Fundamental technical requirements for hydraulic turbines
1 Scope
This standard specifies the performance guarantee, technical requirements, scope of supply and inspection and test items for hydraulic turbine products in design and manufacture, and puts forward the regulations to be observed in packaging, transportation, storage, installation, operation and maintenance.
This standard is applicable to hydraulic turbine products that meet any of the following conditions:
a) Hydraulic turbines with rated power of 10 MW or above;
b) Francis and impulse turbines with runner nominal diameter of 1.0 m or above;
c) Kaplan, Deriaz and bulb turbines with runner nominal diameter of 3.0 m or above.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 191 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods (GB/T 191-2008, ISO 780:1997, MOD)
GB/T 3323.1 Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic testing - Part 1: X- and gamma-ray techniques with film
GB/T 8564 Specification installation of hydraulic turbine generator units
GB/T 9239.1 Mechanical vibration - Balance quality requirements for rotors in a constant (rigid) state - Part 1: Specification and verification of balance tolerances (GB/T 9239.1-2006, ISO 1940-1:2003, IDT)
GB/T 9797 Metallic coatings - Electroplated coatings of nickel plus chromium and of copper plus nickel plus chromium (GB/T 9797-2005, ISO 1456:2003, IDT)
GB/T 10969 Specification for water passage components of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines
GB 11120 Lubricating oils for turbines
GB/T 11345 Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Techniques, testing levels, and assessment
GB/T 11805 General specifications of automatic control components (devices) and their related system for hydroturbine-generating sets
GB/T 15469.1 Hydraulic turbines storage pumps and pump-turbines cavitation pitting evaluation - Part 1: cavitation pitting evaluation in reaction turbines (GB/T 15469.1-2008, IEC 60609-1:2004, MOD)
GB/T 15613 (all parts) Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines model acceptance tests
GB/T 17189 Code for field measurement of vibrations and pulsations in hydraulic machines(turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines (GB/T 17189-2017, IEC 60994:1991, MOD)
GB/T 20043 Field acceptance test to determine the hydraulic performance of hydraulic turbine, storage pumps and pump-turbines (GB/T 20043-2005, IEC 60041:1991, MOD)
GB/T 28546 Specification for package, transportation and storage of large and medium hydraulic units
GB/T 32584 Evaluation of mechanical vibration for machine sets in hydraulic power plants and pump-storage plants
DL/T 443 Factory acceptance test guide of hydraulic turbine-generator unit and auxiliaries
DL/T 507 Start-up test code for hydro-generating units
DL/T 710 Code of operation for hydraulic turbines
JB/T 1270 Shaft forgings for hydraulic turbines and hydraulic generators - Technical specification
NB/T 47013.2 Non-destructive Testing of Pressure Equipments - Part 2: Radiographic Testing
NB/T 47013.3 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments - Part 3: Ultrasonic Testing
NB/T 47013.4 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments - Part 4: Magnetic Particle Testing
NB/T 47013.5 Nondestructive testing of pressure equipment - Part 5: Penetrant testing
NB/T 47013.10 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipments - Part 10: Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Ultrasonic Testing
IEC 60193 Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Model acceptance tests
CCH-70-4 Specification for inspection of steel castings for hydraulic machines
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 2900.45 and the following apply.
3.1 Characteristic water level of hydropower station
check flood level of upper pool
ZFL max
maximum water level reached in front of the dam when the reservoir encounters the check standard flood of the dam, which means the maximum flood level allowed to be temporarily reached under the condition of extraordinary operation of the reservoir
Note: The unit is m.
design flood level of upper pool
maximum water level reached in front of the dam when the reservoir encounters the design standard flood of the dam, which means the maximum water level allowed to reach under normal operation of the reservoir
Note: The unit is m.
normal pool level
under normal operation of the reservoir, the maximum water level allowed to be reached before the start of the water supply period in order to meet the profit-making requirements such as power generation
Note: The unit is m.
minimum operation water level
under the normal operation of the reservoir, the lowest water level allowed to fall in profit-making operation
Note: The unit is m.
check flood (maximum) tail water level
corresponding water level at the tail water outlet section, when the tail water gauge section of hydropower station encounters check flood
Note: The unit is m.
design flood tail water level
corresponding water level at the tail water outlet section, when the tail water gauge section of hydropower station encounters design flood
Note: The unit is m.
design tail water level
water level at the tail water outlet section used for determining the setting elevation of hydraulic turbine
Note: The unit is m.
minimum tail water level
water level at the turbine tail water outlet section under the minimum discharge of tail water gauge section of hydropower station
Note: The unit is m.
