This standard specifies term of an agreement for steel forgings-ultrasonic testing, editing of operation specifications, staff qualification, equipment, and appendix, calibration and checking, testing time, surface condition, sensitivity, scanning, classification, recording level and acceptance standard.
This standard is applicable to ultrasonic pulse-echo handiwork test method for Ferritic-Martensitic steel forgings, Austenitic and Austenitic- Ferritic stainless steel forgings. By the negotiation between the parties, it may also use mechanization scanning method with immersion method testing. Other organizational forgings may also be used by referring to.
This standard divides forgings into 4 types according to shapes and manufacturing methods. Types 1, 2 and 3 are forgings with simple shape and type 4 is forgings with complicated shape.
This standard is not applicable to compact stamp work, turbine rotor and engine forgings.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this national standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revision (excluding error content) of, any of these publications do not apply. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 9445 Non-destructive Testing--Qualification and Certification of Personnel (GB/T 9445-2005, ISO 9712: 1999, IDT)
GB 11343 Ultrasonic Angle Beam Examinations by the Contact Method
GB/T 12604.1 Non-destructive Testing-Terminology-Terms used in Ultrasonic Testing
GB/T 18694 Non-destructive Testing--Ultrasonic Inspection - Characterization of Search Unit and Sound Field [GB/T 18694-2002, eqv IS0 10375: 1997(E)]
JB/T 4009 Recommended Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-echo Straight-beam testing by the Contact Method
JB/T 9214 Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of A Scope Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Testing Systems
JB/T 10061 Commonly Used Specification for A-mode Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Using Pulse Echo Technique
3 Terminologies and definitions
Terminologies and definitions determined in GB/T 12604.1 are applicable to this standard.
4 Term of an agreement
The parties shall reach consensus for the following relevant ultrasonic testing when ordering (if not indicated by the parties, supplier is entitled to select test methods):
—— Making nondestructive testing in which production phase (see chapter 9);
—— whether the scope being tested shall be made with grid scanning or 100% scanning (see Chapter 12);
—— whether it requires close surface inspection (see 7.2.6);
—— some quality level required or several quality levels and regions (see Chapter 14);
—— Other than those specified in Chapter 7 and Chapter 12, whether it requires special equipment, couplant and scanning scope;
—— scanning method dispensed with handiwork testing;
—— Strip discontinuousness quantitative method (see Chapter 15);
—— Setting method of sensitivity (see Chapter 11);
—— whether it requires purchaser or its agency is present when testing;
—— whether it requires adopting transverse wave probe testing (see 11.3);
—— whether it requires submitting written operation specifications approved by purchaser;
—— other testing requirements for type 4 complicated forgings (see 12.2)