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Codeofchina.com is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative. This standard is formulated with a view to implementing the Environmental protection law of the People's Republic of China and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution, preventing and controlling the environmental pollution caused by the exhaust of vehicles equipped with compression-ignition and gas fuelled positive ignition engines, and improving the air quality. This standard specifies the emission limits and measurement methods for gaseous and particulate pollutants from vehicles (CHINA VI) equipped with compression-ignition engines and their engines as well as those for gaseous pollutants from vehicles equipped with natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas fuelled positive ignition engines and their engines. This standard is applicable to the type test, checking of conformity of production, newly produced vehicle emission supervision inspection and in-service conformity inspection on vehicles of categories M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3 equipped with compression-ignition engines and gas fuelled positive ignition engines and vehicles of category M1 with a total mass exceeding 3,500kg as well as their engines. The following main technical changes have been made with respect to GB 17691-2005 Limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants from compression ignition and gas fueled positive ignition engines of vehicles (III, IV, V): ——the stricter limits for exhaust pollutants are specified, the emission limits for particle numbers are added, and the pollutant emission test cycle is changed; ——the non-standard cycle emission test requirements and limits (WNTE) are added; ——the emission test requirements and limits for complete vehicle on actual road (PEMS) are added; ——the durability requirements are improved; ——the provisions on emission warranty period are added; ——the technical requirements for monitoring items, thresholds and monitoring conditions of on-board diagnostic system are revised; ——the requirements for the position and orientation of exhaust pipe orifice are added; ——the NOx emission concentration requirements for valid data of actual driving conditions are added; ——the requirement to reduce the emission of NOx from the original engine is added; ——the inspection and determination methods of production conformity and in-service conformity are revised; ——the regulatory requirements for newly produced vehicles are added; ——the type test requirements for dual-fuel engines are added; ——the type test requirements for replacement pollution control device are added. The technical content of this standard mainly refers to the relevant provisions of Regulation No.49 of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) - Uniform provisions concerning the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants from compression-ignition engines and positive ignition engines for use in vehicles. Annexes A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P and Q are normative, and Annex B is informative herein. The specific requirements for emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) will be released in due course. This standard replaces GB 17691-2005 Limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants from compression ignition and gas fueled positive ignition engines of vehicles (III, IV, V) and the contents of gas fuelled positive ignition engines in GB 11340-2005 Limits and measurement methods for crankcase pollutants from heavy-duty vehicles equipped with P.I engines from the implementation date hereof. This standard is formulated by the Department of Air Environment and the Department of Science, Technology and Standards of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. This standard was approved by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment on May 22, 2018. From the issue date of this standard, type test may be carried out according to this standard. All gas-fuelled vehicles, urban vehicles and diesel fuelled heavy-duty vehicles produced, imported, sold and registered shall meet the requirements of this standard from July 1, 2019, July 1, 2020 and July 1, 2021, respectively. From the issue date of this standard, all relevant local standards shall be null and void. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is responsible for the explanation of this standard. Limits and measurement methods for emissions from diesel fuelled heavy-duty vehicles (CHINA VI) 1 Application scope This standard specifies the emission limits and measurement methods for gaseous and particulate pollutants from vehicles equipped with compression-ignition engines and their engines as well as those for gaseous pollutants from vehicles equipped with natural gas (NG) or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuelled positive ignition engines and their engines. This standard is applicable to the type test, checking of conformity of production, newly produced vehicle emission supervision inspection and in-service conformity inspection of vehicles of categories M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3 equipped with compression-ignition engines and gas fuelled positive ignition engines and vehicles of category M1 with a total mass exceeding 3,500kg as well as their engines. The type test of a complete vehicle given under this standard may be extended to its variants and versions with a reference mass above 2,380kg. The vehicles of categories M1, M2, N1 and N2 equipped with compression-ignition engines and gas fuelled positive ignition engines which have been subjected to type test in accordance with GB 18352.6-2016 may not be subjected to type test in accordance with this standard. 