GB/T 5905.1-2023 Cranes - Inspection and text code - Part 1: General principle
1 Scope
This document specifies inspection and test items, test conditions and apparatuses, requirements and methods, records and reports for verifying crane performance (including working parameters and bearing capacity).
This document is applicable to the performance test of all types of cranes defined in GB/T 6974 (all parts), which are first put into use after their manufacture, renovation and the vital repair of their bearing structure or components.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 21457 Cranes and related equipment - Accuracy requirements for measuring parameters during testing
GB/T 22414 Cranes - Measurement of velocity and time parameters
GB/T 22415 Cranes - Requirements for test loads
GB/T 26951 Non-destructive testing of welds - Magnetic particle testing
GB/T 30025 Cranes - Measurement of the mass of a crane and its components
JB/T 10559 Non-destructive testing of lifting appliances - Ultrasonic testing of steel welds
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 6974 (all parts) apply.
4 Inspection and test items
4.1 Inspection and test items for verifying crane performance, including but not limited to the following items:
a) visual inspection;
b) parameter measurement and performance verification;
c) load test;
d) noise test (if necessary).
4.2 For mass-produced cranes, the quantity of prototype cranes to be used for inspection and test shall be agreed between the manufacturer/supplier and the purchaser.
5 Test conditions and apparatuses
5.1 Test conditions
5.1.1 In order to carry out the test, the crane shall be equipped with working devices suitable for operation and shall have the conditions meeting the test requirements.
5.1.2 At least the following conditions shall be met during the test:
a) The test environment shall meet the working conditions of the crane.
b) The foundations and tracks shall have the conditions for crane operation. For example, the cranes running on track shall have the conditions for running on the track manufactured and laid according to the crane specifications; the cranes other than those running on track shall meet the requirements of the order contract.
c) The error of test load shall not exceed ±1%.
d) The inspection and test, when carried out outdoors, shall at least meet the following requirements:
1) the wind speed is not greater than 8.3m/s (30km/h), and the crane is not required to be in the most unfavorable position for wind action unless otherwise stipulated in the order contract.
2) the inspection and test shall not be conducted under extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain, fog, and blizzard that affect the test safety.
e) No obstacles affecting the normal operation of the crane are available on the test site, and warning signs shall be arranged to prevent irrelevant personnel or vehicles from
Foreword Introduction 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Inspection and test items 5 Test conditions and apparatuses 6 Requirements and methods 7 Record and report