GB/T 44907-2024 Technical criteria for quality evaluation of biomass fired boilers
1 Scope
This document specifies the technical indicators, evaluation methods, and conformity requirements for the quality evaluation of biomass fired boilers.
This document applies to stationary pure biomass solid fuel fired boilers that meet the following conditions and also use water or organic fluids as working fluids, as well as their systems:
a) Steam boilers with a rated working pressure of 0.1MPa (gauge pressure) or higher and a rated evaporation capacity of more than 2t/h;
b) Hot water boilers and organic fluid boilers with a rated working pressure of 0.1MPa (gauge pressure) or higher and a rated thermal power of more than 1.4MW.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2900.48 Electrotechnical terminology of boilers
GB/T 10180 Thermal performance test code for industrial boilers
GB/T 10184 Performance test code for utility boiler
GB/T 15496 Enterprise standards system - Requirement
GB/T 15497 Enterprise standards system - Product realization
GB/T 15498 Enterprise standards system - Fundamental supports
GB/T 16507.3 Water-tube boilers - Part 3: Structure design
GB/T 16507.6 Water-tube boilers - Part 6: Inspection, testing and acceptance
GB/T 16508.3 Shell boilers - Part 3: Design and strength calculation
GB/T 16508.4 Shell boilers - Part 4: Fabrication, inspection and acceptance
GB/T 19001 Quality management systems - Requirements
GB/T 19022 Measurement management systems - Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment
GB/T 19273 Enterprise standardization - Evaluation and improvement
GB/T 20000.6 Rules for standardization - Part 6: Guidelines for good practice
GB/T 23001 Integration of informatization and industrialization management systems - Requirements
GB/T 24001 Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
GB/T 44906 Technical specifications for biomass fired boilers
GB/T 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems- Requirements with guidance for use
JB/T 3271 Specification for travelling grate stokers
NB/T 34012 Technical specification for the water cooled vibrating grate of biomass boiler
NB/T 47013 (All parts) Nondestructive testing of pressure equipments
NB/T 47034 Specification for industrial boilers
NB/T 47050 Technical specification of reciprocating grate
NB/T 47051 Technical specification for industrial boiler control devices
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2900.48 and GB/T 44906 and the following apply.
quality evaluation of biomass fired boilers
investigations and verifications on the quality and performance of biomass fired boilers and their systems according to certain evaluation standards and methods, followed by scientific, objective, and quantitative assessments based on these findings
satisfaction degree
degree to which the evaluated item meets the specified indicator requirements, with qualitative indicators expressed using fuzzy language (such as convenient and troublesome), and quantitative indicators expressed using data limits (upper or lower limit)
Note: The satisfaction degree value is determined using the Delphi method and is expressed as a percentage.
quality and performance grade for products
classification or grading of products with the same function and purpose based on their different quality and performance
4 Evaluation requirements
4.1 Basic requirements for enterprises
4.1.1 Enterprises shall comply with relevant safety, energy conservation, and environmental protection regulations and standards of the nation, and have no major quality, safety, or environmental accidents in the past three years.
4.1.2 Enterprises shall establish, implement, maintain, and continuously improve quality management systems, environmental management systems, and occupational health and safety management systems in accordance with the requirements of GB/T 19001, GB/T 24001, and GB/T 45001, respectively.
4.2 Basic requirements for products
4.2.1 The design and fabrication of boilers shall meet the requirements of GB/T 44906.
4.2.2 Boilers shall have been in normal operation for at least 2 years (or at least two heating periods for hot water heating boilers) after passing the installation acceptance inspection, and the cumulative number of products of the same model in operation shall meet the requirements specified in Table 1 before they can undergo evaluation. The specific requirements are as follows.
a) Provided that the fuel used meets the design or order contract requirements, the boiler's evaporation capacity or thermal power shall meet the design requirements. The thermal efficiency of the boiler under rated conditions shall not be lower than that required in GB/T 44906.
b) The initial emission concentration limit of nitrogen oxides for the boiler under rated conditions shall comply with the relevant requirements of GB/T 44906. The flue gas blackness shall not exceed Ringelmann level 1.
c) Under normal operating conditions, the annual available hours of the boiler shall not be less than 7,200h. The number of forced shutdowns for maintenance due to faults caused by poor manufacturing quality of the boiler and its auxiliary equipment and accessories shall not exceed 4 within a 2-year service period or two heating periods.
Contents Foreword III Introduction IV 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Evaluation requirements 5 Quality evaluation of products 6 Quality evaluation report of products Bibliography
1 范围
a) 额定工作压力大于或等于0.1 MPa(表压),且额定蒸发量大于2t/h的蒸汽锅炉;
b) 额定工作压力大于或等于0.1 MPa(表压),且额定热功率大于1.4 MW的热水锅炉和有机热载体锅炉。