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document applies. GB/T 2624 Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full (IDT ISO 5176) GB/T 3730.2 Road vehicle - Masses - Vocabulary and codes GB/T 8190.1 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Exhaust emission measurement - Part 1: Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions GB/T 15089 Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers GB/T 17692 Measurement methods of net power for automotive engines GB 18047 Compressed natural gas as vehicle fuel GB 18352.6-2016 Limits and measurement methods for emissions from light-duty vehicles (CHINA 6) GB/T 19001 Quality management systems GB/T 27840 Fuel consumption test methods for heavy-duty commercial vehicles GB 30510 Fuel consumption limits for heavy-duty commercial vehicles ISO 5725 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results ISO 7000 Graphical symbols for use on equipment - Index and synopsis ISO 13400 Road vehicles - Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP) ISO 15031 Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics ISO 15031-3 Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics - Part 3: Diagnostic connector and related electrical circuits: specification and use ISO 15031-7 Road vehicles - Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics - Part 7: Data link security ISO 15765-4 Road vehicles - Diagnostic communication over Controller Area Network (DoCAN) - Part 4: Requirements for emissions-related systems ISO 27145 Road vehicles - Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements SAE J1708 Serial data communication between microcomputer systems in heavy-duty vehicle applications SAE J1939 Commercial Vehicle Control System Area Network (CAN) communication protocol SAE J1939-13 Off-board diagnostic connector SAE J1939-73 Application layer - Diagnostics SAE J2186 EE data link security ASTM E 29-06B Practice for using significant digits in test data to determine conformance with specifications ASTM F 1471-93 Test method for air cleaning performance of a high-efficiency particulate air-filter system EN 1822-1 High efficiency air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA) - Part 1: Classification, performance testing, marking 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 aging cycle the vehicle or engine operation (speed, load, power) to be executed during the durability operation test 3.2 engine (engine family) type test the type approval test of new product that is expected to be put on the market after completion of the design of an engine type (engine family) to verify whether the product meets the technical requirements of this standard 3.3 vehicle type test the type approval test of new trial-manufactured product after completion of a vehicle type design to verify whether the product meets the technical requirements of this standard 3.4 auxiliary emission strategy, AES an emission strategy that becomes active and replaces or modifies a base emission strategy for a specific purpose and in response to a specific set of ambient and/or operating conditions and only remains operational as long as those conditions exist 3.5 base emission strategy, BES an emission strategy that is active throughout the speed and load operating range of the engine unless an AES is activated 3.6 continuous regeneration the regeneration process of an exhaust after-treatment system that occurs either permanently or at least once per World Harmonised Transient Cycle (WHTC) hot test 3.7 crankcase the spaces in, or external to, an engine which are connected to the oil sump by internal or external ducts through which gases and vapours can be emitted 3.8 critical emission-related components the following components which are designed primarily for emission control: fuel supply system, intake system, exhaust after-treatment system, the engine electronic control unit (ECU) and its associated sensors and actuators, and the exhaust gas recirculation system (EGR) including all related filters, coolers, control valves and tubing 3.9 critical emission-related maintenance the maintenance to be performed on critical emission-related components 3.10 defeat strategy an emission strategy that does not meet the performance requirements for a base or auxiliary emission strategy as specified in this standard 3.11 deNOx system an exhaust after-treatment system designed to reduce emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) (e.g. passive and active lean NOx catalysts, NOx absorbers and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems) 3.12 diagnostic trouble code, DTC a numeric or alphanumeric identifier which identifies or labels a malfunction 3.13 element of design any element of the engine system; any control system, including: ECU software; electronic control systems; and computer logic; any control system calibration; the results of any interaction of systems 3.14 emission control monitoring system the system that ensures correct operation of the NOx control measures implemented in the engine system according to the requirements of Annex G; the emission control system means the elements of design and emission strategies developed or calibrated for the purpose of controlling emissions 3.15 emission related maintenance the maintenance which substantially affects emissions or which is likely to affect emissions deterioration of the vehicle or the engine during normal in-use operation 3.16 emission strategy an element or set of elements of design that is incorporated into the overall design of an engine system or vehicle and used in controlling emissions 3.17 engine after-treatment system family a manufacturer’s grouping of engines that comply with the definition of engine family, but which are further grouped into engines utilising a similar exhaust after-treatment system 3.18 engine family a manufacturer’s grouping of engines which through their design, as defined in Clause 8 of this standard, have similar exhaust emission characteristics 3.19 engine system the engine, the emission control system and the communication interface (hardware and messages) between the engine system electronic control unit or units (ECU) and any other powertrain or vehicle control unit 3.20 engine start consists of the ignition-On, cranking and start of combustion, and is completed when the engine speed reaches 150r/min below the normal, warmed-up idle speed 3.21 engine type a category of engines which do not differ in essential engine characteristics as set out in Annex A 3.22 exhaust after-treatment system a catalyst (oxidation, 3-way or any other), particulate filter, deNOx system, combined deNOx particulate filter, or any other emission reducing device, that is installed downstream of the engine 3.23 gaseous pollutants the exhaust gas emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides [NOx, expressed in nitrogen dioxide (NO2) equivalent], hydrocarbons [HC, i.e. total hydrocarbons (THC), non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC) and methane (CH4)] 3.24 general denominator a counter indicating the number of times a vehicle has been operated, taking into account general conditions in FG.4.4 3.25 group of monitors for the purpose of assessing the in-use performance of an OBD engine family, a set of OBD monitors used for determining the correct operation of the emission control system 3.26 