3.2 Gross head of hydropower station
maximum gross head
Hg max
difference between the normal pool level at the inlet section and the minimum tail water level during the normal operation of hydropower station
Note: The unit is m.
minimum gross head
Hg min
difference between the lowest water level at the inlet section and the highest water level at the corresponding tail water outlet section during normal operation of hydropower station, which means the minimum water level elevation difference between upstream and downstream water levels of hydropower station under a certain combination
Note: The unit is m.
3.3 Head
effective head of hydraulic turbine, which is the total unit energy of high- and low-pressure reference sections of hydraulic turbine
Note: The unit is m.
maximum head
head after the maximum gross head of the hydropower station minus the total head loss of the water conveyance system with the smallest head loss when a machine is running at no load
Note: The unit is m.
minimum head
head after the minimum gross head of the power station minus the total head loss of all units in the water conveyance system when generating the maximum power under the head
Note: The unit is m.
weighted average head
weighted average value of head in consideration of operating time under different powers within the specified operating range of the power station
Note: The unit is m.
design head
head corresponding to the optimum efficiency point of hydraulic turbine
Note: The unit is m.
rated head
minimum head required by a hydraulic turbine to output rated power at rated speed
Note: The unit is m.
Foreword i Introduction ii 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions 4 Technical requirements 5 Performance guarantee 6 Basic functions of hydraulic turbine control system 7 Supply scope and spare parts 8 Data and drawing 9 Factory inspection and test 10 Nameplate, packaging, transportation and storage 11 Installation, operation, maintenance, and acceptance test Annex A (Normative) Efficiency correction equation of reaction turbine Annex B (Normative) Efficiency correction equation of impulse turbine Annex C (Normative) Recommended evaluation area of peak-to-peak value of relative vibration displacement of main shaft Annex D (Informative) Instruments for basic configuration of hydraulic turbine equipment Annex E (Informative) Spare parts list of hydraulic turbines
