Electricity metering equipment (AC)—General requirements, tests and test conditions—
Part 11: Metering equipment
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 17215.2 specifies the general mechanical and electrical requirements and test conditions, function and identification requirements, weather and electromagnetic environment requirements and test conditions, immunity test to external influences and test conditions and embedded software requirements applicable to type tests of AC electricity meters (hereinafter referred to as "meters").
Note 1: For other general requirements of instruments (e.g. safety, dependability, etc.), see the relevant parts of GB/T 17215.3 (all parts) and GB/T 17215.9 (all parts). For accuracy requirements and other requirements specific to class indices, see the GB/T 17215.3 (all parts).
This part is applicable to newly manufactured electricity metering equipment for measuring and controlling electrical energy in 50Hz or 60Hz power grid with voltage up to 600V. All special functional elements except electrical energy measurement function can be integrated in the meter case or formed into a separate case.
Note 2: The voltage mentioned above is the line-to-neutral voltage derived from nominal voltages. See IEC 62052-31: 2015, Table 7.
If the meter has functions other than measuring active and reactive energy, such as:
——measurement of voltage amplitude, current amplitude, power, frequency, power factor (or sin φ), etc.;
——measurement of power quality parameters;
——measurement of other forms of energy such as water, gas, steam, heat, etc.;
——load control function;
——data communication interface.
If it is enclosed in the case, relevant standards can be applied to these functional requirements, but the requirements for these functions are outside the scope of this part.
Note 3: Requirements for power measurement devices and measurement functions (e.g. voltage amplitude, current amplitude, power, frequency, etc.) are covered in GB/T 18216.12. However, equipment that complies with GB/T 18216.12 are not intended to be used as billing meter unless it also complies with the relevant provisions of this part and GB/T 17215.3 (all parts).
Note 4: Requirements for Power Quality Instruments are covered in IEC 62586-1, and test methods for power quality measurement functions are covered in GB/T 17626.30. Requirements for testing of the power quality measurement functions are covered in IEC 62586-2.
The requirements of this part apply if the meter is designed to be mounted on a specified mating (meter) socket or rack, and the meter is installed on the specified mating (meter) socket or rack when the test is carried out. However, the requirements for the specified mating (meter) socket or rack are outside the scope of this part.
Note 5: The examples of rack meters are: guide rail-mounted meters, panel-mounted meters, etc.
The requirements of this part apply if the meter is designed to install a separation indication display.
If each phase of the meter has multiple current circuits, the requirements of this part apply to all current circuits of any current measuring element in the case.
This part is also applicable to auxiliary input and output circuits, operation indicators, and test outputs of equipment for electrical energy measurement.
Note 6: Some examples include pulse inputs and outputs, control inputs and outputs, and energy test outputs.
This part also covers the common aspects of accuracy testing such as reference conditions and repeatability.
This part classifies:
——electromechanical meter and static meter;
——single-phase meter and multiphase meter;
——directly connected meter and transformer operated meter;
——meter with internally integrated indicator displays and meter with separate indicator displays;
——indoor meter and outdoor meter.
This part is not applicable to:
——meter with line-to-neutral voltages derived from nominal voltages exceeding 600V;
——laboratory and mobile meter test equipment;
——data interfaces to the register of the meter;
——reference standard meter;
——metering systems comprising multiple devices physically remote from one another;
——portable meters;
——meters used in rolling stock, vehicles, ships and airplanes;
——meters for access via electronic transformers (in accordance with GB/T 20840.8) and low power current transformers (in accordance with IEC 61869-10).
