is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is drafted according to the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard is proposed by China Electricity Council.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of China Electricity Council.
Drafting organizations of this standard: State Grid Corporation of China, China Electric Power Research Institute, China Academy of Science of Southern Power Grid, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, XJ Group Corporation, Zhejiang Electric Power Corporation, Tianjin Electric Power Corporation, Electric Power Research Institute of Guangdong Power Grid Corporation and Tianjin Qingyuan Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.
Chief drafting staff of this standard: Su Shengxin, Wei Qi, Jia Junguo, Li Wufeng, Wu Shangjie, Luo Xiaoying, Chen Xi, Wu Junyang, Zhu Jinda, Chen Liangliang, Dong Xinsheng, Chen Feng, Nie Liang, Qu Wei, Sun Weiming, Zhao Wei, Luo Min, Zhou Nenghui and Gou Yitong.
Terminology of Electric Vehicle Charging/Battery Swap Infrastructure
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terminologies and definitions concerned with electric vehicle charging/battery swap infrastructure.
This standard is applicable to electric vehicle charging/battery swap infrastructure adopting conductive charging mode.
2 Charging/Battery Swap Infrastructure
Charging/battery swap infrastructure
A generic term for relevant infrastructure providing electric energy for electric vehicles, generally including charging station, battery swap station, battery dispatch center, centralized or dispersedly-distributed AC charging spot, etc.
3 Charging/Battery Swap Modes
Vehicle charge mode
The charge mode of directly connecting the electric vehicle with charging equipment.
DC charge
The mode of providing electric energy for electric vehicles with DC power supply.
AC charge
The mode of providing electric energy for electric vehicles with AC power supply.
Battery swap mode
The mode of providing electric energy for electric vehicles through swapping power battery.
Side-swapping of battery pack
The swapping mode of battery packs where they are installed on both sides of vehicle body.
Bottom-swapping of battery pack
The swapping mode of battery pack where it is installed at the bottom of vehicle body.
Front/rear-swapping of battery pack
The swapping mode of battery pack where it is installed in front/rear compartment of vehicle body.
4 Charging Equipment
Charging equipment
The equipment connected with and providing electric energy for the electric vehicle or power battery, generally including off-board charger, on-board charger, AC charging spot, etc.
Off-board charger
The special device installed outside the electric vehicle body that converts the AC electric energy to DC electric energy and charges the power battery of electric vehicle with conductive mode.
On-board charger
The special device fixed on the electric vehicle that converts the AC electric energy to DC electric energy and charges the power battery of electric vehicle with conductive mode.
AC charging spot
The special power device providing AC power supply for electric vehicle equipped with on-board charger with conductive mode.
Connection set for charging
The component connecting the electric vehicle and its power supply equipment during charging, including cable as well as power supply interface, vehicle interface, online control box, cap, etc.
[GB/T 20234.1-2011, as defined in 3.1]
5 Charging Station/Battery Swap Station
Charging station
The location providing electric energy for electric vehicles with vehicle charge mode, which consists of three or more sets of electric vehicle charging equipment, at least one set of off-board charger and relevant power supply equipment, monitoring equipment, etc.
Battery swap station
The location providing electric energy for electric vehicles with battery swap mode.
Charging and battery swap station
The location providing both vehicle charge service and battery swap service for electric vehicles.
Battery dispatch center
The location charging power battery in concentrated way and providing battery dispatching service for battery swap station, also referred to as concentrated battery charging station.