1 范围 本标准规定了水轮机产品设计、制造方面的性能保证、技术要求、供货范围和检验试验项目,并提出了其包装、运输、保管和安装、运行、维护应遵守的规定。 本标准适用于符合下列条件之一的水轮机产品: a) 额定功率为10 MW 及以上; b) 混流式、冲击式水轮机,转轮公称直径1.0m 及以上; c) 轴流式、斜流式、贯流式水轮机,转轮公称直径3.0m 及以上。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 191 包装储运图示标志(GB/T 191—2008,ISO 780:1997,MOD) GB/T 2900.45 电工术语 水电站水力机械设备(GB/T 2900.45—2006,IEC/T R61364:1999,MOD) GB/T 3323.1 焊缝无损检测 射线检测 第1部分:X 和伽玛射线的胶片技术 GB/T 8564 水轮发电机组安装技术规范 GB/T 9239.1 机械振动 恒态(刚性)转子平衡品质要求 第1 部分:规范与平衡允差的检验(GB/T 9239.1—2006,ISO 1940-1:2003,IDT) GB/T 9797 金属覆盖层 镍+铬和铜+镍+铬电镀层(GB/T 9797—2005,ISO 1456:2003,IDT) GB/T 10969 水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机通流部件技术条件 GB11120 涡轮机油 GB/T 11345 焊缝无损检测 超声检测 技术、检测等级和评定 GB/T 11805 水轮发电机组自动化元件(装置)及其系统基本技术条件 GB/T 15469.1 水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机空蚀评定 第1 部分:反击式水轮机的空蚀评定(GB/T 15469.1—2008,IEC60609-1:2004,MOD) GB/T 15613(所有部分) 水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机模型验收试验 GB/T 17189 水力机械(水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机)振动和脉动现场测试规程(GB/T 17189—2017,IEC60994:1991,MOD) GB/T 19184 水斗式水轮机空蚀评定(GB/T 19184—2003,IEC60609-2:1997,MOD) GB/T 20043 水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机水力性能现场验收试验规程(GB/T 20043—2005,IEC60041:1991,MOD) GB/T 28546 大中型水电机组包装、运输和保管规范 GB/T 32584 水力发电厂和蓄能泵站机组机械振动的评定 DL/T 443 水轮发电机组及其附属设备出厂检验导则 DL/T 507 水轮发电机组启动试验规程 DL/T 710 水轮机运行规程 JB/T 1270 水轮机、水轮发电机大轴锻件 技术条件 NB/T 47013.2 承压设备无损检测 第2部分:射线检测 NB/T 47013.3 承压设备无损检测 第3部分:超声检测 NB/T 47013.4 承压设备无损检测 第4部分:磁粉检测 NB/T 47013.5 承压设备无损检测 第5部分:渗透检测 NB/T 47013.10 承压设备无损检测 第10部分:衍射时差法超声检测 IEC60193 水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机 模型验收试验(Hydraulic turbines,storage pumps and pump-turbines—Model acceptance tests) CCH-70-4 水力机械铸钢件检验规范(Specification for inspection of steel castings for hydraulic machines) 3 术语和定义 GB/T 2900.45 界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。 3.1 水电站特征水位 3.1.1 校核洪水位 check flood level of upper pool ZFL max 水库遇到大坝的校核标准洪水时在坝前达到的最高水位。即水库在非常运用情况下,允许临时达到的最高洪水位。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.1.2 设计洪水位 design flood level of upper pool ZFL.d 水库遇到大坝的设计标准洪水时在坝前达到的最高水位。即水库在正常运用情况下,允许达到的最高水位。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.1.3 正常蓄水位 normal pool level ZPL.n 水库在正常运用情况下,为满足发电等兴利要求在供水期开始前允许蓄到的最高水位。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.1.4 死水位 minimum operation water level ZPL.min 水库在正常运用情况下,兴利调度允许消落到的最低水位。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.1.5 校核洪水尾水位(最高尾水位) check flood(maximum) tail water level ZTL.max 在水电站尾水水尺断面遇到校核洪水时,尾水出口断面处的相应水位。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.1.6 设计洪水尾水位 design flood tail water level ZTL.d 在水电站尾水水尺断面遇到设计洪水时,尾水出口断面处的相应水位。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.1.7 设计尾水位 design tail water level ZTL.n 确定水轮机安装高程所用的尾水出口断面处的水位。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.1.8 最低尾水位 minimum tail water level ZTL.min 在水电站尾水水尺断面最小流量情况下,水轮机尾水出口断面处的水位。