Requirements of Concentration Limits for Certain Restricted Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products
1 Scope
This document specifies the maximum allowable content of restricted substances in electrical and electronic products and the corresponding compliance criterion rules.
This document is applicable to the control of such restricted substances in electrical and electronic products as plumbum (Pb), hydrargyrum (Hg), cadmium (Cd), chromium VI (Cr (VI)), polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDE), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP), butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP) and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP).
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated reference, only the edition cited applies. For undated reference, the latest edition of the normative document (including any amendment) applies.
GB/T 39560 (all parts) "Determination of Certain Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products"
GB/T 39560.701 "Determination of Certain Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products - Part 7-1: Hexavalent Chromium - Presence of Hexavalent Chromium [Cr(VI)] in Colourless and Coloured Corrosion-protected Coatings on Metals by the Colorimetric Method"
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this standard, the following terms and definition apply.
Restricted substances
Substances required by laws and regulations or customers to be under restricted use in electrical and electronic products.
Electrical and electronic products (EEP)
Equipment and auxiliary products operating by way of current or magnetic field and then generating, transmitting and measuring the said current and magnetic field, with rated operating voltage not exceeding 1500V under direct current and 1000V under alternating current.
Homogeneous materials
Materials composed of one kind or several kinds of substances, of which each part is uniform.
Construction units in electrical and electronic products, with certain function or application purposes.
Note: Such as components and parts, case, bracket, screw, switch and conductor etc.
Test units
Samples that can be directly submitted to be tested without the necessary for further disassembling.
4 Limit Requirements
Foreword I Introduction II 1 Scope 2 Normative References 3 Terms and Definitions 4 Limit Requirements 5 Inspection Methods 6 Compliance Criterion Rule Appendix A (Normative) Disassembling of Electrical and Electronic Products A.1 Structures of Electrical and Electronic Products A.2 Preparation and Requirements for Disassembling A.3 Objective and Principles for Disassembling of Electrical and Electronic Products Appendix B (Informative) Examples for Typical Disassembling B.1 Example for Disassembling of Circuit Board Assemblies B.2 Example for Disassembling of Integrated Circuit with Pin B.3 Example for Disassembling of Array Integrated Circuit B.4 Example for Disassembling of Printed Circuit Board B.5 Example for Disassembling of Rectangular Chip Component without Pin Appendix C (Informative) Example for Sample Disassembling by Way of X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Analysis (XRF) Technique C.1 Introduction C.2 XRF Analytical Instrument C.3 Factors Influencing XRF Analysis Result C.4 XRF Screening Examples Appendix D (Informative) Existence Possibility for Restricted Substances in Common Materials and Components of Electrical and Electronic Products Bibliography