GB/T 44433-2024 Performance requirements and testing methods for intelligent speed limit system of vehicles
1 Scope
This document specifies the general requirements, performance requirements of intelligent speed limit system of vehicles and describes the corresponding test methods.
This document is applicable to Categories M and N vehicles equipped with intelligent speed limit system, in which the technical requirements and test methods related to intelligent speed limit control function are applicable to Category M1 vehicles, and other categories of vehicles shall be followed by reference.
Note: In case of no confusion, the "intelligent speed limit system of vehicles" herein is referred to collectively as "system".
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 5768.2-2022 Road traffic signs and markings - Part 2: Road traffic signs
GB 5768.5 Road traffic signs and markings - Part 5: Speed limit
GB 21670 Technical requirements and testing methods for passenger car braking systems
GB 34660 Road vehicles - Requirements and test methods of electromagnetic compatibility
GB/T 39263 Road vehicles - Advanced driver assistance systems - Terms and definitions
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 39263 and the following apply.
speed limit
maximum speed at which the vehicle category is allowed to travel on a specific section of the vehicle's current travel lane
Note: "Limited speed" is referred to as "LS".
[Source: GB 5768.5-2017, 3.1, modified]
intelligent speed limit system (ISLS)
system with intelligent speed limit display, intelligent speed limit information functions, or intelligent speed limit control function at the same time
intelligent speed limit display (ISLD)
speed limit information is automatically obtained and displayed
intelligent speed limit information (ISLI)
automatically obtain the speed limit information that the vehicle shall comply with under the current conditions and monitor the vehicle speed in real time, and timely send a information when the vehicle speed does not meet or is about to exceed the speed limit
[Source: GB/T 39263-2020, 2.2.4]
intelligent speed limit control (ISLC)
automatically obtain the speed limit information that the vehicle shall comply with under the current conditions, real-time monitoring and auxiliary control of the vehicle speed to keep it within the speed limit
[Source: GB/T 39263-2020, 2.3.5]
threshold of display distance
the shortest driving distance of speed limit information in the lane that the vehicle continues to display after the system obtains the road speed limit information and judges that the information is valid
stabilized speed
average running speed when the intelligent speed limit control system functions and the vehicle is in a stable running state
control activated
system meets the technical conditions specified by the manufacturer and performs intelligent speed limit control
driver actively influences the behavior of the intelligent speed limit system to perform the speed limit control function in an effective manner specified by the manufacturer
4 General requirements
4.1 Functional requirements
4.1.1 The system shall be able to recognize at least the limit speed signs and the unlimited speed signs specified in GB 5768.2-2022, 5.36 and 5.37.
4.1.2 The system shall have the function of intelligent speed limit display and intelligent speed limit information, and can also have the function of intelligent speed limit control.
4.1.3 The system shall automatically obtain the speed limit information that shall be observed under the current conditions of the vehicle or the lane ahead of it and display the speed limit information through optical means. When there is no perceptible limit speed, the system should still send an optical display message, the display message should not be a number, can be displayed as "—" or "?" etc.
4.1.4 The system shall automatically obtain the speed limit information that the vehicle shall comply with under the current conditions, monitor the vehicle speed in real time,
and send a information when the vehicle speed exceeds the limit speed.
4.1.5 The system with intelligent speed limit control function shall assist the driver to control the vehicle speed within the speed limit after the vehicle speed exceeds the limit speed, and the method for control activated shall meet one of the following methods:
a) automatically activate the control when the vehicle speed exceeds the limit speed;
b) send a request signal for speed limit control to the driver after the vehicle exceeds the limit speed, and activate the control after the driver agrees.
4.1.6 The system shall terminate the current intelligent speed limit information signal when the following conditions are met:
a) the speed of the vehicle is below the limit speed;
b) a new limit speed sign appears, and the limit speed is greater than the current vehicle speed;
c) the unlimited speed sign appears.
4.1.7 The system with intelligent speed limit control function should terminate the current speed limit control when the following conditions are met:
a) a new limit speed sign appears, and the limit speed is greater than the current vehicle speed;
b) the unlimited speed sign appears.
Contents Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General requirements 5 Performance requirements 6 Test methods Annex A (Normative) Functional safety requirements for intelligent speed limit control system Bibliography
4.1.1 系统应能至少识别GB 5768.2-2022中5.36和5.37规定的限制速度标志和解除限制速度标志。 4.1.2 系统应具备智能限速显示和智能限速提示功能,可同时具备智能限速控制功能。 4.1.3 系统应自动获取车辆当前条件下或前方行驶车道所应遵守的限速信息并通过光学方式显示该限速信息;在没有可感知的限制速度时,系统仍应发出光学显示信息,该显示信息不应为数字,可显示为“—”“?”等。 4.1.4 系统应自动获取车辆当前条件下所应遵守的限速信息并实时监测车辆行驶速度, 当车辆行驶速度超过限制速度时应发出提示信息。 4.1.5 具备智能限速控制功能的系统应在车辆行驶速度超过限制速度后辅助驾驶员将车辆行驶速度控制在限速范围内,激活控制方式应满足以下方式之一: a) 车辆行驶速度超过限制速度后自动激活控制; b) 车辆行驶速度超过限制速度后向驾驶员发送限速控制请求信号,待驾驶员同意后激活控制。 4.1.6 系统应在满足下列条件时终止当前的智能限速提示信号: a) 车辆行驶速度低于限制速度; b) 出现新的限制速度标志,且该限制速度大于当前车辆行驶速度; c) 出现解除限制速度标志。 4.1.7 具备智能限速控制功能的系统宜在满足下列条件时终止当前的限速控制: a) 出现新的限制速度标志,且该限制速度大于当前车辆行驶速度; b) 出现解除限制速度标志。