ignition cycle counter a counter indicating the number of engine starts a vehicle has experienced 3.27 in-use performance ratio, IUPR the ratio of the number of times that the conditions have existed under which a monitor, or group of monitors, should have detected a malfunction relative to the number of driving cycles relevant for the operation of that monitor or group of monitors 3.28 low speed (nlo) the lowest engine speed where 55% of the maximum net power occurs 3.29 malfunction a failure or deterioration of an engine system, including the OBD system, that might reasonably be expected to lead either to an increase in any of the regulated pollutants emitted by the engine system or to a reduction in the effectiveness of the OBD system 3.30 malfunction indicator, MI an indicator which is part of the alert system and which clearly informs the driver of the vehicle in the event of a malfunction 3.31 maximum net power the maximum value of the net power measured at full engine load 3.32 net power the power obtained on a test bench at the end of the engine crankshaft or its equivalent according to the requirements of annexes to GB/T 17692 and determined under reference atmospheric conditions 3.33 non-emission-related maintenance the maintenance which does not substantially affect emissions and which does not have a lasting effect on the emissions deterioration of the vehicle or the engine during normal in-use operation once the maintenance is performed 3.34 on-board diagnostic system, OBD computer information system on-board of a vehicle or engine, which belongs to the pollution control device and has the capability of: a) diagnosing malfunctions, affecting the emission performance of the engine; b) indicating their occurrence by means of an alert system; c) identifying the likely area of the malfunction by means of information stored in computer memory and communicating that information off-board 3.35 OBD engine family a manufacturer’s grouping of engine systems having common methods of monitoring and diagnosing emission-related malfunctions 3.36 operating sequence a sequence consisting of an engine start, an operating period (of the engine), an engine shut-off, and the time until the next start, where a specific OBD monitor runs to completion and a malfunction would be detected if present 3.37 original pollution control device a pollution control device or an assembly of such devices covered by the type-test granted for the engine or vehicle concerned, with the content filled in corresponding subclauses in Annex B 3.38 parent engine an engine selected from an engine family in such a way that its emissions characteristics will be representative for that engine family 3.39 parent vehicle a vehicle type, which has passed the type test, selected from an vehicle type family in such as way that its emissions characteristics will be representative for that vehicle type family 3.40 particulate after-treatment device an exhaust after-treatment system designed to reduce emissions of particulate pollutants (PM) through a mechanical, aerodynamic, diffusional or inertial separation 3.41 particulate matter, PM any material collected on filter after diluting exhaust to a temperature between 315K (42℃) and 325K (52℃); this is primarily carbon, condensed hydrocarbons, and sulphates with associated water 3.42 particle number, PN the total number of particles of a diameter greater than 23nm present in the diluted exhaust gas after it has been conditioned to remove volatile material, as described in Appendix CC 3.43 percent load the fraction of the maximum available torque at an engine speed 3.44 performance monitoring malfunction monitoring, that consists of functionality checks and the monitoring of parameters that are not directly correlated to emission thresholds, and that is done on components or systems to verify that they are operating within the proper range (e.g differential pressure monitoring of DPF) 3.45 periodic regeneration the regeneration process of an emission control device that occurs periodically in less than 100h of normal engine operation 3.46 portable emissions measurement system, PEMS a portable emissions measurement system meeting the requirements specified in Annex K of this standard 3.47 power take-off unit an engine driven output device for the purposes of powering auxiliary, vehicle mounted, equipment 3.48 qualified deteriorated component or system, QDC a component or system that has been intentionally deteriorated such as by accelerated ageing or by having been manipulated in a controlled manner and which has been accepted by the competent department of ecology and environment under the State Council according to the provisions set out in Annex F, F.6.4.2 of this standard for use when demonstrating the OBD performance of the engine system 3.49 reagent any medium that is stored on-board the vehicle in a tank and provided to the exhaust after-treatment system (if required) upon request of the emission control system 3.50 recalibration a fine tuning of NG engine in order to provide the same performance (power, fuel consumption) in a different range of natural gas 3.51 reference mass the kerb mass of the vehicle increased by a uniform mass of 100kg 3.52 replacement pollution control device a pollution control device or an assembly of such devices intended to replace an original pollution control device and which can be approved as a separate technical unit for type test 3.53 scan-tool external test equipment used for standardised off-board communication with the OBD system in accordance with the requirements of this standard 3.54 service accumulation schedule the ageing cycle and the service accumulation period for determining the deterioration factors for the engine-after-treatment system family 3.55 tailpipe emissions the emission of gaseous and particulate pollutants 3.56 tampering inactivation, adjustment or modification of the vehicle emissions or propulsion system, including any software or other logical control elements of those systems, which has the effect, whether intended or not, of worsening the emissions performance of the vehicle 3.57 useful life the relevant period of durability mileage and/or time, whichever is earlier, over which compliance with the relevant gaseous pollutant, particulate matter and smoke emission limits has to be assured for vehicles specified in this standard under normal service conditions 3.58 full life the full lifecycle of a vehicle from production, use to scrapping 3.59 vehicle type with regard to emissions a group of vehicles which do not differ in essential engine and vehicle characteristics as set out in Annex A, hereinafter referred to as "vehicle type". 