This standard specifies the information confirmation, requirements, test and inspection, preparation of delivery, marking, packaging and storage of metering pump.
This standard applies to plunger metering pumps and diaphragm metering pumps (hereinafter referred to as "pumps") that transport liquids with a temperature of -30 °C ~ 150 °C and a viscosity of 0.3 mm2/s ~ 2,000 mm2/s.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 197 General purpose metric screw threads - Tolerances
GB 2536 Fluids for electrotechnical applications - Unused mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear
GB/T 6003.1-2012 Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing - Part 1: Test sieves of metal wire cloth
GB/T 7784 Test methods for power reciprocating pump
GB/T 7785 Classification and vocabulary for reciprocating pump
GB/T 9069 Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by reciprocating pump - Engineering method
GB/T 9877 Hydraulic fluid power - Guide specifications for designing rotary shaft lip type seals
GB/T 11118.1 Hydraulic fluids of L-HL, L-HM, L-HV, L-HS and L-HG type
GB/T 13306 Plates
GB/T 13364 Measurement of mechanical vibration for reciprocating pump
GB/T 13384 General specifications for packing of mechanical and electrical product
JB/T 6913 Cleanliness of pump products
SH/T 0094 Worm gear oil
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions specified in GB/T 7785 as well as the followings apply.
hydraulic chamber
working chamber connected with a plunger (or piston) in a diaphragm metering pump. The stroke volume of the plunger (or piston) can be converted into the deflection volume of the diaphragm by the hydraulic medium in the chamber.
4 Information confirmation
4.1 Information of the buyer
When purchasing pumps from the seller, the buyer shall provide the seller with necessary information for type selection. The data sheet provided in Annex A may be referred to. All relevant information shall be considered, including use requirements, environmental requirements, operation requirements, etc. The seller shall request this information from the buyer as it may affect the use and life of the pump.
4.2 Alternative items
The buyer may put forward special requirements without the scope specified in this standard. The specific content can be according to the agreement or order form, or refer to Annex A.
4.3 Information of the seller
The seller shall provide at least the following information:
—overall dimension;
—installation dimensions;
—axis dimension;
—inlet connection dimension;
—outlet connection dimension.
The seller can also provide data sheets including parameters such as flow, pressure, pump speed, etc., which shall include the requirements of the buyer.
5 Requirements
5.1 General requirements
5.1.1 The bump shall meet the requirements of this standard and manufactured according to the drawings and technical documents approved by established procedure. See Annex B for the types and basic parameters of commonly used pumps.
5.1.2 The contact spot area of sliding bearings at big and small ends of connecting rods shall not be less than 60%.
5.1.3 The pitch diameter tolerance of the adjusting thread should comply with GB/T 197.
5.1.4 The technical requirements of pump seals should comply with GB/T 9877.
5.1.5 Lubricating oil for transmission components should comply with SH/T 0094.
5.1.6 The zero position (or 100%) of the adjusting gauge or handwheel and the zero point of the plunger (piston) stroke shall be adjusted to zero (or 100%). Zero point error of plunger (piston) shall be:
—less than 0.5% when the maximum stroke length does not exceed 50 mm;
—less than 0.3% when the maximum stroke length exceeds 50 mm.
5.1.7 The stroke adjustment error of the gauge is within ± 0.1%; the repetition error is within ± 0.2%; the long needle shall be turned when the housing is moved at a minimum angle not exceeding 3 ° 36 '. The scale accuracy of the adjusting handwheel shall not be less than ± 0.1% of indicated accuracy.
5.1.8 The oil used in the three-valve group and hydraulic chamber of the diaphragm metering pump should be the hydraulic oil specified in GB/T 11118.1 or the transformer oil specified in GB 2536, and the oil shall contain defoaming and antirust agents and preservatives.
Note: The three-valve group refers to the device or a combination of devices equipped in hydraulic chamber of the diaphragm metering pump, including three functions, i.e., compensation, deflation and safety protection. In this standard, compensation valve, bleed valve and hydraulic chamber safety valve are used to represent these three functions.
5.2 Parts and components requirements
5.2.1 The mating surface between the valve seat and the valve ball of the inlet and outlet valves or between the valve seat and the valve spool shall be tested for kerosene leakage, and there is no leakage within 3 min.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Information confirmation 4.1 Information of the buyer 4.2 Alternative items 4.3 Information of the seller 5 Requirements 5.1 General requirements 5.2 Parts and components requirements 5.3 Performance requirements 5.4 Reliability requirements 5.5 Completeness requirements 6 Test and inspection 6.1 Test device 6.2 Test items 6.3 Parameter measurement and instrumentation 6.4 Data processing 6.5 Plotting of curves 6.6 Documents of test results 6.7 Inspection rules 7 Preparation of delivery 7.1 Anti-rust 7.2 Opening 7.3 Pipe fittings, ancillaries and spare parts 7.4 Installation and operation instruction 8 Marking, packaging and storage 8.1 Marking 8.2 Packaging 8.3 Storage Annex A (Informative) Metering pump data sheet Annex B (Informative) Types and basic parameters Annex C (Informative) Schematic diagram for cavitation test device of pump Annex D (Informative) Test record sheet of metering pump product Bibliography