Foreword I 1 Scope 2 Charging/Battery Swap Infrastructure 3 Charging/Battery Swap Modes 4 Charging Equipment 5 Charging Station/Battery Swap Station 6 Station System 7 Operation and Management System Bibliography Index
ICS 43.040.99 T 35 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 29317—2012 电动汽车充换电设施术语 Terminology of electric vehicle charging/battery swap infrastructure 2012—12—31发布 2013—06—01实施 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 中国国家标准化管理委员会 发布 前言 本标准按照GB/T 1.1—2009绘出的规则起草。 本标准由中国电力企业联合会提出。 本标准由中国电力企业联合会归口。 本标准起草单位:国家电网公司、中国电力科学研究院、南方电网科学研究院、国网电力科学研究院、许继集团有限公司、浙江省电力公司、天津市电力公司、广东电网公司电力科学研究院、天津清源电动车辆有限责任公司。 本标准主要起草人:苏胜新、魏琦、贾俊国、李武峰、吴尚洁、罗小英、陈晰、吴俊阳、朱金大、陈良亮、董新生、陈枫、聂亮、曲巍、孙卫明、赵伟、罗敏、周能辉、苟毅彤。 电动汽车充换电设施术语 1范围 本标准规定了与电动汽车充换电设施相关的术语及其定义。 本标准适用于采用传导充电方式的电动汽车充换电设施。 2充换电设施 2.1 充换电设施charging/battery swap infrastructure 为电动汽车提供电能的相关设施的总称,一般包括充电站、电池更换站、电池配送中心、集中或分散布置的交流充电桩等。 3充换电模式 3.1 整车充电模式vehicle charge mode 将电动汽车直接与充电设备相连接进行充电的方式。 3.1.1 直流充电DC charge 采用直流电源为电动汽车提供电能的方式。 3.1.2 交流充电AC charge 采用交流电源为电动汽车提供电能的方式。 3.2 电池更换模式battery swap mode 通过更换动力蓄电池为电动汽车提供电能的方式。 3.2.1 侧向换电side-swapping of battery pack 电池箱安装在车体两侧时的电池箱更换方式。 3.2.2 底部换电bottom-swapping of battery pack 电池箱安装在车体底部时的电池箱更换方式。 3.2.3 端部换电front/rear-swapping of battery pack 电池箱安装在车体前后舱时的电池箱更换方式。 4充电设备 4.1 充电设备charging equipment 与电动汽车或动力蓄电池相连接,并为其提供电能的设备,一般包括非车载充电机、车载充电机、交流充电桩等。 4.2 非车载充电机off-board charger 安装在电动汽车车体外,将交流电能变换为直流电能,采用传导方式为电动汽车动力蓄电池充电的专用装置。 4.3 车载充电机on-board charger 固定安装在电动汽车上运行,将交流电能变换为直流电能,采用传导方式为电动汽车动力蓄电池充电的专用装置。 4.4 交流充电桩AC charging spot 采用传导方式为具有车载充电装置的电动汽车提供交流电源的专用供电装置。 4.5 充电连接装置 connection set for charging 电动汽车充电时,连接电动汽车和电动汽车供电设备的组件,除电缆外,还可能包括供电接口、车辆接口、线上控制盒和帽盖等部件。 [GB/T 20234.1—2011,定义3.1] 5充电站/电池更换站 5.1 充电站charging station 采用整车充电模式为电动汽车提供电能的场所,主要由三台及以上电动汽车充电设备,至少有一台非车载充电机,以及相关的供电设备、监控设备等组成。 5.2 电池更换站(换电站) battery swap station 采用电池更换模式为电动汽车提供电能的场所。 5.3 充换电站charging and battery swap station 同时可为电动汽车提供整车充电服务和电池更换服务的场所。 5.4 电池配送中心 battery dispatch center 对动力蓄电池集中进行充电,并为电池更换站提供电池配送服务的场所。也可称为电池集中充电站。 6站内系统 6.1 供电系统power-supply system 为充电站/电池更换站提供电源的电力设备和配电线路组成的系统。 6.2 充电系统charging system 由充电站/电池更换站内的所有充电设备、电缆及相关辅助设备组成的系统。 6.3 电池更换系统battery swap system 实现电动汽车动力蓄电池更换的机械设备和电气设备组成的系统。 6.3.1 动力蓄电池箱power battery pack 由若干单体蓄电池或动力蓄电池模块、箱体、电池信息采集单元及相关电气、机械附件等构成的装置,简称电池箱。 6.3.2 电池箱连接器battery pack coupler 实现电池箱与电动汽车、电池箱与充电架之间传导式连接的专用电连接器。 6.3.3 充电架charging rack 由机械、电气、通信等装置构成,用以连接非车载充电机和电池箱,完成充电过程的电池箱承载设备。 6.3.4 电池箱存储架battery pack storage rack 用于集中承载电池箱的设备。 6.3.5 电池箱更换设备 battery pack swap equipment 用于卸载、搬运和装载电池箱的专用设备。 6.3.6 电池箱转运设备 battery pack transfer equipment 用于将电池箱搬运至规定位置的专用设备。 