3.60 wall flow Diesel Particulate Filter a Diesel Particulate Filter ("DPF") in which all the exhaust gas is forced to flow through a wall which filters the gas 3.61 wobbe index the ratio of the corresponding calorific value of a gas per unit volume and the square root of its relative density under the same reference conditions 3.62 λ-shift factor, Sλ an expression that describes the required flexibility of the engine management system regarding a change of the excess air ratio λ if the engine is fuelled with a gas composition different from pure methane (see Appendix CA for the calculation of Sλ) 3.63 dual-fuel engine an engine that can burn diesel oil and a gaseous fuel simultaneously 3.64 world harmonised transient cycle, WHTC 1,800 transient test cycles under operating condition transforming second by second given in Annex C of this standard 3.65 world harmonised steady state cycle, WHSC 13 test cycles under steady state condition given in Annex C of this standard 3.66 urban vehicles the buses, mail trucks and sanitation trucks mainly operating in cities 3.67 vehicles of categories M1, M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3 in accordance with those specified in GB/T 15089: Vehicle of category M1 refers to the passenger vehicle accommodating a maximum of 9 seats including the driver's seat; Vehicle of category M2 refers to the passenger vehicle accommodating more than 9 seats including the driver's seat and having a maximum mass not exceeding 5,000kg; Vehicle of category M3 refers to the passenger vehicle accommodating more than 9 seats including the driver's seat and having a maximum mass exceeding 5,000kg, including: ——Class I: vehicle of category M3 carrying more than 22 passengers (excluding the driver), in which passengers are allowed to stand and walk about; ——Class II: vehicle of category M3 carrying more than 22 passengers (excluding the driver), in which passengers are allowed to stand in the passage and/or a standing area not greater than the area of 2 double-seats shall be provided; ——Class III: vehicle of category M3 carrying more than 22 passengers (excluding the driver), in which passengers are not allowed to stand; ——Class A: vehicle of category M3 carrying not more than 22 passengers (excluding the driver), in which passengers are allowed to stand; ——Class B: vehicle of category M3 carrying not more than 22 passengers (excluding the driver), in which passengers are not allowed to stand. Vehicle of category N1 refers to the goods vehicle having a maximum mass not exceeding 3,500kg; Vehicle of category N2 refers to the goods vehicle having a maximum mass exceeding 3,500kg but not exceeding 12,000kg; Vehicle of category N3 having a maximum mass exceeding 12,000kg 3.68 valid data all test data points from the time when the coolant temperature of the engine is above 70℃ or when it varies less than 2℃ within 5min after the beginning of PEMS test (whichever is earlier, but not later than 20min after the engine starts) to the end of the test 4 Pollution control requirements 4.1 Type test 4.1.1 General requirements The engines or vehicles within the application scope of this standard shall be subjected to type test according to the test items specified in 6.2 herein to prove that the engines or vehicles meet the requirements of Clause 6. The engine type or family may be used as a separate technical unit for type test. The vehicle equipped with an engine that has not yet undergone type test shall have its engine being type-tested, and the one with an engine that has undergone type test is not required to have its engine being additionally type-tested. In addition to the engine test, all vehicles undergoing type test shall be subjected to the on-complete vehicle (PEMS) test specified in 6.2.2. Fuel requirements of type test When the parent engine is subjected to type test, the reference fuel conforming to Annex D hereof shall be used. The natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuelled engines (vehicles) shall be subjected to type test according to the fuel types specified in Annex M. The type test of natural gas fuelled engines and liquefied petroleum gas fuelled engines shall meet the requirements of Annex M, Tables M.1 and M.2. The type test of dual-fuel engines shall meet the requirements of Annex N, Table N.2. If the fuel to be used in the design of the engine family is not included in the reference fuel range specified in Annex D, the manufacturer shall: a) clearly state the types of commercial fuels that the engine family can burn. b) prove that the parent engine can meet the requirements of this standard when burning commercial fuel. c) prove that the engine can meet the in-service conformity requirements when burning a mixture of the specified fuel with any component fuel of the relevant commercial fuel. 4.1.2 Family (parent engine) type test In the type test of an engine, a parent engine that can represent the engine type or family shall be selected. If the selected engine cannot fully represent the type or family mentioned in Annex A, an additional representative engine shall be selected for testing. During the type test of a complete vehicle, a vehicle that can represent the vehicle type (family) undergoing type test shall be selected. If the selected vehicle cannot fully represent the vehicle type or family mentioned in 8.4, an additional representative engine shall be selected for testing. The parent engine (or parent vehicle) represents the emission level of all engine types (vehicle types) in the family. The type test of parent engine (or parent vehicle) may be extended to all members of the family, and other members of the family do not need to be tested. The technical service shall seal up the ECU installed on the engine and vehicle during the type test for future reference, which may not be retained after five years of the shutdown of the engine or vehicle. The competent department of ecology and environment under the State Council may perform confirmation check. 4.1.3 Product type change Any modification to the type-tested engine type or vehicle type shall not have adverse impact on pollutant emission and still meet the requirements of this standard. If the change item belongs to the disclosed information, the vehicle manufacturer shall disclose the information of the product change item; if the change item may affect the emission performance, corresponding tests shall be conducted, and the product change content and test results shall be disclosed. 