Issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation of the People's Republic of China
the Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China
Foreword i
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 General requirements 2
4.1 Self-inspection 2
4.2 System status changes and information prompts 2
4.3 Functional safety 4
4.4 Electromagnetic compatibility 4
5 Performance requirements 4
5.1 Parking slot search 4
5.2 Parking assist 5
6 Test methods 9
6.1 Requirements for test environment 9
6.2 Test items 10
6.3 Layout of parking slot 11
Annex A (Normative) Functional safety requirements for vehicle safety-related electronic and electrical systems 19
A.1 General 19
A.2 Documentation 19
Foreword is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This document is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for standardization - Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China.
This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (SAC/TC 114).
Performance requirements and test methods for intelligent parking assist system
1 Scope
This document specifies the general requirements, performance requirements and test methods for intelligent parking assist system.
This document is applicable to M1-class vehicles equipped with intelligent parking assist system (IPAS) system, and it can be referred to by other vehicles.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain requirements which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB 5768.3 Road traffic signs and markings - Part 3: Road traffic markings
GB 34660 Road vehicles - Requirements and test methods of electromagnetic compatibility
3 Terms and definitions
intelligent parking assist system; IPAS
system that automatically provides assist functions (fox example, detecting the parking slot, providing parking indication and/or direction control) during vehicle parking
Note 1: Direction control includes lateral control or lateral and vertical combination control.
Note 2: “parking space” also called “parking slot”.
Note 3: Intelligent parking assist system, hereinafter referred to as "system”.
vehicle under test
vehicles equipped with an intelligent parking assist system for testing purposes
slot search status
working status of an intelligent parking assist system for searching parking slot
assisted parking status
working status of an intelligent parking assist system for controlling/assisting the driver to drive the car in the parking slot via lateral control or lateral and vertical combination control
bordering vehicle
vehicles used to limit the boundaries of parking slot
vehicle edge line
connecting line between the outer edge ground point of the left or right front tire of the vehicle and the outer edge ground point of the rear tire on the same side when the wheel is not deflected
parking slot defining line
line on the ground used to mark the boundary of a parking slot
number of gear changes
during the parking process of the vehicle under test, the gear shifts to R gear for the first time and the vehicle begins to move, the process is recorded as the first gear change. After that, the gear shifts from R gear to D gear or from D gear to R gear is counted as one gear change respectively
4 General requirements
4.1 Self-inspection
The system shall conduct self-inspection after power-on and have at least the following self-inspection functions:
——inspect whether related electrical components work properly?
——inspect whether related sensing elements work properly?
4.2 System status changes and information prompts
4.2.1 Inactivate status of system
The inactivate status of system includes off state and standby state. And the system shall not control the vehicle in this status.
4.2.2 Parking slot search status The system can be changed from inactive state to parking slot search state by at least one of the following methods:
a) active activation: the driver activates the parking slot search mode on his/her initiative;
b) automatic activation: the vehicle enters the parking slot search mode automatically when the vehicle speed reaches a certain threshold. The system shall be able to search the parking slot and be able to search at least one type of the following parking slots:
a) Type 1 IPAS parking slot, which is enclosed by bordering vehicles;
b) Type 2 IPAS parking slot, which is enclosed by parking slot defining line. The system shall prompt the parking slot information through the driver's active confirmation or automatic display.
4.2.3 Assisted parking status The initial condition for the system to enter the assisted parking status shall be that the vehicle is stationary; when the driver actively confirms the location of the parking slot, the system shall be switched to the assisted parking status. The system shall have at least one of the following control modes to assist the driver to park the vehicle into the parking slot:
a) lateral control mode: the system controls the lateral movement of the vehicle, and the driver controls the longitudinal movement of the vehicle.
b) lateral and longitudinal combination control mode: the system controls the lateral and longitudinal movement of the vehicle. When in the assisted parking status, the system shall provide status and operation information prompts and set the maximum driving speed to no more than 10km/h. When the vehicle speed exceeds the maximum driving speed, the system shall send a prompt message to the driver and exit the assisted parking status. After completing the parking assist control, the system shall send a prompt message to the driver and switched to the inactive status.
4.2.4 Exit conditions of system
When in the assisted parking status, the system can take over vehicle control and change to the inactive status at any time if required by the driver on his/her initiative. The driver's active exit conditions shall be described in the system manual. Exit conditions include but are not limited to:
——controlling the steering wheel;
——controlling the brake pedal;
——controlling the gear;
——controlling the parking brake.
4.2.5 System fault response
In case of a fault during the system self-test and operation, the system shall at least show the fault information to the driver by optical means, and the system can change to the inactive status.
4.3 Functional safety
The system shall meet requirements for functional safety specified in Annex A.
4.4 Electromagnetic compatibility
The electromagnetic compatibility of the system shall meet the requirements of GB 34660.
5 Performance requirements
5.1 Parking slot search
5.1.1 Type 1 IPAS parking slot search
Conduct the test according to 6.2.1, the system shall be able to find the parking slot in the slot search status.
5.1.2 Type 2 IPAS parking slot search
Conduct the test according to 6.2.2, the system shall be able to find the parking slot in the slot search status.
Foreword i 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 General requirements 4.1 Self-inspection 4.2 System status changes and information prompts 4.3 Function safety 4.4 Electromagnetic compatibility 5 Performance requirements 5.1 Parking slot searching 5.2 Parking assist 5.3 Test criterion 6 Test methods 6.1 Test environment requirements 6.2 Test item 6.3 Layout requirements of parking slot Annex A (Normative) Function safety requirements for vehicle safety-related electronic and electrical systems A.1 General A.2 Documents
ICS 43.040 CCS T 41 GB 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 41630—2022
智能泊车辅助系统性能要求及试验方法 Performance requirements and test methods for intelligent parking assist system