Note 7: Portable meters are meters that are not permanently connected.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 2423.1 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products—Part 2: Test methods—Tests A: Cold
GB/T 2423.2 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products—Part 2: Test methods—Test B: Dry heat
GB/T 2423.4 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products—Part 2: Test method—Test Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12h+12h cycle)
GB/T 2423.5 Environmental testing—Part 2: Test methods—Test Ea and guidance: Shock
GB/T 2423.43 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products—Part 2: Test methods—Mounting of specimens for vibration impact and similar dynamic tests
GB/T 2423.56 Environmental testing—Part 2: Test methods—Test Fh: Vibration, broadband random and guidance
GB 4208 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)
GB/T 17215.9321 Electricity metering equipment—Dependability—Part 321: Durability testing of the stability of metrological characteristics by applying elevated temperature
GB/T 17626.2 Electromagnetic compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques—Electrostatic discharge immunity test
GB/T 17626.3 Electromagnetic compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques—Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field immunity test
GB/T 17626.4 Electromagnetic compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques—Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
GB/T 17626.5 Electromagnetic compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques—Surge immunity test
GB/T 17626.6 Electromagnetic compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques—Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
GB/T 17626.12 Electromagnetic compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques—Ring wave immunity test
GB/T 17626.18 Electromagnetic compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques—Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity test
GB/T 17626.20 Electromagnetic compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques—Emission and immunity testing in transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguide
GB/T 17626.29 Electromagnetic compatibility—Testing and measurement techniques—Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on d.c. input power port immunity tests
IEC 61000-4-8: 2009 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)—Part 4-8: Testing and measurement techniques—Power frequency magnetic field immunity test
IEC 61000-4-11 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)—Part 4-11: Testing and measurement techniques—Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests for equipment with input current up to 16A per phase
IEC 610004-19: 2014 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)—Part 4-19: Testing and measurement techniques—Test for immunity to conducted, differential mode disturbances and signalling in the frequency range 2 kHz to 150 kHz at a.c. power ports
IEC 6205231: 2015 Electricity metering equipment (AC)—General requirements, tests and test conditions—Part 31: Product safety requirements and tests
IEC CISPR 32 Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment—Emission requirements
ISO 4892-3 Plastics—Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources—Part 3: Fluorescent UV lamps
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 General definitions
electromechanical meter
meter in which currents in fixed coils react with the currents induced in the conducting moving element, generally (a) disk(s), which causes their movement proportional to the energy to be measured
static meter
meter in which currents and voltages act on solid state (electronic) elements to produce an output proportional to the energy to be measured
(active) energy meter
watt-hour meter
instrument intended to measure active energy by integrating active power with respect to time
Note: It is modified from GB/T 2900.79-2008, Definition 313-06-01.
reactive energy meter
var-hour meter
instrument intended to measure reactive energy by integrating reactive power with respect to time
Note: It is modified from GB/T 2900.79-2008, Definition 313-06-02.
multi-energy meter
meter which, in a single case, measures two or more types of electrical energy (watt-hour, var-hour, VA-hour)
multi-function meter
meter which, in a single case, incorporates other functions in addition to the energy measurement functions
Note: Multi-function meters may include: maximum demand indicator, time switches, ripple control or radio receivers, pulse output devices, power monitoring functions, power quality functions, input-output control functions, communication function, etc.
multi-rate meter
energy meter provided with multiple registers, each becoming operative as defined by a tariff schedule
Note 1: A tariff schedule could be held in the meter, operated on a time basis or a consumption basis, or by external control signals.
Note 2: It is modified from GB/T 2900.79-2008, Definition 313-06-09.
interval meter
instrument that displays and stores measurement results within a predetermined time interval
[OIML R 46-1/-2: Edition 2012 (E), Definition 2.1.2]
directly connected meter
meter intended to be connected directly to the circuit(s) being measured without use of external instrument transformer(s)
transformer operated meter
meter intended to be connected to the circuit(s) being measured with the use of external instrument transformer(s)
bidirectional meter
meter measuring energy flow in both directions
Note: For instance, energy received at the measuring point (for example import) and energy supplied at the same measuring point (for example, export).
reference standard (meter)
meter used to measure the unit of electrical energy, designed and operated to obtain the highest accuracy and stability in a controlled laboratory environment and traceable to national or international primary standards
meter type
specific meter design manufactured by one manufacturer
For electromechanical meter, each type has:
a) similar metrological properties;
b) the same uniform construction of parts determining these properties;
c) the same ratio of the maximum current to the nominal current;
d) the same number of ampere-turns for the current winding at nominal current and the same number of turns per volt for the voltage winding at nominal voltage.
Note 1: The same type may have several values of nominal current and nominal voltage.
Note 2: The ratio of the highest to the lowest basic speed of the rotors of each of the meters of the same type shall not exceed 1.5.
Note 3: Meters are designated by the manufacturer by one or more groups of letters or numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers. Each type has one designation only.