4.2 Environmentally benign production and in-service conformity 4.2.1 Vehicle and engine manufacturers shall ensure the environmentally benign production conformity of mass-produced vehicles and engines according to the provisions of this standard, and provide relevant assurance materials for production conformity according to the requirements of Annex I in this standard. Vehicle manufacturers shall ensure that the emission of newly produced vehicles meets the standards in accordance with the provisions of this standard, and provide data relevant to self-inspection of emission from newly produced vehicles to the competent department of ecology and environment under the State Council in accordance with the provisions of Clause 9 in this standard. The competent department of ecology and environment may conduct surveillance sampling inspections on the emission from newly produced vehicles in accordance with the provisions of Clause 9. 4.2.2 Vehicle and engine manufacturers shall ensure the in-service conformity of vehicles and engines in accordance with the provisions of this standard, and provide plans relevant to self-inspection on in-service conformity according to the requirements of Annex J. Vehicle manufacturers shall ensure that vehicles meet the emission standards in actual normal use in accordance with the provisions of this standard, and provide reports of self-inspection on in-service conformity to the competent department of ecology and environment under the State Council in accordance with the provisions of Clause 10. The competent department of ecology and environment may conduct sampling inspections on in-service conformity in accordance with the provisions of Clause 10 of this standard. 4.3 Information disclosure Information about vehicles within the application scope of this standard shall be disclosed by vehicle manufacturers in accordance with the requirements of Annexes A and B of this standard. Contents involving enterprise secrets may be disclosed after technical processing. 5 Engine (Vehicle) nameplate 5.1 General requirements The engine nameplate can be marked with words and numbers, or a QR code. The content on the nameplate must be concise and clear, with the words, numbers or patterns to be clear, distinct, legible and indelible. The nameplate must be fixed in such a way that it is fast and must not be removed, during the full life of the engine. 5.2 Location of engine nameplate The installation position of the nameplate on an engine shall not hinder the engine from normal operation, and it is generally not necessary to change during the lifetime of the engine. In addition, after all accessories required for the operation of an engine are installed, the nameplate shall be located where it is visible to normal people. The nameplate of an engine shall be close to or incorporated on that of the manufacturer. 5.3 Content on an engine nameplate The nameplate of an engine shall at least be marked with the following contents: a) engine model; b) production date: ________(mm-dd-yyyy) (wherein, “day” is optional; it is allowed to omit the production date if it has already been marked at some other area); c) the words "CHINA VI"; d) the trademark or full name of the manufacturer; e) the critical emission-related components (e.g. EGR, DOC, SCR and DPF). 5.4 Special requirements for nameplates of natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuelled engines (vehicles) with a limited fuel range 5.4.1 The natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuelled engines with a limited fuel range during type tests, in addition to meeting the requirements of 5.3, shall also have the following information included: a) Limited to use high (low) calorific value natural gases; b) Limited to use natural gases (liquefied petroleum gases) with specification of ____. 5.4.2 Vehicles equipped with natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuelled engines with a limited fuel range shall also have a nameplate specified in 5.4.1, which shall be located close to the fuel filling port of a vehicle. 5.5 Vehicle body marking A vehicle covered by this standard shall be marked with the words "CHINA VI" on an obvious position on its body. 6 Technical requirements and tests 6.1 General requirements 6.1.1 The components that affect the pollutant emissions from an engine shall be so designed, constructed and assembled as to enable the engine in normal use to comply with the provisions of this standard and its implementation measures. 6.1.2 Manufacturers shall take technical measures to ensure that the vehicles can effectively control the exhaust emission during their full life under normal service conditions. The measures described in 6.1.2 shall ensure that the safety of hoses, joints and connections used in the emission control system meets the requirements of the original design drawings. When the engines (vehicles) are subjected to emission tests under the test conditions specified in this standard, the results shall conform to the corresponding limits specified in this standard. Any engine systems and components that can affect emissions shall be so designed, constructed and assembled as to enable the engine in normal use to comply with the provisions of this standard. Manufacturers shall ensure compliance with the non-standard cycle emission requirements in 6.4 and Annex E, so that a vehicle can effectively control its pollutant emissions when it operates under possible environmental conditions and possible operating conditions. Vehicles equipped with vanadium-based SCR catalysts shall not leak vanadium-containing compounds into the atmosphere during their full life. Relevant data (such as temperature control strategy and relevant test reports) shall be submitted during the type test to prove that the temperature of SCR inlet is lower than 550℃ under any operating condition during the service of the vehicle. The defeat strategies reducing the effectiveness of the emission control device are prohibited. Any tampering with the pollution control device will result in non-conformity with emission standards. The safety of the electric control system shall meet the requirements of F.4.8. 6.1.3 The manufacturers shall organize the information on the emission control strategy of this type into a documentation package, which shall meet the requirements of A.3.5. 6.1.4 The exhaust pipes of the vehicle shall not face to the right or directly below. Its design shall facilitate emission inspection, with the exhaust pipes to be visible from the outside and encouraged to be higher than the vehicle body. Such cases where the exhaust ports of dangerous goods carrier vehicles and special motor vehicles cannot meet the requirements due to structural limitations of vehicles shall be reported to the competent department of ecology and environment under the State Council. 