6.3.7 车辆导引系统vehicle polot system 实现导引电动汽车至规定位置以便便进行电池箱更换的系统。 6.3.8 电池箱更换时间battery pack swap time 电动汽车从就位后至完成电池箱更换(电动汽车自身具备行驶条件)所需的时间。 6.4 监控系统 monitoring system 应用信息、网络及通信技术,对充电站/电池更换站内设备运行状态和环境进行监视、控制和管理的系统。 6.5 计量计费系统 metering and billing system 用于实现充电站/电池更换站与申网之间、充电站/电池更换站与电动汽车用户之间的电能结算的全套计量和计费装置。 7运营管理系统 7.1 运营管理系统operation and management system 实现电动汽车充电和电池更换相关业务的数据采集、数据存储、统计分析、运行决策、营业服务以及调度管理的系统。 参考文献 [1] GB/T 20234.1—2011 电动汽车传导充电用连接装置 第1部分:通用要求 索 引 汉语拼音索引 C 侧向换电side-swapping of battery pack 3.2.1 车辆导引系统vehicle pilot system 6.3.7 车载充电机on-board charger 4.3 充电架charging rack 6.3.3 充电连接装置connection set for charging 4.5 充电设备charging equipment 4.1 充电系统charging system 6.2 充电站charging station 5.1 充换电设施charging/battery swap infrastructure 2.1 充换电站charging and battery swap station 5.3 D 底部换电bottom-swapping of battery pack 3.2.2 电池更换模式battery swap mode 3.2 电池更换系统bakery swap system 6.3 电池更换站(换电站)battery swap station 5.2 电池配送中心battery dispatch center 5.4 电池箱存储架battery pack storage rack 6.3.4 电池箱更换设备battery pack swap equipment 6.3.5 电池箱更换时间battery pack swap time 6.3.8 电池箱连接器battery pack coupler 6.3.2 电池箱转运设备battery pack transfer equipment 6.3.6 动力蓄电池箱power battery pack 6.3.1 端部换电front/rear-swapping of battery pack 3.2.3 F 非车载充电机off-board charger 4.2 G 供电系统power-supply system 6.1 J 计量计费系统metering and billing system 6.5 监控系统monitoring system 6.4 交流充电AC charge 3.1.2 交流充电桩AC charging spot 4.4 Y 运营管理系统operation and management system 7.1 Z 整车充电模式vehicle charge mode 3.1 赢流充电DC charge 3.1.1 英文对应词索引 A AC charge交流充电 3.1.2 AC charging spot交流充电桩 4.4 B battery dispatch center电池配送中心 5.4 battery pack coupler电池箱连接器 6.3.2 battery pack storage rack电池箱存储架 6.3.4 battery pack swap equipment电池箱更换设备 6.3.5 battery pack swap time电池箱更换时间 6.3.8 battery pack transfer equipment电池箱转运设备 6.3.6 battery swap mode电池更换模式 3.2 battery swap station电池更换站(换电站) 5.2 battery swap system电池更换系统 6.3 bottom-swapping of battery pack底部换电 3.2.2 C charging and battery swap station充换电站 5.3 charging equipment充电设备 4.1 charging rack充电架 6.3.3 charging station充电站 5.1 charging system充电系统 6.2 charging/battery swap infrastructure充换电设施 2.1 connection set for charging充电连接装置 4.5 D DC charge直流充电 3.1.1 F front/rear-swapping of battery pack端部换电 3.2.3 M metering and billing system计量计费系统 6.5 monitoring system监控系统 6.4 O off-board charger非车载充电机 4.2 on-board charger车载充电机 4.3 operation and management system运营管理系统 7.1 P power battery pack动力蓄电池箱 6.3.1 power-supply system供电系统 6.1 S side-swapping of battery pack侧向换电 3.2.1 V vehicle charge mode整车充电模式 3.1 vehicle pilot system车辆导引系统 6.3.7