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.2 水电站毛水头 3.2.1 最大毛水头 maximum gross head Hgmax 水电站正常工作期间,进口断面的正常蓄水位和最低尾水位之差。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.2.2 最小毛水头 minimum gross head Hgmin 水电站正常工作期间,进口断面的最低水位与相应的尾水出口断面的最高水位之差。即水电站上下游水位在一定组合下出现的最小水位高程差。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.3 水轮机水头 3.3.1 水轮机水头 head H 水轮机做功用的有效水头,为水轮机高、低压基准断面的总单位能量。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.3.2 最大水头 maximum head Hmax 电站最大毛水头减去一台机空载运行时水头损失最小的输水系统总水头损失后的水轮机水头。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.3.3 最小水头 minimum head Hmin 电站最小毛水头减去本输水系统全部机组发该水头下最大功率时总水头损失后的水轮机水头。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.3.4 加权平均水头 weighted average head Hw 在规定的电站运行范围内,考虑不同功率下运行时间的水轮机水头的加权平均值。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.3.5 设计水头 design head Hd 水轮机最优效率点对应的水头。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.3.6 额定水头 rated head Hr 水轮机在额定转速下,输出额定功率时所需的最小水头。 注:单位为米(m)。 3.3.7 最高瞬态压力 maximum momentary pressure pm max 输水系统中指定部位在过渡过程工况下的最高表计压。 注:单位为帕(Pa)。 3.3.8 最低瞬态压力 minimum momentary pressure pm min 输水系统中指定部位在过渡过程工况下的最低表计压力。 注:单位为帕(Pa)。 3.4 水轮机流量 3.4.1 水轮机流量 turbine discharge Q 单位时间内通过高压基准断面的水的体积。 注:单位为立方米每秒(m3/s)。 3.4.2 额定流量 rated discharge Qr 在额定水头、额定转速下输出额定功率时的流量。 注:单位为立方米每秒(m3/s)。 3.4.3 空载流量 no-load discharge Qo 在额定转速下水轮发电机组输出功率为零时的流量。 注:单位为立方米每秒(m3/s)。 3.4.4 单位流量 unit discharge Q11 在1m 水头下,转轮公称直径为1m 的水轮机流量。 注:单位为立方米每秒(m3/s)。 3.5 水轮机转速 3.5.1 额定转速 rated speed nr 水轮机按电站设计选定的稳态同步转速。 注:单位为转每分(r/min)。 3.5.2 飞逸转速 runaway speed nrun 水轮机处于失控状态,轴端负荷力矩为零时水轮机的稳态转速。 注:单位为转每分(r/min)。 3.5.3 最高飞逸转速 maximum runaway speed nmax 在规定的运行水头范围内,水轮机处于失控状态,轴端负荷力矩为零时水轮机可能达到的最高稳态转速。 注:单位为转每分(r/min)。 3.5.4 最高瞬态飞逸转速 maximum momentary runaway speed nR max 在规定的运行范围内,水轮机处于失控状态,轴端负荷力矩为零时水轮机可能达到的最高瞬态转速。 注:单位为转每分(r/min)。 3.5.5 最高瞬态过速 maximum momentary overspeed nm max 在规定的运行范围内,机组突甩负荷后,导叶或折向器(偏流器)按给定的关闭规律关闭过程中机组可能达到的最高转速。 注:单位为转每分(r/min)。 3.5.6 单位转速 unit speed n11 在1m 水头下,转轮公称直径为1m 的水轮机的转速。 注:单位为转每分(r/min)。 3.5.7 比转速 specific speed ns 在1m 水头下,输出功率为1kW 时水轮机的转速,按式(1)计算。 (1) 式中: ns——水轮机比转速,单位为米千瓦(m·kW); n——水轮机转速,单位为转每分(r/min); P——水轮机功率,单位为千瓦(kW); H——水轮机水头,单位为米(m)。 3.5.8 额定比转速 rated specific speed nsr 按额定工况参数计算得出的比转速。 注:单位为米千瓦(m·kW)。 3.5.9 最优比转速 optimum specific speed nsd 按水轮机额定功率、额定转速和设计水头计算得出的比转速。 注:单位为米千瓦(m·kW)。 3.6 水轮机功率 3.6.1 水轮机输入功率 turbine input power Ph 通过高压基准断面的水流所具有的水力功率。 注:单位为瓦(W)。 3.6.2 转轮输出功率 runner output power Pm 转轮与轴连接处传递的机械功率。 注:单位为瓦(W)。 3.6.3 水轮机机械功率损失 turbine mechanical power loss Plm 转动部件与固定部件之间因机械摩擦损失的功率。分为三部分:导轴承、推力轴承(按推力负荷比例分担的部分)和主轴密封损失的机械功率。 注:单位为瓦(W)。 3.6.4 水轮机输出功率 turbine output power P 主轴输出的机械功率,为转轮输出功率扣除水轮机机械功率损失(Plm)后的功率(P=Pm-Plm)。 简称水轮机功率。 注:单位为瓦(W)。 3.6.5 额定功率 rated power Pr 在额定水头和额定转速下水轮机能够连续