6.1.5 Vehicle manufacturers shall minimize NOx emissions from the original engine (the front end of after-treatment device) and report the emissions (data) from the original engine and test methods to the competent department of ecology and environment under the State Council. 6.1.6 The manufacturers shall clearly inform the user to add and use the required reactants in time to ensure that the vehicle in actual use can meet the emission requirements of this standard. Foreword iii 1 Application scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Pollution control requirements 5 Engine (Vehicle) nameplate 6 Technical requirements and tests 7 Installation on the vehicle 8 Engine family and parent engine 9 Requirements and inspection for newly produced vehicles 10 In-service conformity requirements and inspection 11 Standard implementation Annex A (Normative) Type test materials Annex B (Informative) Format of type test reports Annex C (Normative) Standard cycle test procedure for engine Annex D (Normative) Specifications of reference fuels Annex E (Normative) Requirements to Off-Cycle Emissions (OCE) tests Annex F (Normative) On-board diagnostic systems (OBD) Annex G (Normative) Requirements to ensure the correct operation of NOx control measures Annex H (Normative) Durability of engine system Annex I (Normative) Assurance requirements and checking of conformity of production Annex J (Normative) Technical requirements for in-service conformity Annex K (Normative) Actual road driving measurement method (PEMS) Annex L (Normative) Measurement method of pollutant emissions by chassis dynamometer on complete vehicle Annex M (Normative) Specific requirements for type test of liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas fuelled engines and vehicles Annex N (Normative) Technical requirements for diesel-gas dual-fuel engines and vehicles Annex O (Normative) Type test of replacement exhaust after-treatment devices as separate technical units Annex P (Normative) Access to vehicle OBD and vehicle maintenance information Annex Q (Normative) Technical requirements and communication data formats of on-board remote emission management terminal 重型柴油车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第六阶段) 1 适用范围 本标准规定了装用压燃式发动机汽车及其发动机所排放的气态和颗粒污染物的排放限值及测试方法;以及装用以天然气(NG)或液化石油气(LPG)作为燃料的点燃式发动机汽车及其发动机所排放的气态污染物的排放限值及测量方法。 本标准适用于装用压燃式、气体燃料点燃式发动机的M2、M3、N1、N2和N3类及总质量大于3500kg的M1 类汽车及其发动机的型式检验、生产一致性检查、新生产车排放监督检查和在用车符合性检查。 按本标准进行的整车型式检验可以扩展至基准质量超过2380kg 的变型、改装车辆。 若装用压燃式、气体燃料点燃式发动机的M1、M2、N1 和N2 类汽车已经按GB 18352.6-2016进行了型式检验,可不按本标准进行型式检验。 2 规范性引用文件 本标准引用了下列文件或其中的条款。凡是注明日期的引用文件,仅注明日期的版本适用于本标准。凡是未注明日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 GB/T 2624 用安装在圆形截面管道中的差压装置测量满管流体流量(IDT ISO 5176) GB/T 3730.2 道路车辆 质量 词汇和代码 GB/T 8190.1 往复式内燃机 废气排放测量 第一部分:排放废气和颗粒物的试验台测量 GB/T 15089 机动车辆及挂车分类 GB/T 17692 汽车用发动机净功率测试方法 GB 18047 车用压缩天然气 GB 18352.6-2016 轻型汽车污染物排放限值及测量方法(中国第六阶段) GB/T 19001 质量管理体系 GB/T 27840 重型商用车燃料消耗量测量方法 GB 30510 重型商用车燃料消耗量限值 ISO 5725 测量方法和结果的准确度 ISO 7000 设备用图形符号——索引和一览表 ISO 13400 道路车辆——基于互联网协议(DoIP)的诊断通信 ISO 15031 道路车辆 车辆与排放诊断相关装置通信 ISO 15031-3 道路车辆 车辆与排放诊断相关装置通信 第3 部分:诊断连接器及相关电路的规范和用途 ISO 15031-7 道路车辆 车辆与排放诊断相关装置通信 第7 部分:数据传输安全性 ISO 15765-4 道路车辆 控制器局域网络的诊断通信(DoCAN) 第4 部分:与排放相关系统的要求 ISO 27145 道路车辆 实现全球范围内统一的车载诊断系统(WWH - OBD)通信要求 SAE J1708 重型汽车微机系统串行数据连接的推荐操作规程 SAE J1939 商用车控制系统局域网络(CAN 总线)通信协议 SAE J1939-13 外部诊断连接器 SAE J1939-73 应用层——诊断 SAE J2186 电气/电子(E/E)数据链路安全 ASTM E 29-06B 使用试验数据中重要数字以确定对规范的适应性 ASTM F 1471-93 高效粒子空气过滤器系统空气净化功能的试验方法 EN1822-1 高效空气过滤器(EPA、HEPA 与ULPA)第1 部分:分级、性能试验、标识 3 术语和定义 下述术语和定义适用于本标准。 3.1 老化循环aging cycle 汽车或发动机进行耐久性试验时所采用的运行工况(速度、负荷、功率)。 3.2 发动机(发动机系族)型式检验engine (engine family) type test 发动机(发动机系族)的一种机型在设计完成后,对预期投放市场的新产品进行的定型试验,以验证产品能否满足本标准技术要求的检验。 3.3 车辆型式检验vehicle type test 汽车的一种车型在设计完成后,对试制出来的新产品进行的定型试验,以验证产品能否满足本标准技术要求的检验。 3.4 辅助排放策略 auxiliary emission strategy, AES 指为特定目的和适应特定环境或运行条件而触发并替代或修改基本排放策略且仅在此特定条件下运行的排放控制策略。 3.5 基本排放策略base emission strategy, BES 是指除“辅助排放策略”触发以外,发动机在所有速度和负荷范围内采用的排放控制策略。 3.6 连续再生continuous regeneration 是指持续发生的或在每个WHTC 热态试验中至少发生一次的排气后处理系统再生过程。 3.7 曲轴箱crankcase 是指位于发动机内部或外部、通过用于排放气体或蒸汽的内部或外部管路与发动机油底壳连通的空间。 3.8 排放控制关键部件critical emission-related components 是指主要设计用于排放控制的下列部件:燃油供给系统、进气系统、排气后处理系统、发动机电子控制单元(ECU)及其传感器和执行器、废气再循环系统(EGR)及其相关过滤器、冷却器、控制阀和管路。 3.9 排放控制关键部件维护critical emission-related maintenance 是指对排放控制关键部件的维护。 3.10 失效策略defeat strategy 指不满足本标准规定的基础排放策略或辅助排放策略性能要求的排放策略。 3.11 氮氧化物后处理系统deNOx system 是指设计用来降低排气中NOx 的后处理系统(例如,被动或主动式的NOx 稀释催化器、NOx捕集器、SCR 系统) 3.12 故障码diagnostic trouble code DTC 是指能够代表或标示出故障的一组数字或字母数字组合。 3.13 技术要点element of design 发动机系统的各元素; 各控制系统,包括ECU 软件、电控系统、计算机逻辑; 各控制系统标定; 系统相互作用的结果。 3.14 排放控制监测系统emission control monitoring system 按照附录G 要求,用于确保发动机系统所采用的NOx 控制措施正确运行的系统,排放控制系统是指用于控制排放而开发或标定的技术要点或排放策略。 3.15 排放相关维护emission related maintenance 在车辆正常使用期间进行的、对排放具有实质影响或可能影响车辆或发动机排放劣化的维护。 3.16 排放策略emission strategy 在发动机系统或车辆的总体设计里以控制排放目标的技术要点。 3.17 发动机-后处理系统系族engine after-treatment system family 生产企业根据相似的排气后处理系统,将不同发动机系族进一步组合成的系族。 3.18 发动机系族engine family 生产企业按照本标准第8 章规定、根据发动机设计划分的具有类似尾气排放特征的一组发动机。 3.19 发动机系统engine system 发动机、排放控制系统,以及将ECU 与任何其他驱动系统控制单元或车辆控制单元相连接的通信接口(硬件或通信)。 3.20 发动机启动engine start 包括点火、曲轴转动及燃烧过程,直至发动机转速达到比正常热车怠速低150r/min 的时刻。 3.21 发动机型式engine type 在附录A 所列各项发动机关键特性参数方面没有差别的一类发动机。 3.22 排气后处理系统exhaust after-treatment system 催化器(氧化型催化器、三元催化器,以及任何气体催化器)、颗粒捕集器,除氮氧系统、组合式降氮氧系统的颗粒捕集器,以及其它各种安装在发动机下游的削减污染物的装置。 3.23 气体污染物gaseous pollutants 包括一氧化碳(CO)、氮氧化物[NOx,以等价二氧化氮(NO2)表达]、碳氢化合物[HC,例如:总碳氢(THC)、非甲烷碳氢(NMHC)、甲烷(CH4)]等气体排放物。 3.24 一般分母general denominator 车辆经历过的满足FG.4.4 中一般分母条件的运行次数。 3.25 监测组group of monitors 为评价OBD 系族在用功能而确定排放控制系统正确运行的一组OBD 检测器。 3.26 点火循环计数器ignition cycle counter 记录车辆进行发动机启动操作次数的计数器。 3.27 在用监测频率in-use performance ratio IUPR 一个或一组监测器能够完成故障监测的条件的出现次数与驾驶循环监测次数的比值。 3.28 低转速low speed(nlo) 55%最大净功率时的最低发动机转速。 3.29 故障malfunction 会导致发动机规定污染物排放量增加或OBD 系统效率降低的发动机系统(包括OBD 系统)失效或劣化。 3.30 故障指示器malfunction indicator, MI 在发生故障时能清楚地通知车辆驾驶员的指示器,属于报警系统的一部分。 3.31 最大净功率maximum net power 在发动机全负荷下测得的发动机最大净功率值。 3.32 净功率net power 在基准空气条件下,在试验台架上按照GB/T 17692 附录要求,在发动机曲轴末端或等效部件上测得的功率。 3.33 与排放无关的维护non-emission-related maintenance 不会影响排放、也不会对正常使用的车辆或发动机排放劣化造成持续影响的维护。 3.34 车载诊断系统on-board diagnostic system, OBD 指安装在汽车和发动机上的计算机信息系统,属于污染控制装置,应具备下列功能: a) 诊断影响发动机排放性能的故障; b) 在故障发生时通过报警系统显示; c) 通过存储在电控单元存储器中的信息确定可能的故障区域并提供信息离线通信。 3.35 OBD 系族OBD engine family 生产企业划分的采用与排放相关的故障监测和诊断方法的发动机系统。 3.36 操作过程operating sequence 是指由发动机启动、发动机运转、发动机停机和直到下次发动机启动组成的时间过程;在该过程中,一个指定的OBD 系统应能完成监测;若存在故障,应能被监测到。 