Note 4: The type is represented by the sample meter(s) intended for the type tests, in which characteristics (nominal current and nominal voltage) are chosen from the values given in the tables proposed by the manufacturer.
Note 5: Where the number of ampere-turns would lead to a number of turns other than a whole number, the product of the number of turns of the windings by the value of the nominal current may differ from that of the sample meter(s) representative of the type. It is advisable to choose the next number immediately above or below in order to have whole numbers of turns. For this reason only, the number of turns per volt of the voltage windings may differ, but by no more than 20 % from that of the sample meters representative of the type.
For static meter, each type has:
a) similar metrological properties;
b) the same uniform construction of parts determining these properties.
Note 6: The same type may have several values of nominal current and nominal voltage.
Note 7: Meters are designated by the manufacturer by one or more groups of letters or numbers, or a combination of letters and numbers. Each type has one designation only.
Note 8: The type is represented by the sample meter(s) intended for the type tests, in which characteristics (nominal current and nominal voltage) are chosen from the values given in the tables proposed by the manufacturer.
active power
active power at any single sinusoidal frequency component of a periodic signal in a single-phase circuit is defined as the product of the RMS values of current and voltage and the cosine of the phase angle between them, where the phase angle is the angle of the voltage signal vector with respect to the current signal vector
Note 1: Under sinusoidal conditions, the active power is the real part of the complex power.
Note 2: The active power of a non-sinusoidal periodic signal is the algebraic sum of the active power of the sinusoidal frequency components.
Foreword i Introduction ii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 3.1 General definitions 3.2 Definitions related to the functional elements 3.3 Definitions of meter ports 3.4 Definitions of mechanical elements 3.5 Definitions related to measurements 3.6 Definitions related to external influences 3.7 Definition of tests 3.8 Definitions related to electromechanical meters 3.9 Definitions related to meter marking and symbols 3.10 Definitions related to faults 3.11 Definitions related to metrological performance protection 4 Nominal electrical values 4.1 Voltages 4.2 Currents 4.3 Frequencies 4.4 Power consumption 5 Construction requirements 5.1 General 5.2 Mechanical tests 5.3 Window 5.4 Sealing provisions 5.5 Display of measured values 5.6 Storage of measured values 5.7 Outputs 5.8 Electrical pulse inputs 5.9 Operation indicator 6 Meter marking and documentation 6.1 Meter accuracy class marking 6.2 Nameplate 6.3 Connection diagrams and terminal marking 6.4 Symbols 6.5 Documentation 7 Metrological performances 7.1 General conditions for tests 7.2 Methods of accuracy verification 7.3 Meter constant test 7.4 Test of no-load condition (false actuation) 7.5 Starting current test 7.6 Measurement test of initial intrinsic error 7.7 Repeatability test 7.8 Variation requirement test 7.9 Variation test of load current rise and fall 7.10 Error consistency test 7.11 Limits of error due to influence quantities 7.12 Combined error test of energy indication 7.13 Timing accuracy test 7.14 Test of combined maximum permissible error 8 Climatic environment 8.1 General requirements 8.2 Temperature range and environmental class 8.3 Other climatic conditions 8.4 Test of the effects of the climatic environments 9 External influence 9.1 General requirements 9.2 Acceptance criteria 9.3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test 9.4 Test of immunity to other influence quantities 10 Metrological property protection 10.1 General 10.2 Embedded software (firmware) identification 10.3 Software protection 10.4 Parameter protection 10.5 Separation of meter and sub-assembly 10.6 Software separation 10.7 Data storage, data transmission through communication system 10.8 Maintenance and upgrade 10.9 Detection function of event record 10.10 Verification method 11 Type test 11.1 Test conditions 11.2 Type test report Annex A (Informative) Main technical changes between this part and GB/T 17215.211- Annex B (Normative) Optical test output Annex C (Normative) Class A and class B electrical pulses Annex D (Normative) Electrical pulse for special applications and long distances according to GB/T 33 Annex E (Informative) Meter symbols and markings Annex F (Normative) Calculation of combined error Annex G (Informative) Meter ports