is in charge of this English translation. In case of any doubt about the English translation, the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative.
This standard is developed in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for standardization — Part 1: Rules for the structure and drafting of standardizing documents.
This document is Part 2 of GB/T 2427.9 Textiles — Determination of certain flame retardants. The following parts of GB/T 24279 have been published:
——Part 1: Brominated flame retardants;
——Part 2: Phosphorus flame retardants.
This document was redrafted and modified on the base of ISO 17881-2:2016 Textiles — Determination of certain flame retardants - Part 2: Phosphorus flame retardants.
The following main structural differences have been made with respect to ISO 17881-2:2016:
——The "Normative references" has been added as Clause 2;
——The "Terms and definitions" has been added as Clause 3;
——The "Precision" has been added as Clause 9.
The following main technical differences have been made with respect to ISO 17881-2:2016:
——In Clause 5, the analytical grade has been changed to chromatographic grade, the purity of the tested standard has been added for liquid chromatographic analysis; according to the relevant requirements of prohibiting and restricting the use of flame retardants, the tested substance "bis (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate" has been added;
——In 5.8, GB/T 6682 has been added and quoted, and the water use requirement has been stipulated;
——In 6.7, a balance with a division of 0.01 g has been added to weigh textile samples;
——In Clause 8, the dilution factor and the stipulation that the calculated results shall be rounded off to one decimal place has been added to make the calculation and expression of the result clearer;
——In Clause 9, the description of precision has been added according to the requirements of relevant national standards.
The following editorial changes have been made in this document:
——The “Introduction” has been added;
——The "Note" in the Scope has been deleted;
——The "Note" in 7.1 has been deleted.
——In the informative Annex A, the apparatus parameters has been adjusted and supplemented according to the commonly used instruments in China; the informative Annex B has been deleted.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this standard may be the subject of patent rights. The issuing body of this document shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document was proposed by the China National Textile and Apparel Council.
This document is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee on Textiles of Standardization Administration of China (SAC/TC 209).
Some flame retardants applied in textiles will do harm to human health and ecological environment, thus it is necessary to unify the test methods of certain flame retardants in textiles. Due to many flame retardants involved, various differences are found in chemical structure, polarity and physicochemical properties. In order to improve the test accuracy, the tested substances are classified. Part 1 of GB/T 24279 is suitable for testing brominated flame retardants, and Part 2 for testing phosphorus flame retardants.
Textiles — Determination of certain flame retardants — Part 2: Phosphorus flame retardants
WARNING — Persons using this document shall be familiar with normal laboratory practice. This document does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user to adopt appropriate safety and health measures and to ensure compliance with any national regulatory conditions.
1 Scope
This document of GB/T 24279 specifies a test method for determining some phosphorous flame retardants in textiles by high performance liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS).
This document is applicable to all kinds of textile products
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 6682 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods (GB/T 6682-2008, ISO 3696: 1987, MOD)
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
4 Principles
The flame retardants are extracted from textile samples by ultrasonic generator with acetone as extractant. The flame retardants in the samples are determined by HPLC-MS/MS and quantified by external standard method.
5 Reagents
Unless otherwise specified, use only reagents of chromatographic grade.
5.1 Tris (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate (TRIS): CAS No. 126-72-7 (purity ≥ 97%).
5.2 Tris (1-aziridinyl) phosphineoxide (TEPA): CAS No. 545-55-1 (purity ≥ 97%).
5.3 Tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP): CAS No. 115-96-8 (purity ≥ 97%).
5.4 Bis (2,3-dibromopropyl) phosphate (BDBPP): CAS No. 5412-25-9 (purity ≥ 97%).
5.5 Acetone.
5.6 Acetonitrile (ACN).
5.7 Ammonium acetate solution: 10 mmol/L.
5.8 Class-I water: complying with GB/T 6682.
Foreword i Introduction iii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Principles 5 Reagents 6 Apparatus and material 7 Test procedure 8 Calculation 9 Precision 10 Test report Annex A (Informative) Test parameters by HPLC-MS/MS