3.37 原装污染控制装置original pollution control device 形式检验发动机或汽车上的污染抽空装置或污染控制装置总成,其内容填写在附录B的相应章节中。 3.38 源机parent engine 从发动机系族中选出的、能代表该发动机系族排放特性的发动机。 3.39 基准车型parent vehicle 从车型系族中选出的、能代表该车型系族排放特性,并通过型式检验的汽车车型。 3.40 颗粒物后处理装置particulate after-treatment device 设计通过机械、空气动力学、扩散或惯性分离方式减少颗粒污染物(PM)排放量的排放后处理装置。 3.41 颗粒物 particulate matter, PM 在温度为315K~325K(42℃~52℃)的稀释排气中,由滤纸收集到的所有排气成分,主要是碳、冷凝的碳氢化合物、硫酸盐水合物。 3.42 粒子数量 particle number, PN 按附件CC 中所描述的试验方法,在去除了挥发性物质的稀释排气中,所有粒径超过23nm 的粒子总数。 3.43 负荷百分数percent load 发动机某一转速下能够达到的最大扭矩的百分数。 3.44 功能监测performance monitoring 由功能检查、与排放阈值不相关的监控参数所组成的故障监测。这种监测通常是以部件或系统是否工作在适当的范围内来验证(如DPF的压差监测)。 3.45 周期性再生periodic regeneration 发动机正常运行期间,排放控制装置不超过100 h便周期性发生的再生过程。 3.46 便携式排放测试系统 portable emissions measurement system, PEMS 满足本标准附录K 要求的便携式排放测试系统。 3.47 动力输出装置power take-off unit 发动机驱动的,为装在汽车上的辅助设备提供动力的输出装置。 3.48 劣化部件或系统 qualified deteriorated component or system, QDC 在验证发动机系统OBD 性能时,通过加速老化或按照本标准附录F 中F.6.4.2,经可控方法专门劣化过的部件/系统,所用的方法应向国务院生态环境主管部门报备。 3.49 反应剂reagent 储存在车载储存罐内、根据排气控制系统的需要提供给排气后处理系统的一种反应物质。 3.50 再标定recalibration 为使NG 发动机在使用不同(发热量)范围的天然气时具有相同性能(功率、燃料消耗量)而进行的微调。 3.51 基准质量reference mass 指车辆整备质量加上100kg。 3.52 替代用排放控制装置replacement pollution control device 用于替换原装污染物控制装置的污染物控制装置或总成,可作为独立技术总成进行型式检验。 3.53 诊断仪scan-tool 按照本标准的要求,用于OBD 通信的标准化非车载外接测试装置。 3.54 累计运行时间service accumulation schedule 指用于确定发动机后处理系统劣化系数的老化周期和维护的累计时间。 3.55 尾气排放tailpipe emissions 气态和颗粒污染物排放。 3.56 篡改tampering 是指关闭、调整或修改包括软件或其它逻辑控制单元在内的车辆排放或动力系统,并导致车辆排放性能恶化(无论有意或无意)。 3.57 有效寿命useful life 本标准中规定的汽车在正常使用条件下,气态污染物、颗粒物和烟度排放满足标准限值要求的耐久性里程或周期,以先到者为准。 3.58 全寿命full life 汽车从生产、使用直到报废的全生命周期。 3.59 与排放相关车型vehicle type with regard to emissions 在附录A 中所列发动机和车辆基本特性无差别的一组车辆,以下简称“车型”。 3.60 颗粒物捕集器wall flow Diesel Particulate Filter 所有尾气流经其壁面并过滤排出的颗粒物捕集器。 3.61 沃泊指数wobbe index 在同—基准条件下,单位容积燃气的发热量与其相对密度的平方根的比值。 3.62 λ-转换系数λ-shift factor, Sλ 发动机燃用的燃气成分不是纯甲烷时,要求发动机管理系统具有灵活改变过量空气系数λ的一种描述。(Sλ计算见附件CA)。 3.63 双燃料发动机dual-fuel engine 指可以同时燃用柴油和一种气体燃料的发动机。 3.64 瞬态循环 world harmonised transient cycle, WHTC 指本标准附录C 中包含1800 个逐秒变换工况的瞬态试验循环。 3.65 稳态循环 world harmonised steady state cycle, WHSC 指本标准附录C 中包含13 个稳态工况的试验循环。 3.66 城市车辆urban vehicles 指主要在城市运行的公交车、邮政车和环卫车。 3.67 M1、M2、M3、N1、N2、N3 类车 按GB/T 15089 规定: M1 类车指包括驾驶座位在内,座位数不超过9座的载客车辆; M2 类车指包括驾驶座位在内,座位数超过9座,且最大设计总质量不超过5000kg 的载客车辆; M3 类车指包括驾驶座位在内,座位数超过9座,且最大设计总质量超过5000kg 的载客车辆,其中: ——I 级:可载成员数(不包括驾驶员)多于22 人,允许乘员站立,并且乘员可以自由走动; ——II 级:可载成员数(不包括驾驶员)多于22 人,允许乘员站立在过道和(或)提供不超过相当于两个双人座位站立面积; ——III 级:可载成员数(不包括驾驶员)多于22 人,不允许乘员站立; ——A 级:可载成员数(不包括驾驶员)不多于22 人,并允许乘员站立; ——B 级:可载成员数(不包括驾驶员)不多于22 人,不允许乘员站立。 N1 类车指最大设计总质量不超过3500kg 的载货车辆; N2 类车指最大设计总质量超过3500kg,但不超过12000kg 的载货车辆; N3 类车指最大设计总质量超过12000kg 的载货车辆。 3.68 有效数据点valid data 当发动机的冷却液温度在70℃以上,或者当冷却液的温度在PEMS测试开始后,5min之内的变化小于2℃时(以先到为准,但不能晚于发动机启动后20min),至试验结束的所有测试数据点。 4 污染控制要求 4.1 型式检验 4.1.1 一般要求 本标准适用范围的发动机或汽车,应按本标准6.2 规定的检验项目进行型式检验,证明发动机或汽车满足第6 章的要求。 发动机机型或系族可作为独立技术总成进行型式检验。 对装有未经型式检验发动机的汽车,应对发动机进行型式检验;对装有已经型式检验发动机的汽车,无需再进行额外的发动机型式检验。除发动机检验之外,所有进行型式检验的汽车均需进行6.2.2 规定的整车车载法(PEMS)试验。 型式检验燃料规定 源机进行型式检验时,应使用符合本标准附录D 规定的基准燃料。 对于天然气和液化石油气发动机(汽车),应按照附录M 的规定燃料类型进行型式检验。 天然气发动机和液化石油气发动机的型式检验应满足附录M 的表M.1 和M.2 的要求。 双燃料发动机的型式检验应满足附录N中表N.2 的要求。 如果发动机系族设计上应使用的燃料不包含在附录D 规定的基准燃料范围内,生产企业应: a) 明确说明发动机系族所能够燃用的市售燃料种类。 b) 证明源机在燃用市售燃料时能够满足本标准的要求。 c) 证明当使用规定燃料与相关市售燃料任意组分燃料混合时,发动机能满足在用符合性要求。 4.1.2 系族(源机)的型式检验 发动机型式检验时,应选择一台能够代表发动机机型或系族的源机。如果所选择的发动机不能完全代表附录A 所述机型或系族,则应增选一台有代表性的发动机进行试验。 整车型式检验时,应选择一辆能够代表型式检验车型(系族)的汽车。如果所选择的汽车不能完全代表8.4 所述车型或系族,则应增选一辆有代表性的汽车进行试验。 源机(或基准车型)代表了系族中所有机型(车型)的排放水平,对源机(或基准车型)进行的型式检验,可扩展到系族中的所有成员,系族中的其他成员无需进行试验。 检验机构应将型式检验时发动机和车辆上安装的ECU 封存备查,发动机或车辆停产5 年后,可不再保留。国务院生态环境主管部门可以进行确认检查。 4.1.3 产品型式的变更 对已型式检验发动机机型或车型的任何修改,不应出现对污染物排放的不利影响,且仍能满足本标准要求,若变更项目属于已公开信息,应由车辆生产企业将产品变更内容进行信息公开;若变更项目可能影响到的排放性能,应进行相应的试验,并将产品变更内容和试验结果进行信息公开。 4.2 环保生产一致性和在用符合性 4.2.1 车辆及发动机生产企业应按本标准规定确保批量生产的车辆及发动机的环保生产一致性,并按本标准附录I 的要求提供有关生产一致性保证材料。车辆生产企业应按本标准规定确保新生产车辆排放达标,并按本标准第9 章的要求向国务院生态环境主管部门提供有关新生产车排放自查的相关材料,生态环境主管部门可按第9 章规定进行新生产车达标监督抽查。 4.2.2 车辆及发动机生产企业应按本标准规定确保车辆及发动机的在用符合性,并按附录J 的要求提供有关在用符合性自查计划。车辆生产企业应按本标准规定确保车辆在实际正常使用中排放达标,并按第10 章规定向国务院生态环境主管部门提供在用符合性自查报告,生态环境主管部门可按本标准第10 章规定进行在用符合性抽查。 4.3 信息公开 本标准适用范围的车辆,应由车辆生产企业按照本标准附录A和附录B的要求进行信息公开。涉及企业机密的相关内容,可经技术处理后公开。 5 发动机(车辆)标牌 5.1 一般要求 发动机的标牌可采用文字和数字的形式,也可采用二维码的形式。 标牌必须简洁明了,其文字、数字或图案应确保清晰、明显、可阅读,且不可被擦除。标牌的固定方式在发动机的全寿命期内必须牢固,不得拆除。 5.2 发动机标牌位置 标牌在发动机上的安装位置,不能妨碍发动机的正常工作,并在发动机寿命期内,一般不需要更换位置。此外,当发动机运转所需的所有附件安装完成后,标牌应位于正常人容易看见的地方。 标牌应靠近或合并在生产企业铭牌上。 5.3 发动机的标牌内容 发动机的标牌,应至少包含以下内容: a) 发动机型号; b) 生产日期: 年 月 日(“日”可选,如在其他部位已经标注生产日期,则标牌中可不必重复标注); c) “国六”字样; d) 生产企业的商标或全称; e) 排放控制关键部件(如:EGR、DOC、SCR、DPF等)。 5.4 限定燃料范围的天然气和液化石油气发动机(车辆)标牌的特殊要求 5.4.1 对型式检验时限定燃料范围的天然气和液化石油气发动机,除满足5.3 的要求,还应包括以下信息: a) 限于使用高(低)热值天然气; b) 限于使用规格为____的天然气(液化石油气)。 5.4.2 装有限定燃料范围的天然气和液化石油气发动机的车辆,也应具备5.4.1 规定的标牌,该标牌应位于靠近车辆燃料加注口处。 5.5 车身标识 本标准适用范围的车辆,应在车身明显位置标注“国六”的字样。 6 技术要求和试验 6.1 一般要求 6.1.1 对发动机的污染物排放产生影响的组件,其设计、制造和装配上,应能在发动机正常使用时满足本标准及其实施措施的规定。 6.1.2 生产企业应采取技术措施确保车辆在正常使用条件下的全寿命期内,能够有效控制排气污染物排放。 6.1.2 所述的措施应确保排放控制系统使用的软管、接头及其连接安全性,符合原始设计图要求。 发动机(车辆)在本标准规定的试验条件下进行排放试验,其结果应符合本标准规定的相应限值。 任何能影响排放的发动机系统和部件的设计、制造和安装,应使发动机在正常使用条件下符合本标准的规定。生产企业应确保符合6.4 和附录E 的非标准循环排放要求,使车辆在可能运行的环境条件范围及可能遇到的运行工况范围内,有效控制污染物的排放。 装有钒基SCR 催化剂的车辆,在全寿命期内,不得向大气中泄漏含钒化合物;并在型式检验时提交相关的资料(如温度控制策略及相关测试报告等),证明在车辆使用期间的任何工况下,SCR 的入口温度低于550℃。 禁止使用降低排放控制装置功效的失效策略。所有针对污染控制装置的篡改都属于排放不达标。 电控系统安全性应满足F.4.8 的要求。 6.1.3 生产企业应将该机型排放控制策略信息整理成文件包,并满足A.3.5 的要求。 6.1.4 车辆的排气管口不得朝向右侧和正下方,其设计应便于排放检测,从外侧明显可见,鼓励高于车身。危险货物运输车和专项作业车的排气口因车辆结构限制不能满足要求的,应向国务院生态环境主管部门报备。 6.1.5 车辆生产企业应最大限度降低发动机原机(后处理装置前端)的NOx 排放,并将原机排放情况(数据)及测试方法向国务院生态环境主管部门报告。 6.1.6 生产企业应明确告知用户及时添加并使用符合要求的反应剂,以保证车辆在实际使用中能够满足本标准的排放要求。 6.2 型式检验项目 6.2.1 发动机机型(系族)按本标准进行型式检验时,要求进行的试验项目见表1。 表1 试验项目 试验项目 柴油机 单一气体 燃料机 双燃料发动机(1) 标准 循环 稳态工况(WHSC) 气态污染物 进行 — 进行 颗粒物(PM) 粒子数量(PN) CO2和油耗 瞬态工况(WHTC) 气态污染物 进行 进行 进行 颗粒物(PM) 粒子数量(PN) CO2和油耗 非标准 循环 发动机台架非标准 循环(WNTE) 气态污染物 进行 — 进行 颗粒物(PM) 整车车载法(PEMS)试验(2) 进行 进行 进行 曲轴箱通风 进行 进行 进行 耐久性 进行 进行 进行 OBD 进行 进行 进行 NOx控制 进行 — 进行 (1) 按附录N 的要求进行型式检验 (2) 发动机的整车PEMS 试验,可以是6.2.2 规定的该发动机所安装车型的PEMS 试验之一。 6.2.2 车型(系族)按本标准进行型式检验时,应按附录K 进行整车车载法(PEMS)试验。 6.3 发动机标准循环排放限值 6.3.1 按照附录C 规定的标准循环,进行发动机台架污染物排放试验,气态污染物和颗粒物排放结果乘以按附录H 确定的劣化系数后,应小于表2 中给出的限值。 表2 发动机标准循环排放限值 试验 CO/ [mg/(kW·h)] THC/ [mg/(kW·h)] NMHC/ [mg/(kW·h)] CH4/ [mg/(kW·h)] NOX/ [mg/(kW·h)] NH3/ (ppm)(3) PM/ [mg/(kW·h)] PN/ [#/(kW·h)] WHSC 工况 (CI(1)) 1500 130 — — 400 10 10 8.0×1011 WHTC 工况 (CI(1)) 4000 160 — — 460 10 10 6.0×1011 WHTC 工况 (PI(2)) 4000 — 160 500 460 10 10 6.0×1011 (1)CI=压燃式发动机 (2)PI=点燃式发动机 (3)lppm=10-6,全书同。 6.3.2 在同一次发动机标准循环排放测试时,应同时按照附件CD 的规定测定发动机的CO2 排放和燃油消耗量,并同时记录测量结果。 6.4 非标准循环排放要求 6.4.1 发动机机型或系族应按照附录E 的规定,进行发动机非标准循环排放试验(WNTE),其结果应小于表3 的限值要求。 