Annex H (Informative) Test set-up for EMC tests Annex I (Informative) Test for conducted, differential mode current disturbances Annex J (Informative) Ring wave test Annex K (Informative) Electromagnet for testing the influence of externally produced magnetic fields Annex L (Normative) Test circuit diagram for testing harmonic influence in current and voltage circuits Annex M (Informative) Short time overcurrent test waveform Annex N (Informative) Fast load current variation test Annex O (Normative) Test circuit diagram for the test of immunity to earth fault Annex P (Normative) Recommended test sequences Bibliography Figure B.1 Test arrangement for the test output Figure B.2 Waveform of the optical test output Figure C.1 Physical interface of the electrical pulse output Figure C.2 Electrical output pulse waveform Figure C.3 Pulse output test arrangement Figure C.4 Pulse input test arrangement Table C.3 Test of pulse input device Figure D.1 Output pulse waveform Figure D.2 Pulse output test arrangement Figure D.3 Pulse input test arrangement Figure G.1 Typical port configuration of a direct connected meter (example) Figure G.2 Typical port configuration of a transformer operated meter (example) Figure H.1 Test setup for RF electromagnetic field test Figure H.2 Test setup for RF electromagnetic field test with reference meter Figure H.3 Test setup for fast transient burst test: voltage circuit Figure H.4 Test setup for fast transient burst test with reference meter: voltage circuit Figure H.5 Test setup for fast transient burst test: current circuit Figure H.6 Test setup for fast transient burst test with reference meter: current circuit Figure I.1 Test setup for differential mode current disturbance from power electronics and mains communication systems (from IEC 61000-4-19) Figure L.1 Test circuit diagram (influence test of 5th harmonic, interharmonic, higher harmonic, vertex sharp wave and vertex square wave) Figure L.2 Burst fired waveform (2 periods on, 2 periods off) Figure L.3 Informative distribution of harmonic content of burst fired waveform (the Fourier analysis is not complete) Figure L.4 90° phase fired waveform Figure L.5 Informative distribution of harmonic content of 90° phase fired waveform (the Fourier analysis is not complete) Figure L.6 Test circuit diagram for half-wave rectification (DC and even harmonics) Figure L.7 Half-wave rectified waveform (DC and even harmonics) Figure L.8 Informative distribution of harmonic content of half-wave rectified waveform (the Fourier analysis is not complete) Figure L.9 Vertex square waveform current amplitude Figure L.10 Vertex sharp waveform current amplitude Figure O.1 Circuit to simulate earth fault condition in phase U Figure O.2 Voltages at the meter under test Table 1 Nominal voltages Table 2 Voltage ranges Table 3 Nominal transitional currents Table 4 Requirements for starting current Table 5 Requirements for minimum current Table 6 Maximum currents Table 7 Frequency ranges Table 8 Power consumption Table 9 Marking and documentation requirements Table 10 Voltage and current balance Table 11 Reference conditions Table 12 Mandatory test points for measuring initial intrinsic error Table 13 Repeatability test points Table 14 Temperature range Table 15 Environmental limit Table 16 Environmental class Table 17 Other climatic conditions Table 18 Temperature and duration of dry heat test Table 19 Temperature and duration of cold test Table 20 Procedure for solar radiation test Table 21 Acceptance criteria Table 22 AC voltage dips and short interruptions test Table 23 DC voltage dips and short interruptions test Table 24 Evaluation of primary meter functions under influence of voltage variation Table 25 Recommended verification methods for each item Table C.1 Specified operating conditions Table C.2 Test of pulse output Table C.3 Test of pulse input device Table D.1 Specified operating conditions Table D.2 Test of pulse output Table D.3 Test of pulse input device Table E.1 Voltage marking (examples) Table E.2 Symbols indicating the accuracy class and the meter constant test (examples) Table E.3 Symbols for measuring elements Table E.4 Symbols for transformer operated meters (examples) Table E.5 Symbols indicating information marking (examples) Table E.6 Marking of the measured quantity (examples) Table E.7 Principal unit symbols for meters (examples) Table E.8 Symbols for auxiliary devices (examples) Table E.9 Symbols for details of the suspension of the moving element (examples) Table E.10 Symbols for communication ports (examples) Table E.11 Other symbols (examples) Table L.1 Waveform of vertex square wave Table L.2 Waveform of vertex sharp wave Table P.1 Recommended test sequences