checks for gas analysers and sample handling components might refer to either calibrationgases or span gases.
process of obtaining a certificate ofconformity
conversion efficiency ofnon-methane cutter
conversion efficienty of NMC
efficiency of the conversion of an NMC that is used for the removal of the non-methane hydrocarbons(3.21) from the sample gas by oxidizing all hydrocarbons except methane
delay time
difference in time between the change of the component to be measured at the reference point and asystem response of 10 % of the final reading (t10) with the sampling probe (3.28) being defined as thereference point
Note: For the gaseous components, this is the transport time of the measured component from thesampling probe to the detector (see Figure 1).
dew point
measure of humidity stated as the equilibrium temperature at which water condenses under a givenpressure from moist air with a given absolute humidity
Note: Dew point is specified as a temperature in °C or K, and is valid only for the pressure at which it ismeasured.
difference between a zero or calibration (3.4) signal and the respective value reported by a measurementinstrument immediately after it was used in an emission test
exhaustaftertreatment system
catalyst, particulate filter, deNO, system, combined deN0, particulate filter or any other emission-reducing device that is installed downstream of the engine
Note: This definition excludes exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and turbochargers, which are consideredan integral part of the engine.
full flow dilution
method of mixing the exhaust gas flow with dilution air prior to separating a fraction of the dilutedexhaust gas flow for analysis
good engineering judgement
judgement made consistent with generally accepted scientific and engineering principles and availablerelevant information
HEPA filter
high-efficiency particulate air filter that is rated to achieve a minimum initial particle-removalefficiency of 99.97 % using ASTM F1471-1993 or an equivalent standard
hydrocarbon group on which the emission standards are based for each type of fuel and engine
internationally traceable recognized standard
international standard which includes but is not limited to the list quoted in Table 1