表3 发动机非标准循环(WNTE)排放限值 试验 CO/ [mg/(kW·h)] THC/ [mg/(kW·h)] NOX/ [mg/(kW·h)] PM/ [mg/(kW·h)] WNTE工况 2000 220 600 16 6.4.2 型式检验时,应按照附件EA 规定的PEMS 试验程序,在整车上进行实际道路车载法排放试验,要求90%以上的有效窗口,小于表4 规定的排放限值要求。 表4 整车试验排放限值(1) 发动机类型 CO [mg/(kW·h)] THC/ [mg/(kW·h)] NOX/ [mg/(kW·h)] PN(2) [#/(kW·h)] 压燃式 6000 — 690 1.2×1012 点燃式 6000 240(LPG) 750(NG) 690 — 双燃料 6000 1.5×WHTC限值 690 1.2×1012 (1)应在同一次试验中同时测量 CO2并同时记录。 (2) PN限值从 6b阶段开始实施。 6.4.3 型式检验时,按照附件EA 规定的PEMS 试验程序,在整车上进行实际道路车载法排放试验,要求有效数据点中,95%以上小于500×10-6(体积分数)的NOx 排放浓度要求,且在车辆实际道路行驶时(含怠速、正常行驶,以及DPF 再生),不能有可见烟度。该限值应在标准实施之前的一年内进行评估确认。 6.4.4 生产企业应按附录E 规定,提供一份声明,承诺发动机机型或系族符合非标准循环排放的控制要求。 6.5 曲轴箱排放 对于闭式曲轴箱,按照C.5.10条的规定进行试验,发动机曲轴箱内的任何气体不允许排入大气中。对于开放式曲轴箱,曲轴箱排气应按照C.5.10开式曲轴箱污染物评价方法,将曲轴箱排放与尾气排放一起进行测试,不得超过6.3规定的排放限值。 6.6 排放控制装置的耐久性要求 6.6.1 发动机系族或发动机-后处理系统系族的气态污染物与颗粒物排放,应在有效寿命期内符合表2 规定的排放限值要求。 6.6.2 型式检验时,应按附录H 规定,确定发动机系统或发动机-后处理系统系族的劣化系数,以证明其排放耐久性符合本标准的要求。 6.6.3 发动机系族或发动机-后处理系统系族的污染物排放控制装置耐久性应满足表5 规定的有效寿命期(里程或时间周期)。 表5 有效寿命期 分类 有效寿命期(1) 行驶里程/km 使用时间 用于 M1、N1和 M2车辆 200 000 5年 用于 N2类车辆;最大设计总质量不超过 18t的 N3类车辆; M3类中的 I级、 II级和 A级车辆;以及最大设计重质量不超过 7.5t的 M3类中的 B级车辆 300 000 6年 用于最大设计总质量超过 18t的 N3类车辆; M3类中的 III级车辆;以及最大设计总质量超过 7.5t的 M3类中的 B级车辆 700 000 7年 (1)有效寿命期中的行驶里程和实际使用时间,两者以先到为准。 6.7 排放质保期规定 6.7.1 生产企业应保证排放相关零部件的材料、制造工艺及产品质量,能确保其在有效寿命期内的正常功能。 6.7.2 排放相关零部件如果在质保期内由于零部件本身质量问题而出现故障或损坏,导致排放控制系统失效,或车辆排放超过本标准限值要求,生产企业应当承担相关维修费用。 生产企业应明确告知使用者按照车辆的正常使用和维护指南(手册),使用符合标准规定的油品和反应剂。 生产企业应明确告知使用者,在质保期内应保留使用符合标准规定的油品和反应剂的材料证明(如:1 年内正规加油站凭证,正规销售店的反应剂销售凭证)。 若能证明排放相关零部件所出现的故障或损坏是由用户使用或维护不当所造成,则生产企业可不承担相关质保责任。 6.7.3 生产企业应至少对附件AD 给出的排放相关零部件提供质保服务,其排放质保期不应短于表6 给出的最短质保期。 表6 最短质保期(1) 汽车分类 行驶里程/km 使用时间 M1、M2、N1 80 000 5年 M3、N2、N3 160 000 5年 (1)最短质保期中的行驶里程和实际使用时间,两者以先到为准。 6.7.4 信息公开时,应公开排放相关零部件名单及其相应的质保期,并将以上信息在产品说明书中进行说明。 6.8 车载诊断系统(OBD) 6.8.1 生产企业应确保所有的发动机和车辆都配备了OBD 系统。 6.8.2 OBD 系统应根据附录F 来进行设计、制造和安装,从而在车辆的全寿命中,能够识别、记录、通信和提示附录F 中所规定的劣化或故障类型。 6.8.3 生产企业应确保OBD 系统符合附录F 规定的要求,在所有正常合理的驾驶条件下(附录F中规定的正常使用条件,包括低温、高海拔等环境条件),满足OBD 的在用功能要求。 6.8.4 当采用劣化部件进行OBD 验证试验时,OBD 系统故障指示灯(MI)应按照附录F 点亮。 6.8.5 生产企业应确保符合附录F 规定的OBD 系族的在用功能要求。 6.8.6 OBD 在用功能相关数据应无加密存储,并可通过附录F 规定的标准OBD 通信协议来读取。 6.8.7 为证明OBD 满足本标准要求,型式检验时,应按照附录F 进行OBD 试验。 6.9 NOx 控制系统 6.9.1 生产企业应证明在所有正常条件,特别是在低温条件下,NOx 系统能保持其排放控制功能。6.9.2 生产企业应将有关废气再循环系统(EGR)和选择性催化还原系统(SCR)在低温环境下控制策略的信息,向国务院生态环境主管部门报备,该信息还应包括系统在低温环境下运行对排放影响的说明。 6.9.3 确保NOx 控制措施正常运行,满足附录G 的要求,并按照附录G 的规定进行试验验证。 6.10 双燃料发动机的要求 双燃料发动机或车辆,应满足本标准的各项要求,并按照附录N 的规定进行试验。 6.11 替代用污染控制装置的要求 替代用污染控制装置在设计、制造和安装使用上,应达到原排放控制装置的性能,使得发动机和车辆的污染物排放符合本标准的规定,在汽车正常使用条件下和全寿命期内有效控制污染物排放。 替代用污染控制装置应按照附录O 的规定进行型式检验。 6.12 整车技术要求 6.12.1 车辆生产企业将发动机安装到整车上,应严格按照第7 章规定的安装要求进行,确保车辆满足表4 规定的非标准循环排放要求。 6.12.2 车辆生产企业应确保将发动机装备到整车上后,OBD 系统和NOx 控制系统不发生改变,且在实际道路上按照附件KE 进行验证时,仍能满足第6.8 和6.9 规定的技术要求。 车辆应具备OBD 诊断接口,接口应满足ISO 15031 的要求。诊断接口应在车辆内驾驶员附近,处于容易发现和访问的位置,并标注明确的“OBD”接口标识。如果诊断接口在特定的设备箱内,该箱子的门应可以在不需要工具的情况下手动打开,并且箱子上应清楚的标示“OBD”以识别诊断接口。若特种车辆驾驶室内的结构无法满足以上要求,可以采用替代位置,但应易于接近,且在正常使用条件下能够防止意外损坏,生产企业应将替代位置进行信息公开。 生产企业有责任防止车辆的OBD 系统和排放控制单元被篡改,车辆上应具有防止篡改的功能。如果生产企业获知车辆出现被篡改的情况,应及时查明原因向国务院生态环境主管部门报告,给出防篡改的技术解决方案,并在新生产车辆中采取补救措施。 6.12.3 禁止使用失效策略。 6.12.4 从6a 阶段开始,车辆应装备符合附录Q 要求的远程排放管理车载终端,鼓励车辆按本标准附录Q 要求进行数据发送。从6b 阶段开始,生产企业应保证车辆在全寿命期内,按本标准附录Q要求进行数据发送,由生态环境主管部门和生产企业进行接收。 6.12.5 当车辆按照GB 30510 标准进行整车油耗的测量时,应同时按附录L 进行污染物排放测量,排放的气态污染物及颗粒物应满足本标准表4 的要求,并将试验结果进行信息公开。 7 在车辆上的安装 对本标准适用范围的车型,其生产企业应确保按照本章的安装要求来安装发动机。 7.1 发动机在车辆上的安装的要求 7.1.1 进气压力降不应超过附录A 对已经型式检验的发动机规定的压力降; 7.1.2 排气背压不应超过附录A 中对已经型式检验的发动机规定的背压; 7.1.3 发动机运行所需辅件吸收的功率不应超过附录A 中对已经型式检验的发动机规定的辅件吸收功率。 7.1.4 排气后处理系统特性应与附录A 中发动机型式检验中的声明一致。 7.2 已经型式检验的发动机在车辆上的安装 作为独立技术总成进行型式检验的发动机,在车辆上安装时还应满足下列要求: a) 对OBD 系统,在按附件FA 规定安装时,应满足附录A 规定的发动机生产企业的安装要求。 b) 对NOx 控制系统,在按附件GD 的规定安装时,应满足附录A 规定的发动机生产企业的安装要求。 c) 对作为独立技术总成进行型式检验的双燃料发动机,在车辆上安装时,还应满足N.6.3 和N.8.2的要求,并满足附件AA 规定的发动机生产企业的安装要求。 8 系族和源机 8.1 发动机系族 8.1.1 确定发动机系族的参数 同一发动机系族必须共有C.4.2规定的基本参数。 对双燃料发动机,发动机系族还应符合附录N中N.3.1的附加要求。 8.1.2 源机的选择 系族的源机应按照C.4.3规定的要求选择。 对双燃料发动机,源机选择还应符合N.3.2的附加要求。 8.1.3 发动机系族的扩展 如满足8.1.1 条的规定,可将新的发动机机型纳入已型式检验的发动机系族。 如符合8.1.2 条(对双燃料发动机,符合N.3.2 条)源机选择要求的源机机型,仍能代表新的发动机系族,源机应保持不变,应修改附录A 规定的信息文件。 如新的发动机机型具有8.1.2 源机机型不能代表的技术要点,但其自身按照这些要求能够代表整个系族,则新的发动机机型将作为新的源机。在这种情况下,应证明新的技术要点满足本标准的规定并对附录A 的信息文件进行修改。 8.2 OBD 系族 OBD系族应按照附录F中F.6.2确定,系族内发动机系统共用的基本设计参数应相同。 8.3 发动机-后处理系统系族 发动机-后处理系统系族应按照附录H中H.2确定,系族内发动机的排气后处理系统应具有相同的技术规格和安装方式,不同发动机系族的发动机可以组合为同一发动机−后处理系统系族。 8.4 车型系族 按本标准进行型式检验的车型,其结果可以扩展到符合8.4.1要求的其他车型。已通过型式检验车型为基准车型,其他车型为扩展车型,扩展车型与基准车型属于同一车型系族。 8.4.1 同时满足下列条件的,视同为同一个车型系族 a)车辆由同一生产企业生产; b)底盘由同一生产企业生产; c)发动机为同一机型(或系族); d)车辆种类一致,如M1、M2、M3、N1、N2、N3 类车辆(公交车、邮政车和环卫车等城市车辆除外)、公交车、邮政车和环卫车等城市车辆。 8.4.2 对于改装车型,可以与满足8.4.1 中b)条至d)条要求的基准车型视同。 9 新生产车的达标要求及检查 9.1 一般要求 9.1.1 车辆及发动机生产企业应按照附录I 采取措施保证生产一致性。 9.1.2 发动机生产企业必须采取措施保证发动机、系统、部件或独立技术总成与已型式检验的发动机型一致。 9.1.3 生产一致性检查应以附录A 和附录B 的信息公开材料为基础进行。 9.1.4 试验用的车辆和发动机应随机抽取。生产企业不得对抽取的车辆或发动机进行任何调整(包括对ECU 软件的更新)。 9.1.5 车辆原则上不进行磨合。如生产企业提出要求,可按磨合规范进行磨合,但不得超过500km,且不得对车辆进行任何调整。 9.2 新生产车达标自查 9.2.1 为确保批量生产的车辆满足第6.12 条规定的技术要求,整车生产企业应对每个车型(系族)制定下线检查计划,包括检查项目、检查方法、抽样方法和抽样比例等。 9.2.2 车辆污染物排放自查,应按照本标准附录K 规定的整车PEMS 试验方法进行测试;如果车辆按照GB 30510 标准进行整车油耗的生产一致性检查,应同时按附录L 进行污染物排放检查。 9.2.3 抽样方法应具有统计代表性,能够代表一定生产周期内同批次车辆的排放控制水平。 9.2.4 整车生产企业应对车辆检查试验做详细记录并存档,该记录文档应至少保存5 年。生态环境主管部门可根据需要检查试验记录。 9.2.5 下线检查计划和检查结果应进行信息公开。 9.3 新生产车达标监督抽查 生态环境主管部门对新生产车达标抽查可以包括下述全部或部分项目。 9.3.1 排放基本配置核查 生态环境主管部门可以对排放基本配置进行核查,如被检查的车型排放控制关键部件或排放控制策略与信息公开的内容不一致,则视为该车型检查不通过。 9.3.2 下线检查计划和自查结果审查 生态环境主管部门可对生产企业下线检查计划、试验记录和检查结果进行审查。 9.3.3 污染物排放检查 生态环境主管部门可对车型(系族)的污染物排放进行抽查。 污染物排放检查应按附录K 进行整车道路PEMS 排放测试。 从批量生产的车辆中随机抽取3 辆车,进行整车排放试验,按下述规则进行判定: a) 对于6.4.2 规定的有效窗口的污染物排放: 任何1 辆车任一种污染物的有效窗口达标比例都高于80%,且3 辆车任一种污染物的有效窗口达标比例平均值高于90%,判定合格;否则不合格。 b) 对于6.4.3 规定的有效数据点的NOx 排放浓度: 至少2辆车满足本标准要求,且最多1辆车超过本标准规定的500×10-6排放要求,但不超过550×10-6,可以判定合格;否则不合格。 c) 3辆车在测试过程中均不应出现可见烟度,否则判定不合格。 9.3.4 OBD 和NOx 控制系统检查 检查应以车型为基础进行,或以属于同一OBD 系族的车辆为基础进行。 应按附件KE 在实际道路上对新生产车辆的OBD 系统和NOx 控制系统进行检查。 从批量生产的车辆中随机抽取1~3 辆车,若有一辆车不满足附录F 和附录G 的要求,则判定检查不合格。 9.3.5 整车远程排放管理车载终端抽查 生态环境主管部门可按附录K中KE.2.8 的规定,对新生产车辆远程排放管理车载终端的功能进行检查。 9.3.6 新生产发动机的抽查 生态环境主管部门可按附录I中I.4 的规定,对新生产发动机进行抽查。 10 在用符合性要求及检查 10.1 一般要求 10.1.1 生产企业应采取措施保证车辆或发动机的在用符合性。 10.1.2 生产企业采用的技术措施应确保在正常使用条件下,车辆在全寿命周期的排气污染物排放都能得到有效控制。 10.2 在用符合性检查 在用车辆(发动机)的在用符合性应在正常使用条件下,有效寿命期内,按本标准附录J 的规定进行检查。在用符合性检查的生产企业自查应按10.2.1 的规定进行,生态环境主管部门抽查应按10.2.2 的规定进行。 10.2.1 生产企业自查 发动机系族在进行型式检验时,发动机生产企业应同时制定在用符合性自查计划,发动机生产企业的在用符合性自查应以发动机系族为基础进行。 车型(系族)在进行型式检验时,车辆生产企业应同时制定在用符合性自查计划,车辆生产企业的在用符合性自查应以车型或车型系族为基础进行,可涵盖改装车企业生产的扩展车型。 在用符合性自查计划包括试验的时间表和抽样计划等,并向国务院生态环境主管部门报备。 发动机生产企业按自查计划进行在用符合性自查,应尽量选择不同车辆生产企业的车辆进行试验,发动机系族的在用符合性自查报告应进行信息公开,并可作为车辆生产企业的车型系族在用符合性自查报告的一部分。 车辆生产企业按自查计划进行在用符合性自查,应尽量选择车型系族内的不同车型进行试验,车型(系族)的在用符合性自查报告应进行信息公开。 10.2.2 生态环境主管部门抽查 生态环境主管部门可根据附录J 规定的在用符合性试验规程,对车型(系族)的在用符合性进行抽查。 如国务院生态环境主管部门证实某一车型(系族)不满足本标准要求,生产企业应按本标准第10.3 条和附录J中J.5 采取整改措施。 |
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