This Standard specifies classifications method and representation method of designations for metal heat treatment.
This Standard is applicable to computer-aided process management and technological design in machinery manufacture industry.
The codes specified in this Standard are inapplicable to marking on the drawing.
2 Normative References
The provisions in the following document, through being referenced in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. Dated reference, subsequent amendments (excluding the correction contents), or revisions is inapplicable to this Standard. However, parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the latest editions those documents. For undated references, their latest editions apply.
GB/T 7232 Terminology of Metal Heat Treatment
GB/T 8121 the Terminology of Technological Material for Heat Treatment
JB/T 5992.7 Classifications and Coding for Machinery Manufacture Heat Treatment
3 Classification Principle
Classifications for metal heat treatment can be divided according to two main levels: basic classifications and additional classifications; each main level can be subdivided further.
3.1 Basic classifications
According to the generic terms, technology type and name (classifications according to obtained texture or penetrated element), heat treatment technology shall be classified into 3 levels, see Table 1.