is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This part is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard was proposed by and is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Hydrogen Energy of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 309).
Safety Technical Regulations for Hydrogen Refueling Station
1 Scope
This standard specifies the safety technical requirements in aspects of hydrogen delivery, in-station hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, hydrogen compression, hydrogen refueling, and safety and fire protection of the hydrogen refueling station for hydrogen energy vehicles.
This standard is applicable to the hydrogen refueling stations for hydrogen energy vehicles adopting various hydrogen supply methods and the combined hydrogen refueling stations, with two or more stations, such as gasoline and hydrogen refueling station, hydrogen and gas refueling station, and hydrogen refueling and charging station.
2 Normative References
The following documents for the application of this document are essential. Any dated reference, just dated edition applies to this document. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB 4962 Technical Safety Regulation for Gaseous Hydrogen Use
GB 12358 Gas Monitors and Alarms for Workplace - General Technical Requirements
GB 16808 Combustible Gas Alarm Control Units
GB/T 18442.1 Static Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Pressure Vessel - Part 1: General Requirements
GB/T 18442.2 Static Vacuum Insulated Cryogenic Pressure Vessel - Part 2: Material
GB/T 19773 Specification of Hydrogen Purification System on Pressure Swing Adsorption
GB/T 19774 Specification of Water Electrolyte System for Producing Hydrogen
GB/T 24499 Technology Glossary for Gaseous Hydrogen, Hydrogen Energy and Hydrogen Energy System
GB/T 29729 Essential Requirements for the Safety of Hydrogen Systems
GB/T 29781 General Requirements for Electric Vehicle Charging Station
GB/T 31138 Compressed Hydrogen Dispenser for Vehicles
GB 50016 Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings
GB 50058 Code for Design of Electrical Installations in Explosive Atmospheres
GB 50116 Code for Design of Automatic Fire Alarm System
GB 50156 Code for Design and Construction of Automobile Gasoline and Gas Filling Station
GB 50177 Design Code for Hydrogen Station
GB 50516 Technical Code for Hydrogen Fuelling Station
GB 50966 Design code for electric vehicle charging station
TSG 21 Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 24499 and GB 50516 and the following apply.
hydrogen refueling station
special fixed location refueling hydrogen fuel for hydrogen storage cylinder of hydrogen energy vehicles such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen internal-combustion engine vehicles and hydrogen combined fuel vehicles
combined hydrogen refueling station
a general term for the locations with combination of the hydrogen refueling station and one or more stations of the following stations: vehicle gasoline and gas refueling station, electric vehicle charging station, etc.
4 General Requirements
4.1 The hydrogen refueling station may supply hydrogen in such modes as hydrogen tube trailer transportation, liquid hydrogen transportation, piping transportation or on-site hydrogen production system.
4.2 The hydrogen refueling station may be combined with the vehicle gasoline and gas refueling station, electric vehicle charging station and other facilities.
4.3 The hydrogen refueling station and various combined hydrogen refueling stations shall be of Class A in terms of fire hazard classification, and the explosion hazard rooms or areas in the hydrogen refueling station and various combined hydrogen refueling stations shall be of Zone 1 or Zone 2 in terms of explosion hazard rating.
4.4 The fire resistance rating of buildings in the hydrogen refueling station and various combined stations shall not be less than Grade 2.
4.5 The grading of hydrogen refueling station, hydrogen and gas refueling station, and gasoline and hydrogen refueling station shall meet the relevant requirements of GB 50516.
4.6 When hydrogen refueling station is combined with charging station, its grading shall meet those specified in Table 1.
Table 1 Grading of Combined Hydrogen Refueling Station
with Charging Station
Grade of hydrogen refueling station Grade of charging station
Grade I
Stored energy of cell ≥6,800 kwh, or one-way power distribution capacity ≥5,000kVA Grade II
3,400kWh≤ stored energy of cell <6,800 kWh, or 3,000kVA≤ one-way power distribution capacity <5,000kVA Grade III
1,700kWh≤ stored energy of cell <3,400kWh, or 1,000kVA≤ one-way power distribution capacity <3,000kVA Grade IV
Stored energy of cell <1,700 kWh or one-way power distribution capacity <1,000kVA
Grade I × × × ×
Grade II × Grade I Grade I Grade II
Grade III × Grade II Grade II Grade III
Note 1: "×" represents prohibition of station combination.
Note 2: The grading of charging station shall comply with the standardized technical guidance document DB11/Z 728 of Beijing City.
4.7 When hydrogen refueling station is combined with charging station, the design of charging process facilities shall comply with the relevant requirements of GB 50966 and GB/T 29781.
5 Station Site Selection
5.1 The hydrogen refueling station and various combined stations shall comply with urban planning, shall be arranged in accessible positions instead of the dusty place, place with corrosive gas, low-lying place, or place with possibility of water accumulation.
5.2 Buffer distance or buffer zone should be arranged between the combined hydrogen refueling station with charging station and the off-station municipal road for the convenience of access and charging waiting of electric vehicles.
5.3 The fire-protection distance between the process facilities of hydrogen refueling station/hydrogen and gas refueling station/gasoline and hydrogen refueling station and the off-station buildings and structures shall meet the requirements of GB 50516.
5.4 The fire-protection distance between the process facilities of the combined hydrogen refueling station with charging station, and the off-station buildings and structures shall meet the requirements of GB 50516.
5.5 The fire-protection distance between the process facilities of combined hydrogen refueling station with charging station and the off-station buildings and structures shall meet the requirements of GB 50516 and GB 50966.
6 Plane Layout
6.1 The fire-protection distance between the in-station facilities of hydrogen refueling station, hydrogen and gas refueling station, and gasoline and hydrogen refueling station shall meet the requirements of GB 50516 and GB 50966.
6.2 The installation position of charging process facilities of the combined hydrogen refueling station with charging station shall be 3m outside the borderline of explosive hazard zone, and the division of explosive hazard zone shall meet the relevant requirements of GB 50516.
6.3 The in-station process facilities with different media for hydrogen refueling, gas refueling, oil refueling, charging, etc. of hydrogen refueling station and various combined hydrogen refueling stations should not be arranged in a cross way.
Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 General Requirements 5 Station Site Selection 6 Plane Layout 7 Hydrogen Delivery 8 Liquid Hydrogen 9 Hydrogen Production in Hydrogen Refueling Station 10 Hydrogen Storage System 11 Hydrogen Dispenser 12 Hydrogen Compressor 13 Safety and Fire Protection Bibliography