GB/T 41797-2022 Performance requirements and test methods for driver attention monitoring system
1 Scope
This document specifies the general requirements, performance requirements and test methods for the driver attention monitoring system (hereinafter referred to as "the system").
This document is applicable to Class M and Class N vehicles equipped with driver attention monitoring systems based on image recognition technology, and may also serve as a reference for other systems with similar functions.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute indispensable requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB 10000 Human dimensions of Chinese adults
GB 10810.3 Spectacle lenses and related eye wear — Transmittance specifications and test methods
GB 34660 Road vehicles — Requirements and test methods of electromagnetic compatibility
GB/T 39263 Road vehicles — Advanced driver assistance systems — Terms and definitions
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 39263 as well as the following apply.
driver attention monitoring system (DAMS)
system that monitors the driver's status in real time and sends out prompt information when it is confirmed that his attention is distracted.
state where the driver cannot focus on the driving task because of fatigue, interference from the external environment or conducting actions unrelated to driving during driving
abnormal head pose
action which the driver’s front and back tilt angle and horizontal rotation angle exceed the normal range when he looks up, lowers his head or swings his head left and right
accuracy rate
ratio of the positive detection number of a certain behavior to the number of detected events (i.e. positive detection number + false detection number)
Note: The number of false detections is the number of false events detected as real events.
detection rate
ratio of positive detection number of a certain behavior to the number of real events (i.e. positive detection number + missed detection number)
Note: The number of omitted detections is the number of actually real events despite failure to be detected.
humanoid robot
robot that has a human shape and imitates human actions through program control
4 General
4.1 Functional requirements
The system shall have the functions of real-time monitoring the driver's eyes closed, abnormal head pose, making and receiving phone calls as well as his yawning or smoking behavior, and send out prompt information when the corresponding conditions are met. The system shall have interfaces to transmit and store the prompt information content, and its data recorded is only used for monitoring the driver's status judgment.
4.2 Self-test
The system shall self-test after power-on and have at least the following self-test functions:
——Check whether relevant electrical components are running normally;
——Check whether relevant sensing elements are operating normally.
4.3 Requirements for system state transition and information prompt
If the system is fault-free, the following requirements shall be met:
a) The system automatically starts and enters the standby state after the vehicle is started;
b) The function that the driver actively opens and closes the system shall be provided. After the driver actively closes the system, the system sends out optical prompt information and continuously displays it;
c) The system switches from standby state to active state after the activation condition are satisfied, and the activation condition is at least one of the following modes:
——Direct activation: the system automatically enters the activation state after entering the standby state;
——Activation at minimum speed: the system automatically activates when the vehicle speed reaches the minimum activation speed designed by the system;
d) When the system is activated and monitor the distraction of the driver, at least two of methods (optics, acoustics and touch) are adopted to send prompt information, different from other prompt information, to the driver;
e) When the activation condition is not satisfied, the system exits from the activation state to the standby state;
f) When the system is in standby and off state, no prompt information is sent to the driver.
4.4 Fault indication
In the event of a system fault, the system shall have a fault indication function and shall continuously send an indication message to the driver at least in an optical mode, which shall be distinguished from other indication messages of the system and visible.
4.5 Electromagnetic compatibility
The electromagnetic compatibility of the system shall meet the requirements of GB 34660.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General 4.1 Functional requirements 4.2 Self-test 4.3 Requirements for system state transition and information prompt 4.4 Fault indication 4.5 Electromagnetic compatibility 5 Performance requirements 5.1 Requirements for driver identification ability 5.2 Requirements on detection rate and accuracy 6 Test method 6.1 Test conditions 6.1.1 Test environmental conditions 6.1.2 Test prop conditions 6.2 Test of driver recognition ability 6.2.1 Test objective 6.2.2 Test process 6.3 Detection rate and accuracy test 6.3.1 Test objective 6.3.2 Light source 6.3.3 Test process Annex A (Normative) Humanoid robot A.1 Overview A.2 Requirements A.2.1 General requirements A.2.2 Feature requirements A.2.3 Installation requirements